Category Archives: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan
味噌工場見学 Miso Tour
March 2, 2007: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan地元の味噌屋さんの工場見学にアメリカから来たお客のJohnさんを連れて行きました。高村さんのご説明がとっても親切でしたのでいい勉強になりました。工場見学はいつでも出来るようで興味のある方は是非声をかけてください。喜んで案内しますので。
We took our American guest, John, to our local miso shop and got a tour of their facility. It was fascinating to see how miso is made and all of the different varieties. If you are interested in a factory tour, we would be glad to take you.
February 11, 2007: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan軽トラの世界 K-Trucks
February 11, 2007: 亀清旅館 Kamesei RyokanInn-turned-studio
January 19, 2007: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan町の旅館青年部の行事として、亀清のロビーがアートギャラリーに変身しました。2月14日まで政森暁美様と言う版画の作家の作品が展示しております。そして、政森様ご自身が1月19日までロビーで作品製作をなされています。その作業を見るのに素晴らしい機会です!
Kamesei's lobby has been transformed into an art gallery. We will be displaying the works of wood block print artist Akemi Masamori until 14-Feb. Mrs. Masamori herself is staying with us until 19-Jan and making her works of art here in our lobby.
January 12, 2007: 亀清旅館 Kamesei RyokanHelpin' at the local school 上小英会話
November 1, 2006: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan
This is a book
Since I am a native English speaker, I sometimes help out at the local Kamiyamada Elementary School with their English classes. Here I am pictured reading the 6th graders a Halloween story. If you run into any of the students while in town, please greet them in English!
Mini Gallery プッチ歴史ギャラリー
September 2, 2006: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokanお風呂場の前で本棚がおニューで置いてあり、中に温泉の歴史のオブジェを提示致しました。この温泉は100年前の人達の苦労のお陰で、私達の苦労で100年先の人の為に何を残すか?というテーマです。是非、お入りに。
A new addition to our inn: a showcase of historical objects from 100 years ago when the onsen founders created this onsen through their hard efforts. What will leave, through our efforts, for those 100 years from now?... is the theme. Please, come join us for a bath!
March 24, 2006: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan
Gathering firewood
Early spring is the time we wood burning stove owners start collecting wood for the next winter. Here in Nagano, we stove owners hook up with the apple orchardists and help them with their trimming, receiving wood in return. Reciprocal Relationship, Nagano-style.