For this year's big Onsen Summer Festival, I switched from the giant shi-shi lion to the omikoshi (see previous entry for omikoshi explanation).
On the first day of the festival, the biggest
'Goshintai' omikoshi is paraded around town in the evening. It carries the, err, object from the fertility-themed Okutsu Shrine.
For the second day, 4 smaller omikoshi are paraded around an even longer route from just after lunch until late at night, at which the Goshintai mikoshi is brought out again for a grand finale.
So, how was my first experience with the omikoshi?
Well, to be honest, it was boring at first. I ended up being in charge of sweeping up garbage for most of the first day. It was my 5th summer festival, but only my first with the omikoshi guys so I figured 'low man on the totem pole...'
But the second day, I started out with a bit more action. I was charged with accompanying the hiko mikoshi on the side, keeping the carriers safe from the surroundings and vice versa. After we put the hiko to rest and brought out the masive Goshintai mikoshi, I was told I wouldn't be needed on the side any more. Instead, I would be at the back pushing the mikoshi.
I thought, "How could I do that? I've never done it before!" But I soon figured out the techniques to follow the leader's baton-like 'onbeh', pushing the mikoshi forward here, twisting to turn it there, and trying to stop it from turning over there. In other words, I was driving the mikoshi!
Was it okay to be having so much fun?! It turns out the mikoshi was a blast!
And talking to our guests the next day, it wasn't just the mikoshi. The lion, taiko drums, fireworks all were so exciting. For a small town, we sure put on an energy-filled summer festival. Hopefully you can come see it next year!