As (to be) seen on TV
Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei Kaiseki Dinner Menu:
旬の物 山菜のウルイ酢味噌和 Vinegar Miso-flavored Urui (young Hosta montana)
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Spicy Nanban-seasoned Saku Carp
サラダ 生湯葉サラダ Salad with Yuba (tofu skin)
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、間八 Kajiki Tuna, Shrimp, Amberjack Sashimi
焼き物 山女煮浸し Stewed Yamame River Fish
台の物 豚肉と山菜鍋 Hot Pot with ‘Sansai’ wild mountain plants and Pork
蓋物 銀目鯛豆腐の蒸し物 Steamed Seabream with Tofu*
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
別皿 本日採りたて焼き筍 Freshly-picked grilled bamboo shoots
お椀 蛤清汁仕立 Clam Nectar Soup
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and assorted Pickled Vegetables
水皿 抹茶の水羊羹、杏加え Maccha Youkan Jelly with Apricot Jam
The grilled bamboo shoots were a special edition. Kamesei's outdoor bath has a small bamboo grove. We took a look and spotted lots of shoots coming up, so I picked them and our chef added them to the menu. Freshly picked bamboo shoots right off the grill -- the taste of the season!
A TV crew is here from Tokyo shooting a show about Kamesei Ryokan. They also filmed Chef Takei's menu. As for what TV show and when it will air, stay tuned!