千曲川ラベンダー畑は満開 Chikuma River Lavender Field in Full Bloom

June 13, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Togura Kamiyamada's lavender fields along the Chikuma River are in full bloom. Located in the Manyo Sports Area, the fields are a convenient 5 minute drive or bike ride, or 20 minute walk (or about a 10 minute jog!) from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

The fields are fairly large by Japanese standards (which means small compared to the lavender fields I've seen back home), but the setting is exquisite -- with the sound of the Chikuma River gurgling by and the surrounding hills and distand Togakushi Mountain providing a lush, green background for the vividly purple flowers. And that's not even mentioning the delicious fragrance the flowers give off.

From Saturday June 22nd, visitors will even be allowed to pick some lavender stalks to take home with them. A bit of 'omotenashi' service on the part of our city.

This week, I've been jogging down to the lavender fields every morning. I'm trying to get my legs in shape for an upcoming junior ryokan association soccer game. Being able to enjoy the lavender fields has made the sweat and sore muscles bearable.

I hope you, too, can come and enjoy our beautiful lavender fields this year!

萬葉の里スポーツエリアラベンダー畑 Manyo Lavender Field

山菜狩り後、調理してくれる宿 Post Sansai-gathering, have your inn cook them!

June 11, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous



これは北信の最高な楽しみ方: お昼は山菜狩り体験、夜はその採ってきた山菜が入っている夕食を食べて、尚且つ野沢の本格的な温泉お湯でぽかぽかになる。お勧めです!

After a sansai gathering tour, wouldn't it be great if you could take your harvest to the inn you're staying at and have the chef prepare the sansai and serve it for your dinner? Actually, there are inns that will do that for you. Larger hotels might not have the flexibility, but some smaller inns will gladly provide that service. It's best to inquire ahead of time, and the chef might not be able to accommodate such a request during peak times, but it's worth checking out.

On my recent trip to Nozawa, the inn I visited was Haus St. Anton. The chef, Kensaku-san, specializes in European home-style cooking based on his many years of living in the Austria Alps. But he enjoys incorporating sansai from the Nozawa Onsen mountains into his cuisine. And he told me he would be willing to have guests bring their own sansai and he would prepare it and serve it to them at dinner.

That would make for a perfect trip to Northern Nagano -- enjoying a sansai gathering tour then having your inn serve the sansai you picked at dinner, followed by a soak in the famous Nozawa Onsen hot spring mineral waters. I highly recommend it!

ハウスサンアントン Haus St. Anton

Haus St. Anton also has a jam-making operation. They have a shop on Nozawa Onsen's main market street.

初夏の合作生け花 Collaborative Early Summer Ikebana

June 8, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous




Early summer ikebana for Kamesei Ryokan's lobby.

Our cousin Midori-san drove up from Tokyo with these pretty flowers, We happened to have a TV crew filming with two manzai comedians, so Midori and I and the comedians collaborated and arranged this ikebana display.

Once details for the TV show are released, I'll post an announcement here. Meanwhile, enjoy our colorful flowers!

日本原風景: 田植えの姨捨「田毎の月」」棚田 Quintessential Japan: Obasute's Rice Fields at Planting Time

May 30, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Photo courtesy of Takahiro Wakabayashi



The terraced rice fields in Chikuma City's Obasute district have been designated an Important National Cultural Landscape. I think the fields are a quintessential Japanese scene. They are especially beautiful at planting time.

One of my Facebook friends sent this picture, and with his request I am sharing it here on Kamesei's blog.

Ninja Training Lessons at Monzen Ninja Dojo

May 28, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

予約・お問い合わせは宮下さんへどうぞ。090-3558-0179, 200111hayaki@ezweb.ne.jp

Ninja Training Lessons by Miyashita-san, a master of the Togakuredo school of Ninjutsu, are available to the public at his Monzen Ninja Dojo located near Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. He offers 3 lessons per week, on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30am. Price is 2000 yen per person.

Lesson content varies according to the interests and abilities of the participants. Want to learn how to walk stealthily like a ninja? Or are you interested in learning some basic self-defense manuevers? How about throwing shurikens? Or climbing up walls to reach the roof of the building -- and then jumping down from the 2nd story? The Monzen Ninja Dojo is the place for you!

Anyone can participate in the lessons -- from kids to adults, and even kids WITH adults.

For information and/or reservations, call or e-mail Miyashita-san at 090-3558-0179, 200111hayaki@ezweb.ne.jp.

姨捨「田毎の月」シルエット Obasute Moon Silhouette

May 26, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Photo courtesy of Hiroki Nakano




May 25th was the night of the full moon. Around our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, that is a cause for celebration. The reason why is that the terraced rice fields in nearby Obasute are flooded for planting. That means it's the perfect time to see the moon reflecting in the individual rice fields, a phenomenom known as Tagoto-no-Tsuki.

I took several of our guests to go see the rice fields and the moon. We were surprised to see so many photographers there trying to catch a glimpse of the elusive moon reflecting the rice fields. One cameraman, Nakano-san, asked one of our guests, Margrit from Switzerland, to pose for this sihouette picture.

What a magical evening!

野球と…松本城? As American As Baseball And ... Matsumoto Castle?

May 25, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous







In America there is a saying, "As American as baseball and apple pie." In otherwords, baseball is in the DNA of every American. So it comes as a pleasant surprise to Americans coming to Japan that the sport is popular here, too.

The Nagano Prefectural History Museum's Summer 2013 exhibition will be "Nagano and its Baseball History". The main photo for the exhibition shows a game of baseball being played on the grounds of Matsumoto Castle. One of Japan's most famous castles with America's favorite pastime. A bit of an incongruity, no?

Nagano continues to have a rich baseball tradtion. In mid May, our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada hosts the Kotobuki Baseball tournament of amateur teams from around the country. Then in the first weekend of June the national Shogai Baseball Tournament of senior teams is held in Togura-Kamiyamada and the vicinity.

By the way, on the Nagano History Museum baseball exhibition poster, the 2nd picture from the top is labeled "Kamiyamada Elementary School Baseball Team, 1910." My wife Mari's great-grandfather's younger brother is pictured, along with his teammates, all wearing kimonos and wooden geta sandals. Apparently that's how they played. Can you imagine?

長野県立歴史館 Nagano Prefectural Historical Museum

千曲川沿いのアカシアの花 天ぷらに美味しい Acacia Blossoms along the Chikuma River: Yummy in Tempura

May 22, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

Acacia trees in bloom along the Chikuma River





The acacia trees along the banks of the Chikuma River around our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are in full bloom right now. The sweet scent of the creamy white flowers is wafting on the spring breeze, giving our area blissful, surreal feal.

I went to the cabin of one of my buddies and picked some acacia blossoms and took them back to our chef here at Kamesei Ryokan. Chef Takei made tempura from them, a treat for our guests this week.

I love how Japanese cuisine maximizes the tastes and scents of the season.

上山田のりんご畑なおKamiyamada's Orchards -- Good Start to the Apple Crop

May 21, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous


Kamiyamada grows some of the most delicious apples anywhere. A short 5 minutes drive from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are numerous apple orchards. Right now, the blossoms are finishing and the fruit is starting to develop. We are looking forward to the harvest this fall!

クラウン農園 Crown Farm

長野支部調理師会: 青い目の若旦那から見る日本食 Speech at the Chef's Society Annual Meeting

May 20, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous

寿司以外; 天ぷら、すき焼き、しゃぶしゃぶ、紅花・鉄板焼き

On the 20th, the Nagano Chapter of the Chefs Society invited me to give a talk at their annual meeting. The theme: Japanese Cuisine As Seen by the American Innkeeper. They had their biggest turnout ever, so I was feeling a lot of pressure. But since they were kind enough to invite me, I gave it my best.

Here are some of my talking points:

Teriyaki Chicken
Makisushi party
My debut
Cafe Soleil
Sukiyaki. Shabu-shabu
The Iron Chef show
Sushi rolls
Asian Fusion
Katsu burger

Allergy, vegetarian, religious dietary restrictions
