冬の朝5時座禅は終わってからでも夜景 Nightview After a Wintertime 5am Zazen

December 3, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

6am sunrise Following 5am Zazen.







One of Kamesei Ryokan's stay plans is:

"Reset Plan: 5am Zazen Meditation"

To be honest, this plan hardly ever sells. Even if people are interested in zazen meditation, getting up at 5am apparently is too high of hurdle. Especially in the winter, 5am is bitterly cold here in Nagano.

However, 5am is the most silent time of the day, perfect for resetting one's daily life through meditation.

The other day, a guest from Australia expressed interest in doing zazen. So the two of us woke up early and braved the cold, and enjoyed a session of mediation at Kaigen-ji Temple's zazen room.

After the session, we went back outside and I was surprised to find that it was still dark enough to be able to enjoy the nightlights of Nagano City from Kaigen-ji's viewpoint overlooking the Zenkoji Plain.

One of the side benefits of doing 5am zazen meditation.

シアトルクッキーのレシピ(英文) Kamesei's Seattle Cookie Recipe

November 23, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


以前はそのレシピをこのブログに載せました。今回はCouchsurfing CookのWylieさんの依頼で英文も準備しました。

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we serve our guests homemade cookies with their welcome tea. I bake the cookies myself, using my mom's recipe. I practically grew up by these oatmeal cookies. When I bake them here, I add a little Nagano twist -- some buckwheat flour.

Previously, I put the recipe for the cookies on this blog, but by request of Wylie, the Couchsurfing Cook, I made an English version of the recipe.

Wylie, the Couchsurfing Cook.

Kamesei Ryokan's "Seattle Cookies"

「紬」テーマの客室庭の新しい顔 Facelift for our Silk-themed Room's Garden

November 14, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

espaliered mulberry bush in the background





Kamesei Ryokan's silk-themed room "Matsukaze" has a garden that was re-built 2 years ago by our gardener, Okada-san. He designed the garden to reflect the room's theme. Accordingly, he planted a mulberry bush. Recently the mulberry bush's branches had grown long and shaggy, probably leaving a poor impression on our guests. However, we were letting it grow out on purpose, so we could tie the branches to the garden's fence, espalier-style.

This week, our gardener came and worked on the silk-themed garden as well as a few others. So our mulberry bush is now made up in an espalier, greatly improving the garden's overall appearance.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, starting with our naka-niwa central garden, we have tsubo-niwa pocket gardens, private gardens for the semi-detached guestrooms, and more gardens everywhere throughout our inn. Unfortunately, they had been severely neglected over the years. But since Mari and I moved to start running the inn 7 years ago, every year we have been making gradual improvements to the gardens.

Kamiyamada's authentic onsen water,
Our Chef Takei's culinary magic,
Kamesei Ryokan's traditional ambience,
Our 'omotenashi' service,
and the gardens,
all serve to provide our guests a relaxing time.

亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

客室庭の滝作り: 日本庭園のルール Building a Waterfall with Japanese Garden Rules

November 13, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Start of the waterfall







As 2012 comes to a close, I am finally getting around to my project for the year: making a waterfall in the garden for Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Yayoi".

In order to make the waterfall, I have been researching Japanese garden waterfall techniques. I am finding there is a set of strict "rules" for waterfall construction.

First you start with the central "kagami-ishi", which means "mirror stone". It is placed standing up, leaning slightly forward, and has a flat face.

On either side are "takizoe-ishi", meaning "supporting" or "auxillary stones". They are slightly taller than the kagami-ishi and lean toward and support the central stone.

From there, smaller stones extend out and transition to the "gogan" (pond embankment). The gogan has its own set of rules, as well.

This project to build a waterfall for this garden is certainly turning into a learning experience!

庭作り: ザ・デッキ Garden-Making: The Deck

November 8, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

New garden deck for 'Yayoi'





As mentioned in a previous entry, I am working on creating a waterfall for the garden of Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Yayoi". Rather than just having the garden to be enjoyed from inside the guestroom, as it is a fairly spacious garden I decided to build a wood deck. That way on days with warm weather, guests can venture outside and enjoy the garden from the deck, as well.

Probably not too many Japanese ryokans have guestrooms with their own garden decks. But we Americans love wood decks, and I decided to add a touch of garden construction from back home.

Pictured is a scene of the deck building process.

次の作業が始まった: 庭作り Next Project: Creating a Garden

November 6, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Yayoi's Garden, 'Before'


今年は旅館青年部活動や祭り、町興しなどの行事が大分まとめてきました。そして、偉い遅くなったけど、今年のプロジェクトを決めました: 滝作り。

去年に貸切露天「しなの風呂」を作った時に客室「弥生」の庭がかなりやられてしまいました。緑が大分少なくなってしまった。そして、私達欧米人は庭に何かの形で流れている水が好き。噴水とか、川など。それで決めました: 「弥生」の庭に滝を作る事。


As a ryokan proprietor, there is no end to the list of jobs that need to be done. There's always something that needs to be fixed, or areas that are in dire need of updating. However, I have a strong desire to create at least one new thing for the inn every year.

Whether it be an outdoor bath, a sign for our entrance, or replacing a concrete block fence with a wooden one, every year I've been here at Kamesei Ryokan I've made something new.

This year, I've been caught up in ryokan junior association planning, summer festival preparations, civic improvement meetings and so much more, that I am finally getting around to this year's project, a waterfall for one of our guestrooms.

Last year, when we built the new outdoor onsen bath "Shinano-buro", we pretty much destroyed the garden for guestroom 'Yayoi'. It lost the majority of its greenery. So for this year's project, I decided to make a little waterfall for the guests who stay in Yayoi to enjoy. Westerners like me really like to see and hear the flow of moving water, so I think a waterfall will make a wonderful addition to the garden.

I have been studying up on how to build a waterfall, both on the internet and in books. Plus I have researched the peculiarities of waterfalls in Japanese gardens. I'm not sure how this will turn out, but I hope guests will enjoy the outcome.

For now, here is the official 'before' picture.

亀清旅館: ライダーメッカ Kamesei Ryokan: Motorcyclists Paradise

November 3, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



This holiday weekend, we had a group of Harley riders come and stay here at Kamesei Ryokan. As always, we provided covered parking right at our entrance for the bikes, a service that is always appreciated by our guests that come by bike.

One of the Harley's didn't quite fit outside, so he decided to park IN our lobby. It looks like Kamesei Ryokan's become a Harley showroom!

亀清旅館の再審のパンフ登場。今回は貸切露天風呂の写真も Kamesei Ryokan's Latest Brochure, Now with a Picture of the New Private Onsen Bath

October 29, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's New Brochure



Kamesei Ryokan's latest brochure just came out. This time, our new private onsen bath, "Shinano-buro" is showcased.

Pictured in the background are Kamesei Ryokan's previous brochures, some dating back around 50 years. Back then, the idea was to print a stack of brochures that would last a decade or so. Ever since Mari and I started taking over the inn 7 years ago, we have been making so many improvements (new outdoor baths, remodelled guestrooms, etc.) that we need to updated our brochure more often. This time, it was to include our 3rd outdoor bath, the popular private onsen "Shinano-buro". What will it be next time?

亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

亀清ならのおもてなし: かぼちゃランタン作り Kamesei 'Omotenashi': Pumpkin Carving

October 28, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Pumpkin carving in a yukata -- only at Kamsesei Ryokan





For the weekend before Halloween, several of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan were families with children. At night, we had everyone gather in our inn's entrance for mini jack-o-lantern carving party. Not only the kids, but the dads, too, became serious craftsmen and created some really creative pumpkin carvings. We put candles in them and set them outside for an eerily beautiful scene of glowing pumpkins.

I gathered the seeds that came out of the pumpkins and seasoned them and roasted them in our chef's oven. Everyone got to taste the hot and crispy pumpkin seeds at the end.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, our goal is to provide that something extra, a 'plus α', to every single guest.
Whether it be stopping off at a view point on the way from picking someone up for the station,
or taking guests to Obasute to see the night view after dinner,
or preparing a special dessert for children,
we always try to do something unexpected for our guests to create a fond memory of their stay at our inn. Tonight, it was pumpkin carving. What will it be tomorrow?

This is 'omotenashi', Kamesei-style.

Misaki and guest showing off their jack-o-lantern creations

今年度の忘・新年会は是非、亀清旅館で Have Your Year-End Party at Kamesei!

October 27, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan





For this year's Year-End Party season, I made a flier to promote Kamesei Ryokan's banquet plan. I put several at the city's Tourism Association office, and we have already received some reservations from it.

This year, our theme is:

This past year, you worked hard with all of your fellow members.
Tonight, it's time to party hard with them,
At Nagano's Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen,
Kamesei Ryokan.

Have your office / club / association's year-end banquet here at Kamesei Ryokan!

亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan