Mari celebrating her birthday at maggio da A'dagio, Karuizawa's secret lobster restaurant
10月3日は若女将の誕生日という事で、気に入りの軽井沢へドライブで行きました。我が亀清旅館にお泊りになるお客様から軽井沢の事をよく聞かれます。答えれるように、私達もある程度詳しくないと… という事で、下見を込めて、二人で軽井沢へデート。
October 3rd was Mari's birthday, so we went for a drive to her favorite destination, Karuizawa. Many of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan ask about that resort town, so we like to go there ourselves to get good ideas to pass on to our guests. So with that in mind, we went on a little date to Karuizawa.
まずは昼ごはん。軽井沢の特徴は沢山の小さな、個性的なお店が多いです。今回の隠れレストランはMaggio da A’dagioでした。旧軽銀座通りと聖パウロ教会の近辺のお洒落なお店。オマール海老料理が特徴。詳しくはHPを見てください。ここはお勧めが出来るお店。
First things first: Lunch. Karuizawa is fortunate to have so many small, out-of-the-way dining establishments. The hidden treasure we found this time was Maggio da A'dagio, a stylish restaurant that features lobster cuisine. Check out their website for details, but we can whole-heartedly recommend them.
maggio da A'dagio

maggio da A'dagio's woodsy setting

moss-covered Asama volcanic rocks -- an indelible Karuizawa image.
After lunch, we went for a walk. Karuizawa's summer cabin neighborhoods are a separate world. Narrow lanes in a woodsy setting, lined by moss-covered volcanic rock from nearby Asama Mountain. The neighborhoods are perfect for a leisurely stroll or bike ride. (Plus, it's great to get exercise after a meal.)

Mari's favorite boutique, Ohara Shoten
No trip to Karuizawa would be complete without a bit of shopping. The massive outlet mall and the upscale Harunire Terrace are the popular spots at the present. But the shopping district that started it all, the Kyu- (Old-) Karuizawa "Ginza". Here you can find items that you can't find anywhere else. Mari's favorite is a boutique called Ohara Shoten. This is where she shops for the unique tops she wears here at Kamesei Ryokan.
小原商店Ohara Shoten

Mampei Hotel's elegant facade
John Lennon, Henry Kissinger, 三島由紀夫さん、田中角栄さん、等などが泊まった立派なお宿です。
Lunch, a walk, and shopping.
How to top off a date to Kariuzawa? With taking time for tea, of course.
Mari took me to the historical Mampei Hotel for tea in their lounge. People the likes of John Lennon, Henry Kissinger and Yukio Mishima have stayed here. Quite an amazing hotel. And to think it is still in full operation. Another hotel on the other side of Karuizawa, Mikasa Hotel, has been turned into a museum. Running the Mampei must take an extraordinary amount of energy. I tip my hat to the owner and staff.
万平ホテルMampei Hotel
Mari and finished off our date to Karuizawa with an onsen bath at Tombow no Yu. Thanks to Karuizawa, we had an enjoyable day together.
Karuizawa is 1 hour by car or train from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen