クールジャパン: 着物着付けwith戸倉上山田温泉芸妓さん達 Cool Japan: Kimono Wearing with the Togura Kamiyamada Geisha

October 1, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

戸倉上山田の温泉街を「クールジャパン」として海外に紹介する事業が始まりました。その中で芸者さん達と話し合ってみた結果: 着物着付けwith戸倉上山田温泉芸寮組合



New Activity for onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada: Kimono Wearing by the Geisha.

Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada is proud of its geisha heritage. Today there are around 20 active geisha that provide dancing and musical entertainment for guests at banquets at the many onsen inns and hotels. One thing the geisha often mention is the pride they have in the kimonos that they wear, and love sharing the experience of wearing their elegant kimonos with guests. You, too, can try on a real-life geisha kimono with assistance by actual geisha.

Many locations in Japan offer kimono-wearing experiences, but Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen is likely the only place where you can try on an actual geisha kimono with real geisha assisting. The intricate layering, wearing the 'katsura' wig, the decorative tying of the obi ... the whole process will amaze you and interacting with the geisha each step of the way is certain to be a memorably joy. At the end, the geisha will help you strike a captivating pose for a once-in-a-lifetime picture.

荒砥城祭り2013年 侍になろう! Feel Your Samurai Spirit at the 2013 Arato Fort Festival

September 27, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous




Above our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada stands the mountain fortress Arato-jo. Once a year the castle is opened for free to the public for the Arato-jo Festival. For 2013, the festival will be held on Sunday 20-October. There will be plenty of activities especially for kids to experience what samurai life was like.

Normally the Arato-jo Festival and the Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen Halloween Party are held on the same day, and as I always running the Halloween deal, I can never participate up at the castle. However, this year Halloween's being moved a different date, freeing me up to help at the castle.

So come and join my for this year's Arato-jo Festival!

荒砥城 Arato-jo Fort

Chef武井の9月後半メニュー Chef Takei's Late September Menu

September 26, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

A couple of photographers came to do a photo shoot for a magazine. I got to sneak in this picture using the pro lighting of Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei Kaiseki Dinner Menu for late September. Menu description as below:

旬の物 焼き茄子 Baked Eggplant
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Spicy Nanban-seasoned Saku Carp
サラダ 生湯葉サラダ Salad with Yuba (tofu skin)
蒸し物 Big栗(吃驚)茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、蛸 Kajiki Tuna, Shrimp, Octopus
焼き物 鮎塩焼き Salt-rubbed Grilled Ayu Sweetfish
台の物 4種類の茸鍋 Hot Pot with 4 Varieties of local Mushrooms
別皿  味噌漬け豆腐と松茸のホイル焼き Foil-baked Tofu seasoned with miso, Unagi (eel) seasoned with white miso and Matsutake mushrooms
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
お椀  松茸汁 Matsutake Mushroom Soup
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and assorted Pickled Vegetables
水皿  3食の地どり葡萄 Tri-color Local Grapes


September 20, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous





"I used to always be amazed whenever I saw someone buying rice at the supermarket -- Why pay for something that you can grow yourself?
But since I've gotten too old to work in the rice paddies and have come to buy rice at the supermarket myself, I realize just how much less work it is to do so."

(Mentioned by a guest one day.)

To all of the people sweating it out working to harvest the rice this time of you, you have my respect. Please keep it up!

戸上努力: 塩川の杏ジャムソフト Togura-Kamiyamada Effort: Shiokawa's Apricot Jam Softserve

September 13, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous





During a video shoot for a TV show, I stopped in at Shiokawa, a confectionary shop on Kamiyamada Onsen's main street. I was pleased to see he has a new menu item: Softserve ice cream with apricot jam!

Vanilla soft ice cream is of course yummy, and I love the tartness of apricot jam, but the two together is simply wonderful. It's like a new star has been born here at Togura Kamiyamada!

I applaud Shiokawa's efforts!

Golden Waves of (Rice) Grains at Obasute 金黄の穂波@姨捨

September 6, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous



The famous moon-reflecting terraced rice fields of Obasute, a short 10 minute drive from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada. Harvest is set to start in a couple of weeks.

Golden waves of grain -- a quintessential landscape of the Japanese countryside.

安曇野シリーズ グラスの世界「アートヒルズ」 Azumino Series: The World of Glass "Art Hills"

September 4, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Windchime-adorned trees at the entrance to the Azumino Art Hills Museum







The Azumino Art Line is comprised of 18 art museums. Probably the most notable are the Azumino Chihiro Art Museum featuring works by childrens book artist Chihiro Iwasaki, the Rokuzan Art Museum of sculptures, and Azumino Art Hills Museum of glass art, which our family visited on our recent trip to Azumino.

All 18 museums, but especially these 3, share a common bond: not only do they display beautiful works of art, but their buildings and gardens are an awe-inspiring complement to the majestic Japanese Alps and the bucolic Azumino countryside.

The Azumino Art Hills Museum pays wonderful tribute to the glass art of Scandinavia, France's modern 'pop' art, Japan (especially the young generation of glass artists here in Nagano) and more. And they offer an extensive variety of hands-on (and lips-on) glass making and blowing lessons. But on top of that, outside the museum is an amazing combination of glass art and nature. Visitors are greeted by an almost mystical sound coming from glass windchimes hanging from the trees at the entrance. The pond and wildflower garden on the north side causes you to look closer to discern which flowers are real and which are made of glass.

Having such an extensive glass museum here in the Nagano countryside (or perhaps, it's because it is the Nagano countryside) is such an exhilerating feeling!

安曇野アートヒルズミュージアム Azumino Art Hills Museum

安曇野アートライン Azumino Art Line

Look closely: some of those flowers are glass!

早朝の姨捨棚田でサイクリング Early AM Obasute Rice Fields via Bicycle

September 2, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous







A quick 10 minute drive from Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, the Obasute "Tagoto no Tsuki" terraced rice fields are a beautiful sight to see. Their name refers to how the terraced slope is situated in just such a way that when the moon comes up, it reflects in each individual rice field.

The rice fields offer distinct scenery depending on the seasons:

Deep green of the rice fronds in the summer,

Golden yellow of the rice ready for harvest in the fall, and the scenes of the cut rice set out for drying.

Patterns of snow over the barren fields in the winter.

And, of course, the mirror-like surface of the fields flooded in springtime for planting.

But what some people may not realize is the fields also offer a variety of scenery throughout the day.

During the middle of the day, the waves of rice grains blowing in the wind with the Zenkoji Plain stretching out below and the 5 Northern Nagano Peaks in the distance,

At dusk, the golden rays of sunlight streaming from over the shoulder of the terraces, lighting up the rice plants from the side.

At night, the inky darkness of the rice fields in contrast with the lights of the Zenkoji Plain down below,

And in the morning, the sun raising up over the mountains across the Chikuma River bathing the terraces in the early morning light.

This morning, I woke up early and went for a bike ride with our oldest son and a guest who stayed at our inn after competing in the nationally famous Norikura Road Race. We set out along the Chikuma River Cycling Road
before heading up to cycle through the Obasute rice fields. It was an envigorating 19-km ride.

貸切露天に夏の花 Summer Flowers and the Family Bath

August 23, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous



Kamesei Ryokan's family bath "Shinano-buro" is surrounded by a beautiful garden that features various flowers blooming throughout the year. Our gardener, Okada-san, was careful in considering which plants to include so that there is something in bloom whenever time of the year guests use the bath. Right now at the end of August, this purple flower is delighting our guests.

Thanks in no small part to this designer-garden, Kamesei's stay-plan that includes 1 free use of the family bath has become one of our most popular plans.

車椅子盆踊りに和太鼓 Taiko Drumming for Wheel Chair Bon Odori Dancing

August 19, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous





One of the local old folks homes was in need of a taiko drum player for their Bon Odori summer festival. Me and the leader of the Lion Dance troupe were the only ones to volunteer, so for the first time in my life I found myself performing taiko drumming for an audience.

Seeing one of the old guys dancing in his wheelchair with tears of joy streaming down his face made it all worth-while.

With all of my ryokan association, tourism association and other activities, this sort of simple work is also important!