また大工の仕事? Here he goes again with more carpentry work

August 3, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi





Last summer, I replaced the fences for a couple of the guest rooms here at Kamesei Ryokan. I (gladly!) demolished the concrete block ones, built new fences out of wood in a horizontal woven pattern, and set them in place of the old concrete ones. Now light and the breeze can pass through the fence, which allowed our gardener to make some nice gardens for those rooms. Our guests have been happy with the results. And the outer appearance of our inn was improved immensely.

This summer will be round two. I'm going to replace a third room's ugly concrete fence with a new wood one. Today I went and bought the supplies. Our little K-Truck pick-up is sure coming in handy!

旅館の経営:どんな客層か Running an Inn: What type of clientele?

July 10, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


As I evolve from Kamesei Ryokan's futon flipper to it's owner, I'm learning to look at a lot of things from a wider angle. Mari, my wife, and I are currently putting a lot of discussion into what kind of guests are the best match for our inn. Banquets with heavy drinking guys that call in the "companion" ladies? Young couples? Older people travelling with their parents? Class reunions? School sports teams? Guests with pets? Guests with children? The wealthy? Travellers from overseas?
And once we get a feel for what type of clientele is best, then wew have to figure out what each individual type of clientele would value the most. What plan(s) would be most attractive to them?
We are formulating some new plans now to hopefully better meet the needs of the type of guests who would most appreciate our inn. Stay tuned!

焼き鳥屋魅力:良い出会い Yakitori Magic: Encounters

July 6, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Yumi's Yakitori: Famous Encounters


A buddy of mine from my exchange student days in Kobe came to Kamiyamada. I took him over to Yumi's for some yakitori (chicken shishkebabs). I often take our guests over for the food and beer and Yumi-san's entertainment. So it was a rare event for me to belly up to the counter and order a tall, frothy one. One of our counter-mates looked at me and said, "Hey, it's that famous Tyler fellow!" He explained that he makes classic guitars. "Oh, over in Obasute? You're the guy that was featured on NHK. I've heard all about you!" So Kiyoshi Agemizu and I had a discussion on who was more famous. Needless to say, we hit it off right away.
It made me realize that neighborhood yakitori joints are more than just frothy beers and good grub -- it's encounters like this that make them special.

上水清さんのHPはこちらClick here for Agemizu-san's website.

講師として勉強になる When the Teacher Learns

June 30, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

今回の研修会のもう一人の講師が上田市の服部 年明様でした。長野市のルネサンスの建築家と呼ばれているそうです。本人が長野市のタウンマネージャーだった間、大手デパートの跡を市が回収し、市民の中心的な場所を作った;またもう一つのでかいデパートの跡はToigoってテレビ局の本社や人が集まる施設ができた;善光寺の手前にいくつかな空き店舗があって、「パティオ大門」って蔵のテーマの商業施設ができた。とにかく、ものすごく効果を出している人。会ってみたいと思いました。そしたら、今日の公演は昼食の為に少し早く来る様に言われて、隣に座っていたのは、なんと服部さん本人でした!ちょうど良い機会で私が興味津々でしたから色々と聞きました。服部さんはすごい人です。会社のマネージャーなら、商品の組み合わせを管理して、どれが効果を出しているか、何が抜けているか、全部を管理する。町もそうしないと進まないと説明してくれた。亀清旅館は独自で動いてもダメ。温泉街があるから亀清がある。川と山があるから温泉街がある。つまり、全体を合わせて動かないと駄目。
Nagano Prefecture's Chamber of Commerce invited me to give talks in Matsumoto last week and Nagano City today at their annual Instructors' Seminar. The idea was for me to give the instructors some new concepts to use when advising various companies in the prefecture.
I really like giving these types of talks, for two reasons. One is it gives me a chance to raise awareness for the "Inbound" cause. The other is I get to see and meet new places / people. Today's talk was no exception. One of the other speakers was Toshiaki Hattori. During his time as Nagano City's "Town Manager", one defunct department store's building was bought by the city and several essential city functions were centralized there making it a major people draw. Another defunct store was replaced by a TV station's HQ, another people draw. And several empty stores near Zenkoji were remade into "Patio Daimon", a snazzy warehouse-themed shopping plaza. This Hattori-san managed to produce some fantastic results for Nagano City. It was fascinating to talk with him. He explained that, for example, our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, doesn't exist by itself. It's because of the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen town that it exists. The town itself exists because of its proximity to Zenkoji. The entirety has to be taken into account and managed as one.
Talking with Hattori-san raised some anxieties that I have with government and democracy. Back in my home state as well as at the national level in America, the Democratic Party took control, but all of the promised improvements have become bogged down in politics. America was supposed to be the pinnacle of democracy, but that same 'pinnacle' caused this world-wide recession with the sub-prime crash. Perhaps democracy isn't "progress" after all. Another example is here in Chikuma City, which was made by the merger of 2 towns and 1 city in 2003. Usually these mergers result in efficiencies allowing for a reduced total number of city workers. However, the number has actually grown! No corporate M&A would allow that to happen. There isn't enough accountability!
Listening to Hattori-san makes me wonder if a Singapore-like city / country manager system wouldn't be more effective...

旅館若旦那達は偶に休まなきゃ Us innkeepers need an occasional play day

June 28, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Catch that ball!


Running a ryokan can become a 24-7 job. It's easy to become lost in the work -- which can't be good for one's health. But when the Nagano Junior Ryokan Association announced they would be hosting a kickball tournament, I thought, "Who has the time to goof off like that? There are so many things that need fixing here at the inn, and so much work that has piled up!" So, grudgingly I went to Aoki Village to play in the tournament.
It was a good thing I went. I realized that it's important to occasionally get some exercise other than futon flipping! The Northern Kanto Block leader (or "king" as he likes to be called) is the very charismatic guy that willed this event to take place. I am very thankful!

Kicking Tochigi's butt

Team Nagano

King with his Mad Max Interceptor

What a day! にぎやかな一日

June 23, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Today was quite a day. Not all of my days here at Kamesei Ryokan are this busy, but on the other hand, it wasn't all that unusual either.
The day started at 5am, with taking Pauline and her classmate from Keio U. to zazen meditation. Then we came back to the inn, and I cooked pancakes for the kids' breakfast. After that I flipped futons and sent off our guests from the previous night, including a family from Singapore. We stopped at a cherry orchard on the way to the station -- more on that in a later post. Then the director of the city's Economic Development office came to discuss the English walking map / restaurant guide I am making. Next I drove up to Obasute Station, parked the K-Truck and hopped on a train to Matsumoto. There I gave a talk to the Prefectural Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting. (That was a bit daunting to be lecturing to the lectors...) I had a bit of time to kill before the next train back, so I hooked up with my buddy Tom working at a think-tank in 'Moto for a late lunch bowl of ramen. Then it was back to Obasute Station and to Kamesei, where one of our new regular guests was waiting. Itogawa-sensei had been intrigued by one of the statues on display in our inn, and had researched all about it for me. After flipping futons for tonight's guests, it was off to Okagura practice at the town's main park. Somewhere in there was a phone call from NHK, the national broadcaster requesting to do feature TV show on Kamesei.
5am zazen, okagura practice, speeches ... nothing new. But all in one day -- that was a first. Also, at the zazen room, the monk was away so I had to lead the meditation. That was also a first. And at the okagura practice, I put my flute down for one dance and tried my hand at being the rear person in the lion -- another new experience.
All in all, a very full day!

町の大会で体育当番 My turn helping at the town's sports tourney

June 14, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Let the Games Begin, Seriously!?


Since moving from a city in the States to a town here in the countryside of Japan, I've had quite a lot to adapt to. Yesterday was the latest: our town's "soft" volleyball tournament.

(Note: soft volleyball is like beach volleyball except there's no beach and no volleyball. You use a beachball-like soft ball and play 4-a-side volleyball on a court. Only in Japan...)

Kamesei Ryokan is in Kamiyamada Onsen's 11th "ku" district. When I was asked to be our ku's representative to the Community Center, I thought to myself, with all the volunteering I do for Easter and Halloween, and all the help I do for civic improvement for the town, region and prefecture, how much more do I have to contribute to society? I asked if I turned this down, would the role eventually come to me anyways? The crisp answer: "Yes!" So for that reason, I ended up becoming the Kamiyamada Community Center Physical Education representative.
Our first big event was yesterday's soft volleyball tournament. After what seemed like endless preparations and practices, the tournament was finally held, starting off with a shockingly serious "opening ceremony". Fortunately, it led to a really enjoyable tournament, with great efforts by the individual participants. Our onsen team ended up coming in 3rd. The guys' softball team finished their tournament in 1st. Great job, everyone!

The celebrating teams

冠着山の頂上の一晩 子供たちとキャンプ A night at the top of Kamuriki Mtn. -- Campout with the kids

June 6, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Camping on the top of Kamuriki Mtn.


Nagano is blessed with such beautiful natural scenery. It would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Last night, the kids and I packed up our tent and sleeping bags, climbed up to the top of Kamuriki Mountain (aka "Obasute Yama"), and camped out. In the evening, we had a panorama view of Nagano and Ueda cities, and in the morning we awoke to the sun rising over Sugadaira Heights, and on the opposite side, that same sun lighting up the Japanese Alps.
Our kids and I love camping. We are so fortunate to have such a spectacular place to camp so close to Kamesei Ryokan.

Sunset over the Alps

Alps Sunset close-up

Zenkoji Plain at Dusk

Alps lit by Sunrise

Alps lit by sunrise close-up

Sunrise over Sugadaira

Utsukushigahara at sunrise

庭の手入れ:奥深い! Taking Care of the Garden: More to it than I thought!

May 28, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Hmm, which branch next?

Since moving from the States to Nagano, there has been a lot to get used to and to learn. One of the biggest for me has been gardening. Back at our house in Seattle, over the years I gradually got to know what flowers did best in that climate, how to trim the trees, and what shapes the plants should be. Moving to Kamesei Ryokan meant starting all over again from scratch, with the different climate and Japan's gardening "rules". Plus, I've had to get a feel for what style of gardening would match Kamesei -- a strict, traditional "Japanese Garden", or a more natural one that would reflect the relaxing tone of our inn as well as all the beautiful nature that surrounds us.
One tree in the naka-niwa garden is a point in case. I had called it the poodle tree. You know how people cut poodle dogs' hair so that it's poofy in spots and shaved down to the bony skin in others? This tree had round poofs of leaves bare, "bony" branches in between. I wanted a more natural look for it, so I let the branches grow a year. Today I got out the clippers and tried my hand at trimming it. I tried to figure out which branches to leave and which to trim. There sure is an art to trimming.
While I enjoy gardening like this, I also have to determine, as the owner of the inn, if this is the best use of my time. Just one more thing to worry about...

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

稲荷山の町並み保存 市長に挨拶 Preserving Inariyama -- Taking the case to the Mayor

May 25, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Taking it to the Mayor

まあ、去年は千曲市が「花いっぱい運動」を中止したぐらい町並み関心の(及び予算)がないから言い訳で終わっちゃいそう・・・  悲しい。
Last week I wrote about how Kyoto was losing its Kyoto-ness. Then at the Japanese Inn Group annual meeting, one of the Kyoto innkeepers got upset, saying that Kyoto has come to realize that it doesn't exist in a vaccuum, that it is in Japan, and as such has a responsiblity to honor and respect its traditions as such.
I wasn't trying to be critical of Kyoto per se. I was just mentioning it as one example. All over Japan, areas of Japan-ness are disappearing. Here in Chikuma City, the most noticeable is the Inariyama district with a large concentration of earthen-walled storehouses. At one point, the city was using pictures of Inariyama in its tourism literature. But so many of the classic storehouses have been demolished, or covered in aluminum siding, that it's become an embarrassment as a tourist site. Today, some of the members of the Inariyama Preservation Society and I got an appointment with the mayor and passed on our desire for the city's help in preserving these irreplaceable buildings. Private owners can't pay for the upkeep themselves -- public support is necessary. The mayor was surprised to see me attend. I told him it was for districts like Inariyama that I came to Japan!
However, Chikuma City's cancelation of its city-supported flower program last year I think is an indication of how little importance the city pays to its appearance (as well as how tight the budget is). I am afraid Inariyama's storehouses will dissappear in a sea of excuses... How unfortunate.