一歩進んで、一歩下がる、その2 1-Step Forward, 1 Step Back, Case 2

November 13, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous





Our local government put up a new sign next to the Kara-Koro footbath, the symbol of Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada. Why a cold, metal sign next to our wooden footbath and gazebo in the park with all those beautiful trees and the pond?

For contrast, also pictured is a new sign in Beppu Onsen.

一歩進んで、一歩下がる、その1 1 Step Forward, 1 Step Back, Case 1

November 12, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Coming to Kamiyamada?






As with many things in life, civic improvement is often one step forward, one step backward. On our main street here in onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, one of the empty lots is going to turn into a 3-story apartment building with a convenience store on the first floor.

I suppose anything is better than an empty lot, but a convenience store?

At least a new onsen footbath will also be built, so all is not lost.

地酒王様の生坂屋酒店 Sake King Ikusaka Sake Shop

November 5, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous





Kamesei Ryokan's Sake Tasting Set includes "Yoakemae", a very hard-to-get local sake. The only sake shop around here that carries it is Ikusakaya in Chikuma City's Yashiro district.

I recently went to Ikusakaya to stock up on Yoakemae. Their shop never ceases to amaze me with the extensive varieties of sake they offer. Some of them would carry a premium in Tokyo, but Ikusakaya sells them at regular prices. Hence, it is popular with tourists, too.

生坂屋 Ikusakaya

秋映えを浴びている戸倉の天狗 Togura's Tengu in the Autumn Sunshine

November 2, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous





'Tis the first day of the 3-day Culture Day holiday weekend, and Nagano is blessed with blue sky and crisp autumn sunlight.

Above Togura Station is a park with this Tengu statue. A tengu is a sort of Japanese goblin. Togura's looks over the town, both literally and (according to legend), figuratively. He is surrounded by cherry trees which in the spring attract multitudes of merrymakers for viewing the blossoms. But I think the colors of the trees' leaves in the fall are equally beautiful. And no crowds -- just the tengu.

It's probably safe to say that the fall color 'horizon' is starting to come down to our elevation here at Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen (around 370 meters above sea level). I can't wait to see the leaves change in our gardens here at Kamesei Ryokan, with the momiji (Japanese maples), ginkgo and all the other colorful trees.

生け花でなだめる Ikebana to Sooth the Soul

October 24, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous







On October 24th, the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Ryokan Association annual meeting was held at ryokan Taki no Yu. The mayor came and my personal project was up for approval, so it was a very heady affair. But at the banquet, this ikebana flower arrangement was displayed, giving a soothing effect to the gathering. It just reinforced for me the idea that ikebana is also "cool Japan".

クールジャパン: 盆栽@陶芸屋「たからや」 Cool Japan: Bonsai Display at Pottery Shop "Takaraya"

October 23, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous







Pictured is a little bonsai display I found at our local pottery shop Takaraya here in Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen. Takaraya specializes in Sarashina-yaki, our local version of Matsushiro-yaki (the main style of pottery for northern Nagano). The distinctive blue hue is achieved by adding ash from apple wood to the glaze.


October 16, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous



温泉タウン戸倉上山田を世界へ: 日系スーパー Selling Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada to the World: Japanese Supermarkets

October 13, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous


アメリカで日系スーパーがあります。シアトルやポートランドならUwajmaya,サンフランシスコやロサンゼルスならNijiya, Mitsuwa, Marukai.こういうお店で戸倉上山田温泉産の品物が販売されたら、我が温泉の知名度が上がり、訪ねてくることと結ぶのではないかと思います。

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. There are several Japanese supermarkets overseas. In Seattle and Portland, there is Uwajimaya. In San Francisco and Los Angeles, there is Nijiya, Mitsuwa and Marukai. What if we were able to get some of our local products from Togura-Kamiyamada to be sold at those markets? I think it would raise awareness about our town, and perhaps lead to people to come to visit.


Cool Japan: Geisha Show at Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

October 2, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Togura-Kamiyamada has historically been the onsen resort town that people stay at after a pilgrimage to the Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. Guests come to soak in the onsen baths and throw a big banquet, call in some geisha and have an exciting night before returning to their normal lives. Today, various organizations that hold their banquets here have the geisha come to liven things up. Normally the geisha come for a minimum of 2 hours with most of the time spent chitchatting and pouring drinks for the guests. With this 30-minute Geisha Show, the geisha will perform some songs such as our area's traditional love song Kamiyamada Ko-uta, teach the group how to dance to the 'Tanko-bushi' (Coal-Miner) or similar song and have the guests join in dancing around the room. Then the geisha will challenge everyone to Konpira Funafuna or other geisha parlor games, followed by time for pictures with the geisha.