4 Napkins later...
そのバーガーの世界の中で、どうやってバーガーの美味しさをはかるかというと、一つな方法は使うナプキンの枚数です。つまり、バーガーがトマトやピックルやソース、ジューシーで美味しい時こそ、ナプキンを使うとの事です。この間、親友に松本の元町に連れてくれました。ここで、MOSちゃんもあって、Big Boyもあって、そして地元のヤミーヤミーもあります。松本のバーガーのメッカです。連れてもらったのはその地元の方のヤミーヤミーでした。元町と駅の近くの2店舗にライブハウスもやっていると言う応援したくなる頑張っているお店です。自家製のパンに沢山のバラエティーのバーガー: 490円のBLTエッグバーガーから1390円のビッグモンスターバーガーまで。(ビッグモンスターに何が入っているの?と思ったら、何が入っていないから聞いた方が早いかもしれない。)
We Americans love hamburgers. It's no coincidence that global burger chain McDonald's originated in the States. Ever since I was a kid, I've eaten many, many a burger. Even now, when I'm feeling run down and need an energy pick-up, I head for MOS Burger. I've found that sushi also works, and is a lot healthier! But every once in a while, I get a craving for a nice, juicy burger. And how do us Americans measure how good a burger is? One way is by how many napkins you need to eat it.
The other day, my buddy Ken took me to Matsumoto's Motomachi district. There's a MOS and a Big Boy's, as well as a local burger joint Yummy!Yummy!, making Motomachi Matsumoto's hamburger mecca. Ken introduced me to Yummy!Yummy! and there home-made buns and their huge selection of burgers -- everything from a 490 yen BLT Egg Burger to the 1390 yen Big Monster Burger. (Rather than asking what the heck is in the Big Monster, it might be faster to determine just what ISN'T in it...) Ken and I settled for the Che-Avo Burger, billed as being so thick as to be scary. And it was thick -- we were pretty amazed when we saw it. Ken was a little miffed that the restaurant has a "How to eat a Hamburger" explanation, thinking that was rude to suggest Japanese people don't know how to eat one. Ken had lived in the States long enough to become a pro himself. But I have seen a lot of Japanese people who had difficulties getting their mouths around some American hamburgers so the explanation probably is useful to have. Even me, someone who is used to tackling big burgers, was going to be challenged by this Che-Avo guy. Summoning up my 39 years of burger-eating experience, I successfully managed to eat it, and used 4 napkins in the process. That, in my book, is a good burger!
Yummy!Yummy! has another branch near 'Moto station, and they run a "live house", too.
ヤミーヤミーとU2グループのHPはこちらClick here for Yummy!Yummy! and the US Group's website.

Unassuming facade

How to Eat a Hamburger for the un-initiated