After last weeks earthquake that happened on the border between Niigata and Nagano Prefectures, it seemed to me like the onsen water in our baths here at Kamesei Ryokan had some black sediment in it. So when I spotted Takai-san, the guy who goes around checking the onsen wells, I asked him about it. He confirmed that the earthquake seemed to shake loose lots of minerals in the onsen wells. The volume of onsen water coming up also changed, he said. It's scary how much an earthquake can effect our onsen. I guess everything is connected underground.
I heard through the ryokan association grape vine that at some of the onsen resort areas in the hardest hit areas of the M7.9 earthquake in eastern Japan, the onsen water stopped flowing. Those proprieters there may be able to repair damage to their inns, but if there's no onsen, would it be worth it?
Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we really rely on the onsen waters. Our chef could put out the best meals anywhere, and our inn could be the most relaxing setting possible and our hospitality be the best, but without the onsen water, would anyone come?
It reminds me of a conversation I had with someone from Tsumago-juku, a post town in the Kiso River Valley. Her town is oozing with history. But she said she was jealous of Kamiyamada because we have an onsen. I thought she was crazy. Our onsen town's history is so short -- just a bit over 100 years. In her town, every where you turn, history jumps out at you. But she said that if only they had an onsen, how so many more people would come.
It makes me realize the importance of our onsen and the need to be thankful. And also how fragile and earthquake-prone it is.