「客室からの眺め: 2」 "View from the Guestroom: 2"

May 18, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Suehiro's Garden: How would you rate it?

先日は亀清旅館の客室「末広」に泊まったお客様から口コミが入りました。全体的に良かったけど、どうしても気になるのは「客室からの眺め: 2」。1から5点までの2点。










The garden for Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Suehiro" received a "2" for "View from the room" on a recent guest review. Our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is nestled in a narrow river valley surrounded by 1000-meter hills. No inn here has a view of the Japanese Alps or anything as splendid. So I'm not sure what the guest was expecting, but I sense the problem may have been in his choice of onsen towns.

Suehiro's garden used to be a pathetic embarrassment. It's only about 80cm deep, and was hemmed in by a 2-meter tall concrete block fence. It's only tree had grown so tall that you could only see it's trunk from the guestroom's veranda sitting area.

I absolutely hate concrete block, so I got out the sledge hammer and demolished the top two-thirds of the fence. I replaced it with a woven wood fence that I built myself. Finally wind and sunlight could reach the garden. Then I had our gardener, Okada-san, do the impossible and build a garden in the tiny space.

One of my favorite things since moving to Japan is apple season here in Kamiyamada. Especially the tart Kogyoku variety. I love going to the orchard, picking one of these heritage variety Kogyoku's, and immersing myself in the freshly-picked tartness.

So Okada-san worked his magic, and managed to plant an apple tree in Suehiro's garden for me. My favorite variety -- Kogyoku! (The first year it only bore 1 apple. This year, it looks a bit more promising.) Around the base of the tree, he placed Asama Mountain volcanic rock and made the best of the narrow space with a few other plants and vines.

If we hadn't done all that work on Suehiro's garden, that recent guest probably would have given it a "1". So I guess I should be happy with the "2". We have made a lot of improvements here at Kamesei Ryokan, with even more to come!

5月から戸倉上山田温泉のサイクリングツアー登場♪ New Cycling Tour for Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada to Start in May

April 24, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



Starting this May, I will be leading a cycling tour of onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada every Saturday Morning.

Tours will start at the Kara-Koro footbath in the center of town, departing at 10:30am. 'Mama-chari' rental cycles will be provided.

Lasting for around 1-1/2 hours, the tour will cover everything from Designated National Cultural Treasures to hidden secrets. We will be able to take in the beautiful scenery of the Chikuma River and the surrounding mountains. The tour will also include a footbath stop and each participant will get a manju sweet to eat.
I myself love cycling, and also love Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, and will be enthusiastically leading the tours.

Tours will take place every Saturday morning from May through November.
Price is 1200 yen, including cost of the rental cycle, insurance, and the manju sweet.
Maximum 8 people per tour, so reserve early!
To reserve, contact the Chikuma City Tourism Association or call us here at Kamesei Ryokan.

ママチャリさえ乗ればだれでも参加が出来る♪ Anyone who can ride a mama-chari bike can take the tour!

女湯の新しいマスコット「六蔵さん」 New mascot for the Ladies Bath: Rokuzo-San

March 20, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




We commissioned a local ceramic artist, Agnes-san, to make a turtle for our ladies bath. We will place it on the onsen spout.

Originally from Hungary, Agnes uses her European stylistics with traditional Japanese ceramic techniques in her art. She matched the grey colors of the bath's tiles with a splash of blues and greens. A beautiful, colorful addition to the bath, one that our guests will be sure to enjoy as they soak in the onsen bath.

In Japanese, turtle is usually called 'kame' as in Kamesei. However, there is another way to call it: Rokuzo. Roku means 6, as in a turtle's 6 appendages that retract into its storehouse, or 'zo', shell. So that's what we're calling this new creation by Agnes: Rokuzo-San. What do you think of that as a name for the bath -- Rokuzo-buro?

亀清の看板 例年のチョキチョキ Kamesei's Symbol Getting its Annual Clipping

March 7, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




'Tis the time for Kamesei Ryokan's Japanese pine tree's annual trimming. This pine tree, located as it is at the entrance, acts as our inn's main greeting symbol.

A team of 3 professional gardeners spent 2 days on the trimming. In order to not damage the tree, they used a system of ladders and poles and ropes to reach the branches. An impressively elaborate job.

As the inn's proprietor, if a job can be done by myself, as much as possible I try to do it by myself. When it comes to trimming pine trees, though, I feel it's not a job to be done by an amateur. Especially for our inn's symbolic pine tree. It's important to present a formal face when greeting the guests of our inn!

tripadvisor.com トラベラーズチョイス賞が届いた! Travellers' Choice Award Arrived!

March 1, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Now we have to try even harder to present a better ryokan experience to our guests!



Our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, received Tripadvisor.com's Travellers' Choice Award as one of the Top 25 Ryokans in all of Japan. The award was announced in January, and we just recently received the official plaque. We're pretty thrilled with winning the award, and are proudly displaying the plaque in our lobby.

Recently, though, little things here and there in our inn seem to be breaking. We are trying to make improvements as best as we can, but lately it's been "1-step forward, 2 steps backward". But now especially that we have been awarded as one of the top 25 inns in Japan, we can't have our guests seeing our inn as being run-down. So I am trying extra hard to make progress on the improvements!

Tripadvisor.com Travellers' Choice Award

温泉エッセイスト 山崎まゆみさん 来館 Onsen Essayist Mayumi Yamazaki Visited Kamesei Ryokan

February 20, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Onsen guru Yamazaki-san at Kamesei Ryokan

温泉エッセイスト 山崎まゆみさんが亀清旅館にお越しになって頂きました。先日、NHK長野が取材してくれた番組の放送時でスタジオのゲストとなる山崎さんが放送前に亀清のお風呂に入りたいをの事で、来ました。




Onsen essayist Mayumi Yamazaki came to stay at our inn Kamesei Ryokan. She was in town as a studio guest for the broadcast of NHK Nagano's special on Onsens. Kamesei was one of the inns being featured, and she wanted to try our bath before the show.

Yamazaki-san is a Yokoso! Japan Ambassador, and is active in promoting Japan's onsens overseas. She herself has been to hot springs in 20 different countries. It was exciting to have such a noted onsen expert come to our little inn. She took a soak in the bath I hand-built. It was perfect timing -- the snow was falling and the garden was covered in white. With Kamesei's hot spring mineral water high in sulfur content, it made for an exceedingly enjoyable for Yamazaki-san.

Hopefully I, too, can help convey Japan's onsens to the world like Yamazaki-san!

山崎まゆみ Mayumi Yamazaki

旅慣れているプロにも好評 Highly Regarded by Travel Pros

February 3, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

4 out of 4 badges awarded to Kamesei Ryokan by YukoYuko's demanding customers




亀清旅館: Tripadvisor.comのトラベラーズチョイスアワード2013受賞 Kamesei Ryokan Winner of Tripadvisor.com's Travelers' Choice Award 2013

January 17, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei Ryokan won Tripadvisor.com's Travelers' Choice Awards 2013 Top 25 B&Bs and Inns in Japan Award



伝説の白梅(京都)や助六の宿 貞千代(浅草)、花屋(信州・別所温泉)などと並べて、お客様の満足度によると我が亀清旅館が受賞しました。




Tripadvisor.comトラベラーズチョイス2013 日本全国トップ25旅館賞
Global guest review travel site Tripadvisor.com announced its Travelers' Choice 2013 Awards.

I'm pleased to announce that Kamesei Ryokan was chosen as one of the Top 25 B&Bs and Inns in Japan!

This is really exciting, as it puts Kamesei Ryokan in the same league as such legendary ryokans as Shiraume (Kyoto), Sadachiyo (Asakusa) and Hanaya (Bessho Onsen, Nagano).

We still have so many improvements to make here at our little inn, but apparently due to our traditional layout and warm wood construction, all of our tranquility-inspiring gardens, Kamiyamada's rejuvinating onsen water and our hand-made outdoor baths, our chef's culinary magic, and Mari's and my hospitality, our guests have deemed us worthy of recognition by their kind reviews.

One other thing I'm excited about is the prefecture with the most winners in the Top 25 is Nagano. Besides Kamesei here in Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, the others are Biyu, Shimaya and Matsuya in Shibu-Yudanaka, the aforementioned Hanaya, Seifuso in Matsumoto and Fujioto in Tsumago. Congratulations, everyone!

Tripadvisor.com Travelers' Choice Awards 2013 Top 25 B&Bs and Inns in Japan

亀清旅館の玄関看板にイルミネーション Illumination for Kamesei Ryokan's Sign

December 18, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

New lights for Kamesei's entrance sign



2 years ago, I made this hand-carved wooden sign for Kamesei Ryokan's entrance. For this winter, I decided to add a bit of Christmas lights. Since the sign is located away from any electricity outlet, I used solar-powered lights.

It's just a small endeavor, but I hope the illumination helps to brighten Kamiyamada's long winter nights.

客室「弥生」の滝、仮オープン Guestroom "Yayoi" waterfall's Pre-Start

December 14, 2012: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's Waterfall In Snowy Action





As previously mentioned, I have been making a waterfall for the garden for Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Yayoi". With this latest snowfall, I set up the new spout I made and ran water for the first time.

The sound of the water gurgling and the crystal white scenery made for a most peaceful scene.