Category Archives: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi
県旅館組合親会に参加し、いきなり小委員会リーダー First time at the main ryokan assoc. -- and made a group leader!
August 26, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi旅館組合青年部で色んな活動してきました: 戸倉上山田支部も、県も全国も。今回は県旅館組合の親会の委員会に呼ばれました。
中学生35人に温泉街の案内 Taking 35 Middle School Students for a Tour of our Onsen
July 27, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi私は色んな人達をこの戸倉上山田温泉を案内して来ました。でも、今日は初めて中学生35人を案内した。
Over the years, I have guided a number of people around Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. But today was a first -- taking 35 middle school students for a tour.
Our local Togami Middle School contacted me, the ryokan junior association leader, to show the students our onsen town. I arranged for them to see the Onsen Museum as well as for all of them to take a bath at Kame no Yu. And for an hour this morning, I walked with the students around our town pointing out the various places of interest. I also explained about what type of civic improvement has taken place until now, and what my dream is for the future.
Hopefully the students gained an understanding and an interest in our onsen town.
赤い空 戸倉上山田温泉の夏の日の入り Red Sky: Summer Sunset in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen
July 9, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi戸倉上山田温泉は冠着山の麓で、千曲川沿いにあります。夏は太陽さんが沈み始まる時、まずは冠着山の裏に隠れます。そして、一度は山の方に顔を出してから、完全に沈みます。
During the summer months here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, the sun takes a mischevious path as it sets. Just to the west of our onsen town is Kamuriki Mountain, towering 880 meters above the Chikuma River and our town nestled here along the river banks.
As the sun sets, it first ducks behind Kamuriki Mountain, but then makes a quick appearance above the mountain's northern shoulder before retiring for the night. I am not sure if it because of this unique dance with the mountain or not, but the setting sun often creates the most brilliant red sunsets in the sky above Togura-Kamiyamada.
Last night was such a night. Here are a few pictures. I'm afraid they don't do the colors justice.
筑波山の山頂にて From Tsukubasan's Summit
July 7, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi夕べは旅館青年部の集まりで茨城県の筑波山温泉に泊まりました。朝は少し余裕があったからケーブルカーに乗って、筑波山の山頂まで行ってみました。晴れている日なら、東京のスカイツリーが見れるそうですが、今日は雲の中だったせいで、数メーター先のブナの木さえ見えなかった。
In conjunction with the ryokan junior association's big get-together in Ibariki, all the participants stayed at Tsukubasan Onsen. In the morning, I had a bit of free time, so I rode the cable car to the summit of the onsen's namesake Tsukubasan Mountain.
In spite of being known as the Eastern counterpart to Western Japan's Mount Fuji, and despite having not only a cool cable car but an awe-inspiring ropeway gondola lift as well, there were surpringly few tourists. In fact, at the summit, there were more souvenir stands that tourists. Maybe it was because of being a weekday, or maybe it was due to the foggy conditions (I could barely see a beech tree a few meters away, let alone Sky Tree in Tokyo).
Nevertheless, it made me realize that onsen areas like Togura Kamiyamada can't just rely on having a tourist destination nearby. We have to build on the attractiveness of our town itself.
Taking a trip to another onsen district can be very inspiring!
日本語の勉強をやめようかな?! No More Nihongo?!
June 14, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashiどうでも良い事ですが、私は日本語の勉強をやめようかと考えています。
まずは、その背景: 私は大学に入ってから日本語を勉強し始まった。20歳まで「アリガトウ」の意味さえ分からなかった。大学や留学で苦労して、何とか喋れるようになった。日本語の勉強は確かに大変だった。特に漢字。しかし、唯一安心したのは、変な例外がない。漢字をいったん覚えれば、ずっと使えるという事で、漢字の勉強に頑張った。
This doesn't have anything to do with the ryokan, but I've decided to quit studying Japanese.
Allow me to explain. I didn't start studying the Japanese language until I got into college. I didn't even know what 'arigatou' meant until I was around 20. And learning the language, especially all of those kanji characters was a bitch. But the one thing that kept me sane was knowing kanji doesn't have exceptions. Once you learn a character, you've learnt it for eternity.
Since we moved to Japan and our kids started school here, I've gone from studying Japanese to helping teaching it to our kids. I've helped them understand some of the language's quirks, but through it all have been the rock-solid, un-changing kanji characters. Maybe a few updated stroke orders here or there, but the characters remain the same.
So today, when I helped our 5th grades son Andy with his kanji homework, I corrected his writing for the 'sai' in 'kokusai' (international). He wrote it with the right upper part having 2 legs. I told him it only has 1. He insisted his textbook says 2.
Before moving to Japan, I worked at an international trading company for 11 years, and wrote sai with 1 leg more times than I care to remember. But Andy showed me his textbook, and by golly, 2 legs. I dug out my old dictionary, and sure enough, 1 leg. How about computers? 1 leg. So which is correct? I actually called text book publisher (what kind of Dad would do that?) and asked. They said printers use 1 leg for ease of reading, but text books teach 2 legs for ease of writing; both are correct.
So a different way from what I learned is correct? What a bunch of bull. Talk about wishy-washy. I feel like I wasted all those years of struggling to learn the language. I feel like wanting to quit studying!
久しぶりに泣きました。 Crying for the first time in a long time
June 7, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s OmotenashiPeepolo RIP
Today I went to the funeral for Nakahara-san, one of my fellow Nagano Ryokan Junior Association members from Peepolo inn in Norikura. He was 43 years young. Too young.
When I first became active in the ryokan junior association at the prefectural level, Nakahara-san took me under his wing and helped teach me about everything.
At his funeral, another ryokan buddy and two of his childhood friends gave tearful speaches. I broke down and cried listening to them.
Crying won't bring him back.
Yet still, I couldn't help crying.
'Sayonara' is so sad.
2つ日間の宣伝キャラバン@東京 Two Day Whirlwind Caravan @ Tokyo
May 12, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi水曜日の朝早く新幹線に乗って東京へ出て、戸倉上山田温泉の旅館経営者仲間と2班に分けて旅行エージェントや新聞・雑誌など5か所ずつ訪問して、夜はジャパニーズ・イン・グループの総会・懇親会、木曜日は朝からまた旅行新聞社に訪問、お昼は長野県の旅行会社向けの商談会に、夕方は今度インバウンドエージェント向けの商談会に、夜はまた新幹線に乗ってとんでもない時間に帰る。長い2日間でしたが、戸倉上山田温泉のPRをたっぷりできて、良かったです。
Early Tuesday morning: hop on the Shinkansen bullet train to Tokyo and make the rounds of travel agents and media with fellow innkeepers from Togura Kamiyamada followed by attending the Japanese Inn Group Annual Meeting banquet in the evening. Then Wednesday, visiting more travel media, then participating at the Chikuma City booth at the Nagano Prefecture travel forum for travel agents, followed by a similar one for 'Inbound' agents. Finally, hop back on the Shink to get home just in time to avoid turning into a pumpkin.
Now I have to follow up on all the business cards I received. A ryokan proprietor's job is much more than just flipping futons!
青年部の新部長挨拶 My First-Ever Junior Ryokan Assoc. Chairman's Address
April 29, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi夕べの戸倉上山田温泉旅館組合青年部総会で、私は正式的に「青年部長」になりました。予定より2年早いで、色々と不安ですが、前向きにやります。
あっ、これが「青年部長だ」と。英語で言えば、Lead by Example.
ただ、私の場合は皆さんが逆に真似できない部分がある:青い眼の所。恐らく、「亀清が伸びているのはタイラーがテレビに出ているから;ずるい」とともっているメンバーがいるかもしれない。英語で言えば、'Media Whore'。
先日の智識寺の春祭りに県外ナンバーの車があって、後で聞いたけどこの田舎の小さな祭りは青い眼の若旦那ブログで知ったと。東京テレビやFuji TV等、ブログを見て声をかけてきた。
総会のシーズン: 東京、志賀高原と、今晩、地元の戸倉上山田温泉 'Tis the Season for Annual Meetings: Tokyo, Shiga Kogen, and tonight, here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen
April 28, 2011: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi先週は東京(全旅連青年部)、一昨日は志賀高原(長野県旅館青年部)、そして今晩は地元で(戸倉上山田温泉旅館組合青年部)。総会シーズンでございます。
Last week in Tokyo for the national level of the Junior Ryokan Association, 2 nights ago in Shiga Kogen for the Nagano J.R.A., and now tonight for the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen ryokan junior assiociation -- 'tis annual meeting season.
At the Tokyo meeting, the most memorable parts were saying goodbye to my fellow members of the 'Yado Recipe' study group, greeting the flamboyant Kuramoto-san (the 'king' of the Northern Kanto/Niigata/Nagano Block), hearing Nozawa-san of the parent association talk about his experience rebuilding after the Niigata earthquake, and getting to meet Ozawa-san, the chairwoman of the Iwate Prefecture junior association. She was adamant that I go to Iwate and see the tsunami damage with my own eyes. A very intense, powerful lady.
At the prefectural meeting in still-snowy Shiga Kogen, I was officially appointed the leader of the new Inbound committee. It was a pleasure meeting my fellow team members. I'm looking forward to a productive 2 years.
And at tonight's local association meeting, I will be named the new chairperson. This, too, will be a big step for me.
Needless to say, I am nervous!