県道338号線を姨捨駅まで登って行く途中で「さらしなの里 展望館」というお店は7月3日にオープンの予定お昼はお蕎麦中心、夜は居酒屋です。
さらしなの里 展望館
営業時間 11:00-14:00 17:00-21:30 (L.O. 21:00)
定休日 月曜日 大・小宴会場もあり
Chikuma City is finally getting a restaurant with a view of its namesake Chikuma River.
(There are of course the Tsukeba river shacks that serve river fish, but they are only seasonal and in temporary structures.)
The Tenbokan restaurant is scheduled to open on July 3rd, 2013. Located on an outcropping on County Route 338 on the way up to Obasute Station, Tenbokan overlooks the Chikuma River valley and the Zenkoji Plain. They will feature soba noodles for lunch, and broaden the menu as an izakaya for dinner.
One of my ryokan elders once told me that the Japanese have a bad tendency to not consider the surroundings when building restaurants or hotels. That seems to be the case here in Chikuma City since, despite having the beautiful mountains and majestic river, there aren't any restaurants situated as to take in the view. My favorite restaurant back in Seattle is Salty's on Alki. It is located across Elliot Bay from downtown. While eating dinner, the setting sun reflects in the windows of the skyscrapers making for a magical scene -- a perfect example of designing the building to take advantage of the view.
Chikuma City's new view restaurant, Tenbokan, will hopefully fill that role for our town.
Sarashina no Sato TENBOKAN
1165-2 Haneo, Chikuma City
Tel (026)276-1800
Hours: 11:00-14:00 17:00-21:30 (L.O. 21:00)
Closed: Mondays Banquet rooms available.

Mari enjoying a bowl of Soba at Tenbokan, with the Chikuma River Valley in the Background

Tenbokan's warm owners: Mori-san and Fukazawa-san