Our Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada now has its 3rd generation Walking Map & Restaurant Guide as well as 4 PR videos.
The project I’ve been working on for a whole year has just taken shape.
Big thanks to all who assisted!

我が温泉タウン戸倉上山田のハウツー動画シリーズOur Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "How To" video series,
Video 1: How to Enjoy an Onsen Town 温泉街の楽しみ方
Showcasing several of Togura-Kamiymada's unique shops as well as a feature on Zukudashi Eco Tours.
Come wear a yukata robe, slip on the wooden geta slippers, and explore our onsen town!
Video 2: How to Enjoy Local Food ローカルフード
Shows how to order (and eat) at some quintessential types of Japanese restaurants, like soba noodles, yakitori, izakaya and even 'horumon' (not for the faint of heart). Plus a local Nagano favorite, oyaki dumplings and the video has a feature on Togura-Kamiyamada's legendary Kohaku including an interview with Susa-san about our area's signature 'oshibori udon' noodles.
Video 3: How to Stay at a Ryokan 旅館の過ごし方
Curious about staying at a traditional ryokan while visiting Japan, but not sure what to do during your stay? From the kaiseki-style dinner, soaking in the onsen bath, and your futon spread out on the straw tatami mat, this video explains how to make the most of your ryokan experience. It also shows many of the great inns here in Togura-Kamiyamada. Don't miss the seeing one of our town's geisha, Takeshi, showing the proper way to wear a yukata robe.
日本の伝統文化を守る旅館だけど、泊まったらどうなるの? 懐石料理やお風呂、畳と布団など、旅館体験をたっぷり楽しみましょう。戸倉上山田の代表的な宿のも紹介。そして、芸者の武さんが浴衣の正しい着方の説明も。
Video 4: How to Bathe in an Onsen 温泉の入り方
When in Japan, one of the can't miss experiences is taking an onsen bath. But the process can be a bit intimidating. (Yes -- as local onsen expert Tonegawa-san explains in the video, you have to be naked.) Learn these simple tips of onsen etiquette and bath like a native. The video also explains the unique characteristics of Togura-Kamiymada's hot spring mineral water (beware bathing with silver jewelry!), featuring a special interview with Goro-san, president of the Kamiyamada Onsen Company.