Which one's the monkey?
After the O-Bon rush, and before our kids went back to school, we took some friends that were visiting from Seattle and went for a drive to see the snow monkeys at Jigokudani. Of course, there's no snow now, and we've seen the monkeys several times before, but I really came to realize that the monkeys are fascinating to see any time of the year, and the more you see of them, the more fascinating they become.
Since we went by car, we drove up from Shibu Onsen to the pay parking lot (1 hour from Kamesei Ryokan by freeway) that's a 15 minute walk from the park entrance. During that walk, we passed a few monkeys and, while walking up through the beautiful cedar forest along the Yokoyu River, there were spots in the river with a rust-like color. It was a sign that we were nearing the mineral hot springs of Jigokudani.
Before we crossed the river and entered the park, we stopped at Korakukan, a rustic inn that overlooks the river valley. Korakukan serves the best soba noodles in the area (well, actually, it's the only restaurant in the area), but it always seems a bit quiet at first. You have to step over the sleeping dog, poke your head in and yell "Sumimasen!". Then someone will come and serve you soba, as well as Chimaki (mochi rice wrapped in sasa bamboo leaves that you dip in Kinako powder -- our #2 son's favorite), and for beverages, they feature Shiga Kogen microbrews (our #2 son's dad's favorite!). While slurping soba, we enjoyed the view of the river valley from the dining room, and spotted more monkeys wandering around. They seemed to come up really close to the inn. Apparently it's not unusual for them to wander into the dining room (the dog's not much of a guardian), or take a soak in the inn's outdoor bath. The bath is meant for human's but the monkeys can't read the signs.
After our yummy lunch, we crossed the river, stopped to be amazed by the Jigokudani geyser, and finally went to the official park entrance. It was a hot day, and I thought it would be nice to stop and take a siesta. Just as I was thinking that, we passed a monkey splayed out on a rock blissfully snoozing away. How human-like! At the onsen bath, there were a few monkeys lounging in and around the bath, more wandering around nearby, and the babies that were born in the spring were playfully running all over place.
Hagiwara-san and the other knowledgeable staff happily answered mine and our kids' questions. "Do monkeys burp?" "Which one is the boss?" etc.
The current boss, by the way, has an interesting story behind him. He was beaten out by another monkey and relegated to #2, but then the new boss got injured and passed away a few months ago. So Torayo, despite being around 80 years in human age, returned to be the boss again. Monkey society is like out of a television drama!
If you go see the snow monkeys (and no matter what time of year it is, I highly suggest it), I have 1 very important piece of advice: recharge your camera's batteries before going. The monkeys are charming, and you'll want to take lots of pictures. Even our 3-year old Misaki asked for the camera, and took a bunch of photos.
地獄谷のHPはこちらClick here for Jigokudani's website.

Monkeys this way.

Rustic Korakukan Across the River from the Monkey Park

Kenny and Friend Koto-chan enjoying Chimaki

The Jigoku Geyser

Monkey Park Entrance

Taking a Siesta

Lounging after a bath

Curious About the Live Camera

The Boss, Torayo

Don't Step in the Monkey Poop