中学生の社会体験@家族風呂造り Middle School Students Helping on the Family Bath

September 7, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

Good work, guys!





Every year our local middle school, Togura Kamiyamada Chugakkou, sends us a few students for a workplace experience.

Most middle-schoolers propbably picture ryokan help as cleaning the onsen baths. Here at Kamesei, we have them help make an onsen bath. We are in the middle of building a family bath, so I had Ms. Takashi and Mr. Ogiwara make one of the fences for the bath's garden.

The fence needed to have specially positioned louvers so as the plants on the far side could be seen from the bath, but let the far side have privacy. We got a bit creative with the construction and managed to succeed in making a proper fence.

Ms. Takahashi and Master Ogiwara, thank you for your assistance. I hope you learned a bit about how flexible one must be in a workplace.

家族風呂造り: 小屋にはりを Making the Family Bath: Adding the Beams

September 3, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous




This summer, we started a big project to build a family bath here at Kamesei Ryokan. Each day we make a little bit of progress. This time it was to install the beams for the structure over the bath.

The carpenter, Murakoshi-san, and I worked in some pretty breezy conditions as a typhoon was headed our way. But we successfully completed this next step in the job. Building a bath is just like taking one step at a time. Our walk is scheduled to be finished by the end of October. I can't wait!

家族風呂造り: 木造屋さんで丸太選び Building the Family Bath -- Selecting Logs at the Lumber Yard

August 29, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

At the Minemura Lumber Yard




For Kamesei Ryokan's family bath that we are building, we have to make a structure to go over the bath. It is an unusual shape requiring beams that aren't readily available. Today I went to our town's local lumber yard and ordered the materials. They even let me pick out which log to cut the beams from.

You can't get that experience at a home center store!

We are going to build one cool bath!

家族風呂工事: クレーンで柱を立てる Family Bath Construction: Craning the Posts into Place

August 27, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous



Today we called in a crane to help put the posts in place for the structure to go over the family bath we are building here at Kamesei Ryokan. I have used a 2-ton UNIC crane before, but this one was twice the size. Pretty cool!

Now we'll put the scaffolding into place and start work on the structure. Hopefully everything will be done by the end of October, our target completion date.

亀清旅館の家族風呂作り: 柱準備 Making Kamesei's Family Bath: Prepping the Posts

August 25, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

Murakoshi-san hard at work.




This summer's project here at Kamesei Ryokan is to build a family bath. Right now we are prepping the posts for the bath's main structure. Murakoshi-san, the carpenter, is using a combination of North American log house and Japanese temple construction techniques.

It never ceases to amaze me how precise a carpenter's work is. I am sure our guests will appreciate the final project.

巨木風呂? 家族風呂の柱 Massive Log for Our New Family Bath

August 20, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

Picking up the log from Shige no Ya




Cross section of the red cedar

助けて! 我が軽トラが可愛いそう! Help! Our K-Truck is Getting Attacked!

August 17, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

Kamesei's K-Truck getting squashed?





For this summer's big project, making a family bath, one of the biggest jobs is removing all the old concrete. I could just re-bury it, but that's just postponing the problem. Plus, it would get in the way of making the garden.

So, I've been loading up our mini pick-up 'K-Truck' and making trips to the concrete recycler. With our kids on their summer vacation, I've been having them help out. (Poor guys!)

This time, one of the guys at the recycler offered to unload our K-truck using their huge power shovel. Our tiny truck looked extra-small with the giant machine towering over it.

I think our boys liked seeing the cool power equipment. I know their dad did!

新しい家族風呂の木の塀造り Working on the Wood Fence for the New Family Bath

August 9, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

It's staining, not whitewashing, but I wish Tom Sawyer were here...



The work on Kamesei Ryokan's new family bath is progressing. Right now we are working on the wood fence for the approach. Yesterday was staining day.

The construction must be inconveniencing the guests right now, but we are making good progress and I hope to have the bath completed as soon as possible! We are targetting the end of October, so stay tuned!

プラスチックバンブーはもう、卒業 No More Plastic Bamboo

August 5, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous

No More Plastic Bamboo!






When Mari and I moved to Kamesei Ryokan 5-1/2 years to start taking over the business, we inherited an onsen inn with lots of traditional features that we want to preserve. There are, however, tons of things that need fixing, as well as an embarrasingly large amount of places that are ugly and need updating.

One such area is all the concrete block fences. I don't know what it is about Japan and concrete block, but the blemish of block fences is everywhere. Here at Kamesei as well as throughout the country. Granted, they are easy and cheap to build, but doesn't anyone consider how ugly they are? Over the past few years, I have demolished several of Kamesei's block fences and replaced them with hand-made wood ones. There are still many left to replace, but I believe I've made a bit of improvement to the town's overall appearance.

One other area that I am hoping to get rid of is all of the plastic bamboo. Here again, plastic bamboo is cheap and easy to install as screens. But does anyone look at plastic bamboo and think, "Ah, how lovely"?

In the area that we are building our new family bath, there has been a particularly hideous plastic bamboo screen. We have taken it down and will replace it with a wood fence. Finally!!!!

Wood has such a more welcoming feel than concrete and plastic. I am certain our guests will appreciate the improvements!

新しい物が出来る前に、まずは古い物を壊す Before You Build, You First Gotta Demolish

August 3, 2011: その他 Miscellaneous




As we start building Kamesei Ryokan's first family bath, we have a lot of demolition to do at the start. We're using a corner of an old pool for the bath, so we first have to remove much of the concrete from the pool wall.

I don't think I'd want to use a jackhammer every day for my work, but every once in a while like on a job such as this, it's actually kind of fun!