FM Naganoと千曲市が連携した
そして、ついでにもう1つなPR知らせ: 今日のNHK長野の6pmニュースで戸倉上山田温泉の「東北応援プラン」の紹介がある予定です。またよかったら、ご覧になって下さい。
Our city has teamed up with FM Nagano for a special program promoting the town as well as Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Today I was invited to be the first guest on the show, and gave my take on what our town has to offer visitors as well as my "Onsen Town" dream to promote Togura Kamiyamada overseas.
Broadcast is scheduled for lunch time this Thursday 12-May. Take a listen if you can.
Also, tonight on NHK Nagano's 6pm news, there will be a feature on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen with a guest appearance by Yours Truly.
FM Nagano's info here FM Naganoのくわしくはこちら
One of Japan's national newspapers, Mainichi Shimbun, has a column on Civic Improvement featuring interviews of individuals that are active in their communities.
Odanaka-san of Mainichi's Nagano bureau came and interviewed me for the column. The article recently ran in our local paper and has been in other regional editions, too. Odanaka-san focused on some of my experiences and things I've learned about community involvement, such as working on making memorable experiences for each individual guest, and keeping in mind that as a ryokan, our role is to be a place for guests to relax and get back in touch with themselves.
The full article is at the above link, in Japanese, if you wish to check it out.
In December, a group of Shinshu University students came to Kamesei and interviewed Mari and I for a free magazine they are publishing. The magazine is called "TsunagU", which means 'Connections', and Volume 4 which features Kamesei Ryokan came out on January 23rd. We just received our copies and have them out in our lobby for guests to read.
I was curious about what kind of impression the students got from when they came to report about our inn. I tried to convey my personal business theory and, via a bicycle tour around town, I showed them the various activities I and the other innkeepers are involved with for civic improvement.
Judging by the article and the pictures, I think they got the message. I wonder what type of contribution they will make to society once they have graduated college and enter the School of Life.
雑誌のHPはここです。Click here for the magazine's website.
Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Department recruited me to participate in a TV production to promote their new "Stay Nagano!" campaign. Last week, a film crew came and shot footage here at Kamesei Ryokan, and last night I went to the "Yugata Get!" studio at TV Shinshu's headquarters to be live on the show.
Part of the campaign is to highlight ryokans and onsen districts that promote enviromentally sound techniques. Kamesei was chosen for our lobby's wood burning stove for which we use trimmings from the local apple orchards. One other local ryokan, Shige no ya, was featured for their meals specializing in local ingredients (thus cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions for sourcing them).
This was my first time to be in a TV studio. There's a lot of energy in the studio, with the bright lights, the skilled camera technicians, the 'aura' of the two hosts ... it makes you feel like a star just being there. Of course, afterwards, the long walk back to the station in the cold Nagano winter night all by myself, and having to wait 45 minutes for a train at the odd hour, sufficing on a cold bento dinner bought on the platform and eating it all alone, all quickly brought me back to reality that I am not a star!
Anyways, I'll be happy as long as the TV show succeeded in promoting Nagano Prefecture's ryokans.
テレビ信州のHPはこちらClick here for Shinshu TV's website.
しげの家のHPはこちらClick here for Shigenoya's website.
The February issue of monthly travel magazine 'Ryoko Yomiuri' has a feature on direct bus services linking Japan's major metropolitan areas with various onsen districts.
One such service is Harvest Tour's "Onsen Liner" linking Tokyo and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The price: only 3,400 yen round trip! The bus drops people off in front of the Kara-Koro footbath in the middle of town. It is a short 150 meters from the front entrance of our inn, Kamesei Ryokan.
Part of the article showcases 3 ryokans. One of the 3 suggested inns is ... Kamesei Ryokan! This is probably due to the proximity of our inn to the bus stop, as well as the fact that on our town's last publicity 'caravan' to Tokyo, the other innkeepers and I also paid a visit to Yomiuri's office. If it weren't for making that effort, I'm sure Yomiuri would have never heard of us.
I hope more and more Tokyo-ites make use of the convenient and reasonable Onsen Liner to come and enjoy Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.
旅行読売のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Yomiuri's travel magazine
Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Association and Ryokan Associations are presenting a "Stay Nagano!" Campaign, scheduled to run from January 21st to April 30th. With parts exlusively for Nagano Prefecture residents as well as "Eco-Stay" and "2-Night Stay", anyone can participate and register to win a free night's stay or a cute Arakuma character doll.
Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we fully support the "Stay Shinshu" Campaign.
For Nagano Prefecture Residents, we are offering a special "Meals Served to Your Guestroom for No Extra Charge" Plan.
For Eco-Stay, we feature a wood burning stove in our lobby, upgrading to LED light bulbs, timed sensors / switches on not only lights but shower facilities, etc., etc.
The other day, we got a call from the Prefecture's Tourism Association. A local TV Station, TSB, wants us to be in one of their programs promoting the "Stay Nagano!" Campaign. They will come next week to shoot some footage, then I've been asked to go to their studio for a live production, to be aired the evening of Thursday January 27th.
A TV studio? This will be my first time! I'm a bit nervous, but if it is to highlight the great efforts of my fellow Nagano ryokans, than I am more than willing to cooperate and help out!
「信州に泊まろう!」キャンペーンの詳しくは県のHPへDetails on the Stay Nagano campaign on the Prefecture's website.
テレビ信州のようがたGetのHPはこちらClick here for TSB's You Gotta Get website.
Students from our local university, Shinshu U., are producing a free magazine called "Tsunagaru" which basically means 'connecting'. Several of their staff members came to interview Mari and I for an article. Apparently they want to write about what it's like to run a ryokan. As part of their project, they wanted to experience a bit of what ryokan work is like. So I had them help out with writing the names of the guests on the sign boards.
These students have their whole lives out in the 'Real World' ahead of them. Hopefully I was able to convey what being an innkeeper is like. I'm looking forward to seeing the article.
Nagano's main newspaper, the Shinano Mainichi, had an article in yesterday's edition about the English Gourmet Guide / Walking Map I put together for our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamda. This article was the best so far -- it explained how unique our onsen town is in having such a variety of good restaurants which appeals to Japanese-cuisine-loving foreign travellers.
Here's hoping for more PR for all the wonderful things Togura Kamiyamda has to offer.