My Nagano life, in sominshouraifu (guess which year I skipped to go to Disneyland)
Here in Nagano, we have a couple of celebrations on the first weekend of the year that, without which, the year doesn't really start.
This past Saturday was Ueda City's Kokubun-Ji Temple's Yokado festival, and the holiday Monday was our neighborhood's 'dondo-yaki' bonfire.
Yokado is mainly celebrated in the evening on January 7th. Everyone gathers in the cold (it was -7C this year!) to pay their respects at the temple, then buys a dharma doll at the dharma market (those guys really know how to bargain with you!), and buy some fried octopus balls or something at one of the food stands (I tried an omelet-frankfurter for the first time). Most important, though, is buying a "sominshouraifu", a hand carved and painted wooden object that supposedly wards off evil and beckons good luck for the new year.
For me, though, these talismans are a symbol of my life here in Nagano. This year, I bought the 4th one, the biggest size. Next year I start over at the 1st one, the smallest. When lined up, the sominshouraifu are a visual reminder to me of how long I've been here.
On Monday, the "Coming of Age Day" holiday, everyone from our Kamiyamada Onsen neighborhood gathered at the park along the Chikuma river, piled up all the spent New Years decorations, and had a bonfire. While the fire is a sensual treat, it is the bonding with the neighbors over sake and fresh-roasted mochi sticky rice that is so meaningful for me. Forget all the civic improvement meetings and the summer festival worries, it is a time for simply slapping a neighbor on the back, wishing them a happy new year, seeing how their children have grown, and having a sake with them.
I feel fortunate to have this community here to bond with!
信濃国分寺 Shinano Kokubun-Ji Temple

With Andy braving the -7C temp's at Yokado

The Dondo Yaki pyre

Happy New Year sake and mochi