亀清の売店の改善 Improving our Souvenir counter

April 16, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




*たからや 民芸品や地元の焼き物「更科焼き」
*島屋 甘露煮
*中村 信州味噌
*笹鈴 温泉まんじゅ
*光文堂 レトロなおもちゃ
*西沢書店 信州の本の色々



Using an idea I got from another inn, I made a small improvement on Kamesei's souvenir counter. I threw away the ugly plastic signs we used to have, and wrote new signs on this cool "washi" (traditional Japanese paper). Of course, I added English, too.

Our souvenir selection is minimal on purpose. We want our guests to put the wooden geta on their feet and stroll around town, checking out the various stores as they walk around. Some of the interesting shops are:

*Takaraya -- local "Sarashina-yaki" pottery
*Shimaya -- local "kanroni" marinated river fish
*Nakamura -- Nagano miso paste
*Sasasuzu -- manju sweets using adzuki red been paste
*Kobundo -- stationery store with lots of retro stuff
*Nishizawa Books -- lots of books on Nagano
and more!

Here at Kamesei, the souvenirs we offer for sale are kanroni from Shimaya, typical Nagano tea sweets Yubeshi and Raicho-no-sato, as well as some heritage purple rice grown by a local handicap center. We can also order manju from Sasasuzu.

Be sure to take home a souvenir to remind you of your trip to Togura-Kamiyamada!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

亀清の庭のメンテが始まり Kamesei's Garden Maintenance starting

April 8, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Okada-san at work


Kamesei Ryokan is set on approximately 800 tsubos (1 tsubo = 3.3 sq.meters). Throughout that area we have gardens all over -- in between guest rooms, on either side of the watari-roka passageway, our naka-niwa garden with koi pond, and more. With the warm weather we have had lately, the plants in the garden are starting to transition from winter to spring. Our gardener, Okada-san, came today for garden maintenance. He pointed out all the new growth. We'll be getting some pic's from him soon.


りんご薪vs.地球温暖化 Apple Wood vs. Global Warming

March 19, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Andy and Kenny with the wood stack


I've made good progress on gathering up firewood for next winter. Our boys' spring vacation started today, so I got them to help out, too. (Otherwise, they'd be indoor playing Wii!) Driving to the apple orchards, cutting the branches into short sections with a chainsaw, loading the "K-Tru" pick-up, dumping the load at Kamesei, chopping the fat ones with an axe, and stacking wood nice and neat -- it's a lot of work! But you know what? It's a great chance to interact with the apple growers, as well as with Nagano's nature. I wouldn't change this life for anything.
By the way, I asked the apple grower how this season is shaping up, with the winter being so warm and so little snow. Would the blossoms come early? The grower told me in years like this, they may actually bloom late due to a lack of a cold snap. Low temperatures set up the trees for blooming. He said even the ag coop wasn't making any predictions for this year -- the blossoms could be really early, or really late.
Another result of global warming?

剪定後のりんご木 Trimmed Apple Trees

ドイツvs.日本 国際交流 German-Japanese Relations at Kamesei

March 17, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

This morning, when the Fischer party checked out, they came across the Inoue party of I-go playing gentlemen. One of them is a baker who studied in Frankfurt. By coincidence, the Fischer's were from Frankfurt. So a very enthusiastic conversation took place. I was impressed by how highly Japanese people regard Germany.
With me being an American innkeeper, we get guests from overseas from time to time. They tend to enjoy staying at a traditional ryokan. Japanese guests also appreciate the opportunity to talk with foreign travellers.

たぬきの新しい酒瓶Kamesei's Tanuki has a new Sake Bottle

March 11, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Most establishments that sell sake in Japan have a tanuki statue. He's kind of a good luck charm, and is usually made holding a ledger and a bottle of sake. The tanuki here in our Naka-niwa garden has always had a sake bottle at his side, but I thought it would be most appropriate if the bottle were from our local sake brewer, Obasute Masamune. I asked our rep, and he found this cool bottle in their warehouse and brought it for us. So I proudly displayed it next to our tanuki.

野鳥の歌といい文章 Bird Chirping and Good Copy

March 10, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Currently, I am working on Kamesei Ryokan's new brochure. We are updating it to include English text as well as pictures of the new outdoor baths.
As far as the text, I am confident about the English, but my Japanese isn't good enough for something as official as our brochure. Unfortunately, none of the Japanese here are confident either.
so that means we'll have the ad agency hire a copy writer. They are good, but the pro writer will never have been to Kamesei, and his or her writing would probably be something that could apply not just to Kamesei, but to any inn.
This morning, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. It reminded me of our website. It starts out with Japanese text about the songs of the wildbirds in our garden. Now, our inn does have more gardens than most, and as a result a happy number of birds, but text like that could just as well apply to any inn, not just Kamsesei.
I'm hoping to put together some uniquely Kamesei text for our brochure.

客室のインフォーメーションの本の更新Updating the Information Books in the GuestRooms

March 4, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Chikuma City just updated their Sightseeing Guidebook (Japanese). The front section is like a magazine -- very chic. I went ahead and put copies of the new guidebook in the Information Books we have in each of the guestrooms. These Info books that we put together have all kinds of background information on our inn and the town, in both English and Japanese. So for people who come and stay, feel free to take a look at the Info book.

渡り廊下修理 Fixing our Watari-Roka Passageway

February 25, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

The roof of our Watari-Roka passageway that crosses the garden over to the 'Hanare-fu' detached rooms has born the brunt of many a snow fall. It had gotten pretty banged up, so we had our local Ishii Roofers come and redo part of it. Last weekend, one of our guests commented that the roof needed refinishing, and we were able to tell him that we already had it arranged. Ideally we should have had it done before guests complain, but with all the things that need fixing around our inn, we are steadily making progress as best as we can. It's rewarding to hear our regular customers say, "Oh, you've fixed that here and that over there." This year we have many more improvements planned, to make staying at our inn even more enjoyable.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei's website

悪いけど、日本の温泉文化はやはり最高 Sorry, but Japan's Onsen Customs are Simply Sublime

February 20, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Snowflakes and steam lit by the andon 行灯の光で雪と湯気






When I built the "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath, it was for the enjoyment of our guests. We, of course, get to use it, too, every day. Tonight was one of those magical onsen moments. The weather lately has finally become winter-like, and so tonight's outdoor bath was accompanied by snow.

Sublime. Simply sublime.

This is as good as the Japanese onsen gets. The strong sulfur smell, the yu-hana minerals floating in the bath, the steam coming off the bath and being lit in the andon lantern, the soathingly warm water, and being able to stick your tongue out and catch snowflakes.

This is it.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちら Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

お客様のお蔭で新しい蛇口 New Faucet -- Thanks to a Guest!

February 13, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

The showers in Kamesei's baths are turning black due to the high mineral content in the hot spring water. I've changed out a few of the showers already, but a recent guest suggested we do more. He works in the plumbing fixtures industry, and the other day he brought some display fixtures. I went ahead and connected up two of them in the ladies bath -- it looks so much nicer now! Thank you, S-san! It's great that guests have become such big fans of Kamesei!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらclick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano