信州SPECIAL宿泊割 延長と拡大☆ 4月22日更新 Prefecture's Discount Campaign UPDATED 4/22

June 21, 2021: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

長野県民及び近隣県の皆様、二つの割引キャンペーンが実施中: (English Follows)

長野県の「県民支えあい 信州割SPECIAL 宿泊割」


■ 長野県のSPECIAL割のは延長(R4年5月31日までご利用可能)そして長野県民に追加で近隣県の皆様に拡大(群馬、埼玉、新潟、富山、石川、福井、山梨の皆様)その条件: 新型コロナワクチンを3回接種済 又は 検査結果が陰性であること



新型コロナワクチンを3回接種済 又は 検査結果が陰性であることが条件です。






■ 千曲市のリフレッシュチケット








Nagano Prefecture and Chikuma City are offering 2 discount campaigns you can use to stay here at Kamesei Ryokan.

    1. Nagano Prefecture's "SPECIAL-WARI" for residents of Nagano Prefecture or select neighboring prefectures (Gunma, Saitama, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui and Yamanashi): 5000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 10,000 yen or more, 2500 yen discount for 5,000-9,999 yen.   In addition, each person receives 2000 yen in coupons that can be used at area businesses.  The discount applies to stays  through 31-May (Tues) 2022 (except 29-April to 08-May).  All guests must be triple-vaccinated for COVID or have tested negative  (present proof at check-in).
    2. Chikuma City's "Tsuki no Miyako Chikuma-Wari": 3000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 5,000 yen or more for  stays through 31-July 2022.

Restrictions apply so please inquire (Tel 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp) and we will gladly make your reservation.


長野県民限定: ちくま割のお得の情報 "Chikuma-Wari" Discount for Nagano Residents

May 17, 2021: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

長野県民に嬉しい情報があります: (English to Follow)

千曲市「長野県民限定 ちくま割」が行われています。


様々の条件がございますので、お問い合わせはお電話 (026)275-1032 又は メール omotenashi@kamesei.jp でお問い合わせ下さい。コロナに負けないで、温泉で精神的にリフレッシュしましょう!

注: お陰様で県民応援前売は完売になりました。☆完売御礼☆

Valuable News for Residents of Nagano Prefecture:

Chikuma City is offering a discount ("Chikuma Wari") for staying in the city, including our inn here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada.

The discount applies to stays from Tuesday 01-June to Friday 31-Dec but due to the limited nature of the offer, we suggest staying in June or July.

Various conditions apply, so please inquire by phone (tel# 026-275-1032) or e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp.  Don't let Corona get you down -- come and rejuvenate your body at Kamesei Ryokan!

NOTE: Our allotment of the Nagano Prefecture Maeuri-Wari is sold out.

日本の小宿に受賞♪ しかしながら、努力がまだ足りず Kamesei Ryokan Selected as one of Japan's Top Small Inns

January 12, 2021: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, メディア Media
An industry newspaper released their annual list of Top 100 Hotels and Inns in Japan as decided by professionals, and our inn Kamesei Ryokan was selected in the Small Inn category.
The same day we received the award, we got a 1-star customer review that called our inn "Low-level, the worst".
Apparently we still have lots of improvements to make.

新しい信楽焼浴槽が完成! New Shigaraki Ceramic Onsen Bath!

December 29, 2020: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 温泉Onsens, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

亀清旅館の女湯に二つ目の露天風呂が出来ました: この狸色の信楽焼の浴槽。




Kamesei Ryokan's women's onsen now has a 2nd outdoor bath:  this tanuki-colored Shigaraki ceramic bath.

The proprietress and I drove the 260km to Shigaraki (Shiga Precture, Koka City) and picked out the size and color, and had the bath specially made.  Meanwhile, I made the fence surround, deck and pocket garden for the bath.

Our women's onsen has a fairly small indoor bath, but now guests can enjoy not one but two outdoor baths.  And the Shigaraki ceramic is the perfect complement for Kamiyamada Onsen's skin-softening hot spring mineral water.

We hope everyone can come and take a soak in our new bath!

Interview with Kamesei's Tyler Lynch on the Japanofiles Podcast

September 3, 2020: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, メディア Media

Dave Carlson recently interviewed Kamesei Ryokan's proprietor, Tyler Lynch, for his Japanofiles podcast.  This is Tyler's 2nd appearance.  Get caught up on Tyler's various projects with our inn, our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, and with inbound tourism for Nagano Prefecture.    Special thanks to Dave-san for the interview, and for talented editing.  Dave-san's Japanofiles podcast is a fantastic way to gain insight into the international community in and around Matsumoto.


Direct Download:






亀清旅館の客室紹介: 離れ風 Kamesei's Guestrooms: Semi-Detached

August 19, 2020: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

亀清旅館の客室はどんな感じですかと、思っている方に当館の部屋を紹介いたします。Wondering what Kamesei Ryokan's guest rooms are like?  This series of blog entries will introduce them to you.

10畳・トイレ付は全部で⒓部屋で、7室が1階、5室が階段を上って2階です。1階の部屋は風呂前の2室と渡り廊下を渡って離れ風は5部屋です。2階の部屋はその部屋から見える山の名前になっていて、1階のはそれおぞれ長野県に特化したテーマとなっています。取り敢えず、離れ風の部屋の説明です。We have 12 guest rooms that are 10-tatami mat size and equipped with a toilet.  7 are on the 1st floor, 5 upstairs on the 2nd floor.  The 1st floor rooms are divided with 2 located directly in front of the onsen baths ("Furo-Mae") and 5 semi-detached rooms across the crossover passageway ("Hanare-fu").  The 2nd floor rooms are named after the mountain that can be seen from each room, while the ones on the 1st floor all have a separate Nagan0-based theme.  First up are the 5 semi-detached rooms.


子宝 Kodakara

職人の作った扉を開いて、改装した玄関に1畳の次の間を通ってから部屋に入ります。部屋の4脚のベランダの向こうに亀清の一番広い坪庭があります。バードハウスが枝ぶら下げている木の下にハモックがあり、お二人が仲良く過ごして頂けます。隣に他の客室がございませんので賑やかなお子様連れのご家族に最適です。Slide open the door handmade by a master woodworker to reveal the updated entrance and the 1-tatami mat size antechamber.  Beyond the 4-person sitting area is the largest of all of our rooms' tsubo-niwa pocket gardens.  Below a birdhouse hanging from a tree branch is a cozy hammock for two, perfect for this, the most romantic of our guest rooms.  There are no guest rooms adjacent to this one, so it is well-suited for families with energetic children.

子供が出来なかった方が上山田温泉に来て、妊娠になった説があり、「子宝の湯」と言われている。It is said Kamiyamada's onsen water is effective for fertility, hence this room's name 'Kodakara' ("plentiful children").


杏 Anzu

この部屋は2畳の次の間と10畳の部屋や2脚のベランダ以外にベッドの台の部屋もあり、特別和洋室です。床で寝るのは馴染めない方にはベッドルームの高台で布団を敷くことが出来ます。洗面台とトイレはお洒落にデザインされていて、好評でございます。お布団は分かれて敷ける為に二世代やさん世代のご家族にお勧めです。Besides the 2-tatami mat antechamber and the regular 10-tatami mat room and 2-person sitting area is a bedroom with a raised surface so futons can be spread out raised off the floor.  It is perfect for guests who aren't comfortable sleeping on the floor.  The room's sink and toilet areas have been remodeled in a chic design popular with our guests.  As the futons can be arranged separately, Anzu is great for multi-generational families.

近くの「日本一あんずの里」森地区の記念で客間「杏」の坪庭に杏子の木を植えました。知り合いの手で描かれた杏の花の絵も飾ってあります。そして、漆喰の壁のどこかに杏子の木の葉っぱも? In honor of the nearby "Anzu no Sato" (Apricot Village) Mori district, this room's pocket garden features an apricot tree.  Guests who stay here in early April can enjoy the blossoms, and if in late June / early July you can pick fresh fruit from the tree.  An acquaintance of ours painted the apricot blossom vista displayed on the wall, and somewhere in the stucco is an imprint of a leaf from the apricot tree...


紅玉 Kogyoku

客間「杏」と似ていて2畳の次の間と10畳の部屋、2脚のベランダ、デザイナー洗面台とトイレがありながら、ベッドルームだけがございません。部屋のアプローチは両側に坪庭があって、落ち着いた客室です。Similar to "Anzu", this room has a 2-tatami mat antechamber, regular 10-tatami mat room and two-person sitting area with a designer sink and toilet area.  The room's approach has pocket gardens on either side, adding to the overall relaxed ambience.

長野県で10月に必須なのはりんご畑で紅玉という昔からの品種のりんごを採って、その場で食べる事。採りたての紅玉は甘酸っぱくて美味しい。この部屋の坪庭に紅玉の木を植えました。10月に泊まればお部屋でリンゴ狩りが出来ます! ベランダのコーヒーテーブルもりんごの木で作ったし、漆喰の壁のどこかにりんごの木の葉っぱも。One of everyone's favorite thing to do in Nagano in October is to go to an apple orchard, find an old heritage-variety Kogyoku tree, and eat one of those cheek-puckering-ly tart apples right off the tree.  This room's pocket garden has an actual kogyoku tree so guests staying here in October can pick apples in their own room's garden!  The coffee table in the sitting area is hand-made from apple wood, and hidden in one of the stucco walls is an impression of an apple tree leaf.


紬 Tsumugi

廊下を続くと客間「紬(紬)」に辿り着きます。2畳の次の間に10畳の部屋、4脚のベランダ、またデザイナーの洗面台とトイレ、そして部屋中にまた長野らしいテーマの飾りを楽しめます。Further down the passageway is the next guest room, Tsumugi.  It, too, has a 2-tatami mat antechamber, a 10-tatami mat room with sitting area for 4 and another designer washbasin and toilet area.  Throughout the room are accents representing another typical Nagano facet.

昔、長野は絹の生産所だった。古民家の屋根裏にお蚕様を育っていて、その独特の形の屋根の古民家がいまだに所々で残っています。隣の上田市の紬は日本三大紬の一つとして有名だし。この客間「紬」は床の間に骨董品の糸巻き機械、コーヒーテーブルは蚕棚から作られて、壁に当館のオーナーの自ら織った紬のタペストリーがかかってあって、坪庭に桑の木が植えてあります。全ては長野の紬のルーツを表現してます。Nagano used to be a major producer of silk.  Many area farmhouses were used to raise silkworms in their attics, and their unique rooflines are visible in older neighborhoods to this day.  Nearby Ueda City's silk weaving ('tsumugi') tradition is considered one of Japan's Top 3.  Throughout our guest room "Tsumugi" are reminders of Nagano's Silk Road roots, like the spool on the tokonoma alcove, the table in the sitting room made from a silk worm tray, a silk tapestry hand-woven by our owner on a 100-year old loom, even a mulberry tree in the room's pocket garden.


別荘 Villa

一番奥の部屋が「別荘」です。道から離れて、庭で囲まれていて、一番静かな部屋です。2畳の次の間に10畳の部屋、4脚のベランダ、匠の作った洗面台とトイレ。この部屋は特別で、実は貸切露天「しなの風呂」と隣接してます。宿泊プランによってこの部屋のお客間は夜間で貸切風呂を自由に利用できます。亀清旅館なりの一番贅沢な客室です。The guest room at the end of the hall is Villa.  It is located away from the road and is surrounded by gardens making it our quietest room.  It, too, has a 2-tatami mat antechamber, 10-tatami mat main room, sitting area with 4 seats, and a uniquely designed sink and toilet area.  Villa is adjacent to our outdoor family onsen bath, and depending on the stay plan, guests in this room have private access to the bath at night.

長野は軽井沢などの別荘地が有名です。この客室は水回りのデザインや貸切露天のアクセスで別荘気分を楽しんで頂けます。Nagano is famous for its vacation home resort towns such as Karuizawa.   With the fashionably designed wash area and its proximity to the private bath, our guest room "Villa" gives a feeling like of a fancy vacation home.


GoToトラベル: 公式サイトが一番お得♪ Book your GoTo Travel reservation through our official website

August 1, 2020: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

亀清旅館の公式HPにGoToトラベル対象の宿泊プランをアップしましたので、お勧めでございます! 旅館の公式サイトが一番お得なので。

コロナで精神的に疲れていらっしゃる方が多いようです。是非に旅館で癒しを! 亀清旅館の公式HPで分かりやすい「GoToトラベル対象宿泊プラン」を提供しておりますので、ご利用を宜しくお願い致します。



Booking through Kamesei Ryokan's official website is how you can get our Best Price, and we now offer a Go To Travel stay plan.  Take advantage of the country's Go To Travel Campaign and stay here at Kamesei Ryokan at a discount!


Long-Stay Vacation in Nagano: 10 Tips with Kamesei Ryokan as Your Base

July 13, 2020: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

How about spending an extended vacation in Nagano?  Make Kamesei Ryokan your base for exploring Nagano Prefecture.  Here are the 10 most popular day-trips.

1.Zenkoji Temple, Nagano City

Our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, has traditionally been considered the resort of choice after visitors make their pilgrimage to Zenkoji.  The venerable temple houses the "Amida Triad Sharing One Halo" image which is the oldest Buddhist image in Japan, having crossed over from the Korean Peninsula in 552.  Once every 7 years it is put on display during the renowned Gokaicho ceremony.  Visitors to the temple usually enter the Main Hall, and take the stairs down into a pitch-black corridor, feeling along the wall in the hopes of finding the 'key' that is located directly under said image.  After transmitting prayers through the image, visitors ascend the stairs to once again be in the light, a sensation similar to being born again.  More info here.

Venerable Zenkoji Temple

The main road leading to Zenkoji, "Naka-mise", is lined by souvenir shops and soba noodle restaurants.  Here you are sure to find the perfect memorabilia to take home, as well as satisfy your tummy.

Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  By car it is 27km (approx. 50 min.) to Zenkoji.  It's best to take Route 18 and surface streets as the Expressway runs in an inconvenient direction.  By train, it is 25 minutes from Togura Station to Nagano Station, and then a 5 minute bus to the temple.

Kamesei Tips:  Leave your car at our inn, take the train from Togura Station, and walk from Nagano Station to Zenkoji.  This allows you to enjoy walking up the Naka-mise street, as most parking lots are located behind the temple.  Also, one block off Naka-mise to both the left and right are narrow lanes lined with Shukubo (temple lodging), a serene contrast to the chaotic scene of the shops and restaurants along the main street.


Nagano Prefecture's premier resort town, Karuizawa boasts a large number of high caliber art museums and galleries, fantastic boutique shops, quaint chapels, and a smorgasbord of gourmet restaurants, all in a lush, natural setting.  And that's not to mention the outlet shopping center.  Plus there are the elegant Mikasa and Manpei Hotels and the fancy summer homes, giving the town an opulent atmosphere.  Official info.

Classic Karuizawa; Mampei Hotel

Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  For by both car and by train, there is a slow and fast option.  By car, taking the Joshin'etsu Expressway and exiting at the Komoro IC, it is 50km, approx. 55 minutes.  If you avoid the expressway and take the Asama Sun Line highway, it will take 10 minutes longer but the rural scenery is worth it.  By train, you can transfer at Ueda to the Hokuriku Shinkansen and reach Karuizawa in 45 minutes.  Or you can take the local train all the way from Togura for a leisurely 1 hour and 15 minutes (and 1/3 the price).

Kamesei Tips:  Karuizawa's roads tend to get congested on weekends and holidays, especially in the summer, so take the train instead.  Many head to Karuizawa to shop at the outlet stores, but the old-fashioned Kyu-Karu "Ginza" and the classy Harunire Terrace offer enticing alternatives.


The name "Togakushi" refers to a tale related to Japan's creation myth, appropriate for the area's mystical atmosphere.  Perhaps the place best suited for feeling the spiritual power is the trail to Okusha, the Inner Shrine.  It is lined by ancient cedar trees that give a distinct vibe of the power of nature.  Togakushi is also famous for soba noodles, and there is something extra-special about the noodles prepared with the highland's clear water and clean mountain air.  Togakushi hides one other secret:  the eponymous Togakure-ryu ninjas.  Many of our guests have come back from the Togakushi Ninja Village gushing that it was more fun than USJ!  Official Info.

Zuijinmon Gate with the ancient cedar trees beyond



Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  By car, there are 2 main routes.  The typical way is to drive to Zenkoji and then up to Togakushi from there.  45 minutes + 45 minutes, for a total of 90 minutes.  Alternatively, you can take the Joshin'etsu Expressway from the Koshoku IC to the Shinano Machi IC, and then the back roads up to Togakushi.  With that route, from our door to the Okusha parking lot, it is 60 minutes.  You have to pay the toll and it's the long way around, but it is considerably faster and less crowded.  By train is is 25 minutes from Togura to Nagano Station, then an hour-long Alpico Bus up to Togakushi.

Kamesei Tips:  Togakushi features 4 very distinct faces, depending on the season.  Autumn is the most popular, with the fall leaves colors peaking in October and the new crop soba coming in November.  However, spring is spectacular for bird watching and for the creamy white marsh lilies (aka skunk cabbage), summer means cool highland temperatures and playing in the streams, and in winter Togakushi is a snow shoeing paradise (ask us for great course recommendations).  For ninja fans, the Ninja Village has an extensive variety of activities, but the Ninpo Center near the entrance to Okusha is much less crowded.


Known as the Crow Castle, the formidable Matsumoto-jo is a designated National Treasure.  It has been recently joined as such by Matsumoto's old Kaichi School building.  Another popular destination is the Municipal Art Museum, with a selection of works by the world-renowned 'polka-dot lady', Yayoi Kusama.  The Nawate-dori and Nakamachi shopping streets round out the must-see spots in central Matsumoto City.  Official Info.

The stately black facade of Matsumoto Castle, aka The Crow Castle

Access from Kamesei Ryokan:  By car, if using the Obasute SA Smart IC, it Matsumoto is a convenient 45 minutes from Kamesei.  By train, we can provide shuttle service to Obasute Station to catch the local JR train Matsumoto Station, also 45 minutes.

Kamesei Tips:  We personally are big fans of Matsumoto's craft scene.  There are several unique shops along Nakamachi, including our favorite, Chikiriya.  The Craft Fair held the end of May is one of the best in the country, and year-round you can go to the Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum and see some outstanding examples of Matsumoto's hand-built furniture.

5. Obuse

Famous for chestnut sweets and the ukiyo-e artist Hokusai, Obuse is particularly popular with two types of visitors:  Japanese and other Asians for the chestnut mont blanc, and Westerners for the Hokusai Museum and ceiling painting of a phoenix at Gansho-in Temple.  Personally, our favorite aspect is the quaint townscape, especially Chestnut Lane and all the Open Gardens.

Obuse's quaint Chestnut Lane

Access from Kamesei:  By car Obuse is 45 minutes using the Joshin’etsu Expressway and the Obuse SA Smart IC (ETC card required).  By train, from Togura Station to Obuse Station transferring at Nagano Station, it takes approximately 80 minutes.

Kamesei Tips:  In the center of town is the Takai Kozan Musem.  Here you can learn about Hokusai’s patron and see what the town was like when the famous artist resided here.  Outside of the center beyond Gansho-in is another temple called Joko-ji.  The enterprising head priest has undertaken many initiatives to make the temple relevant to today’s Japan.  Just one project is indicated by Joko-ji’s nickname:  The Slackline Temple.  By the way, next door is a restaurant specializing in tofu dishes – Yummy!

6. The Roof of Japan – Kamikochi, Utsukushigahara and a variety of Ropeways and Gondolas

One of Nagano’s biggest draws are its many mountains.  The Prefecture is not only home to all three of the Japanese Alps ranges (Northern, Central and Southern), but has Shiga Kogen and the “5 Northern Nagano Peaks”.  Everywhere you go in Nagano you will see mountains!

Convenient Access to the Roof of Japan (Pictured: Ryuoo Ropeway

Many of our guests visit Nagano to go to the mountains, then come down to relax at our inn.  Some of the easiest to access are Norikura (via the Echo Line bus), Komagatake and the Senjojiki Cirque via ropeway, Utsukushigahara Highlands and Mt. Kurumayama by driving the Venus Line and taking the Kurumayama Skylift, SORA Terrace via the Ryuoo Ropeway, Nojiri Lake Terrace on Mt. Madarao using the Tangram gondola, and Mountain Harbor high up in the Hakuba Range using the Iwatake gondola.

Access from Kamesei varies by destination.  We suggest you confer with us and use our collection of brochures (and discount coupons!).

7. Mountain Climbing and Trekking

Lots of guests show up wearing hiking boots after traipsing around Nagano’s mountains and forests.  We are actually fans of mountain climbing, too, and have explored most of the trails around our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and several throughout the Prefecture.

Explore Nagano's Wilderness

We would be happy to give advice for Nagano's popular trails, such as Mt. Asama and Shiga Kogen, as well as lesser known treks such as abandoned rail tunnels or the Birth-mountain of Kintaro, the Golden Boy -- we've explored them all.  After factoring in the weather and your desired activity level, we are sure to come up with the perfect suggestion.  And don't worry if the day of your expedition turns out to be rainy -- there are indoor options, too, such as rock climbing gyms.

Access as well as our Kamesei Hints depend on the actual trail so feel free to inquire.

8.Winery Tour

Nagano's wineries have been gaining attention on the global stage lately, and we are fortunate to have several "Wine Valleys" in our vicinity.

The eastern section of the Chikuma River Wine Valley is perhaps most famous for Villa d'Est Garden Farm and Winery, but don't overlook its Tomi City neighbor Rue de VinMann's Winery in Komoro has a long-established history, while Chateau Mercian's new Mariko Winery in the hills above Ueda City has already made the global Top 50 list.

The northern reaches of the Chikuma River Wine Valley includes the highly-acclaimed Kusunoki Winery in Suzaka (the chardonnay is a life-changer!) and St. Cousair and its restaurant with panoramic view in Iizuna town.

Access and our Kamesei Tips will depend on your itinerary.  We would be happy to provide suggestions.  And with our Nagano Wine Stay Plan, you are welcome to bring your own bottle of Nagano Wine to have with your dinner.  We also have an eclectic selection of local wines to enjoy with your meal.

9.Apricot Village, Fruit Paradise

The nearby Mori district is nicknamed "Anzu no Sato" (Apricot Village), as our city is Japan's #1 producer of apricots.  In early April the entire valley is covered in the delicate pink blossoms.  It is said you can see 100,000 apricot trees at one time from the viewpoint at the top of the valley.  On a clear day, the snow-capped peaks of the Northern Japanese Alps provide a stunning backdrop.

Pastoral "Apricot Village" Mori with blossoms in the foreground and the snow-capped Alps in the distance

Apricot fruit is available for picking in late June / early July.  The heritage varieties tend to be tart and are ideal for making into jam or dried fruit, but newer varieties such as Harcot are sweet enough to eat fresh off the tree.  And don't forget apricot soft-serve ice cream!

Besides apricots, our area features a parade of fresh fruit year-round.  Later in July following apricots are cherries and then plums and nectarines.  With August comes the famous Kawanakajima peaches.  September means table (eating) grapes while apple season is primarily October (Nagano's "Three Apple Siblings": Shinano Sweet, Shinano Gold and the deep-red colored Akibae, as well as the tart heritage Kogyoku) and November (the mainstay Fuji apples).  Strawberries are available for picking in green houses in the winter through late spring.

Our Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada has several fruit orchards nearby

We are fortunate to have several grape and apple orchards within a 5 minute drive from our inn.

10. Fabled Moon-Reflecting Obasute Rice Terraces  *Japan Heritage Site*

The Obasute Rice Terraces are a quick 10 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan.  They are located on a slope at the base of the 1252-meter tall Mt. Kamuriki which towers over our city.  The mountain is nicknamed “Obasute Mountain”, refering to the ancient legend about abandoning elderly people on the mountaintop. From ancient times, the area at the foot of the mountain has been renowned for its stunning views of the moon, especially a phenomenon known as “Tagoto no Tsuki” where the moon reflects in the individual rice paddies.  In October 2020, Obasute was designated a Japan Heritage site for the moon-viewing story. 

Obasute's moon-reflecting rice terraces

Obasute overlooks the Zenkoji Plain.  One of the best places for the view is the platform of Obasute Station.  The lights down in the valley at night are a popular site.

Don't miss the Obasute Night View

Access and Advice:  The Obasute Rice Terraces are just 10 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan.  You can park at the Obasute Tourism Hall on the north side and stroll the paddies from Choraku-ji Temple.  We at Kamesei Ryokan through our Zukudashi Eco Tours offer guided cycling tours of the Japan Heritage site.  For the night view, the local tourism association runs a special sightseeing bus.  Kamesei's owner is one of the regularly scheduled guides and would love to accompany you to see the lights of the Chikuma River Valley from Obasute.

Bonus:  The Snow Monkeys at Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park

No visit to Nagano would be complete without seeing the world-famous Snow Monkeys at the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park.  These are the only wild monkeys in the world that soak in an onsen bath.  They draw photographers from across the globe to capture their blissful expression as they luxuriate in the hot spring water.


Blissful snow monkeys

While many people go see the monkeys during winter to see them in their snowy habitat, the babies born in the springtime are little fur-balls running all over the place making the Monkey Park a treat to visit year-round.

Playful Baby Snow Monkey

Access and Advice:  By car the parking lot is 60 minutes from Kamesei Ryokan using the expressway.  By public transportation, it is 25 minutes by train from Togura to Nagano, then a 45 minute express bus to the trailhead.  (See the Kamesei blog for updated train / bus schedules.)  Either way, there is a 30 minute walk through a beautiful evergreen forest to the actual park.  If you go in the fall, during the macaques' mating season they may be, err, preoccupied and won't come down to the park.  You can check the live camera feed on the park's website for the latest status.

夏休みに亀清で滞在♪ 周辺観光の人気トップ10; Long Stay Vacation in Nagano: Top 10 Nearby Day Trips

July 13, 2020: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains, その他 Miscellaneous

この夏は長野で長期滞在の休みは如何でしょうか? 亀清旅館をベースにして、長野を探検しましょう! 亀清旅館のお客さんに調査した結果: 周辺のトップ10人気観光スポットを発表します。




亀清旅館からのアクセス: 車で27㎞、約50分。国道18号線を下って、長野の市街に入れば看板が出ます。電車で戸倉駅⇔長野駅は25分、それからバスで約5分。



長野県の代表的な高原リゾート、軽井沢は自然で恵まれて、美術館やブティック店と飲食店のメッカ、可愛いチャペル、そして…アウトレット! 豪華な万平や三笠ホテルそして別荘地でリッチな気分になります。





亀清旅館からのアクセス: お車は2ルートがあります。従来なのは善光寺まで出て、登っていくの45分+45分、合計90分。しかし、更埴ICから上信越道に乗って信濃町ICで降りて、裏から登れば亀清から奥社の駐車場まで60分で行ける。遠回りだし、高速代がかかるけど、早い。電車は戸倉から長野駅まで25分、Alpicoバスで戸隠まで約60分です。

亀清のアドバイス: 戸隠は四季にそれぞれの魅力がある。秋は一番人気(特に鏡池の紅葉風情が良い;10月の週末はマイカー規制がかかるのでご注意ください)。しかし、春は水芭蕉やバードウォッチング、夏は高原の涼しさや川遊び、そして冬はスノーシューのパラダイスです。良いコースを紹介しますので、ご相談してください。 忍者について、忍法センターは忍者村ほど大きくないけど、穴場的なので、お勧め。




亀清のアドバス: 私たちは松本の民芸文化が好きです。中町とその延長の日ノ出町で小さな楽しいお店が沢山ある(ちきりや工芸店が大好き!)。少し離れている松本民芸館で松本家具とか見れます。そして、5月末で行われるクラフトフェアは全国から集まる。




亀清からのアドバイス:町の中心街に高井鴻山記念館が私たちの気に入りスポット。高井さんは北斎のパトロンでしたので、小布施町と北斎のルーツを探れる。 中心街から離れたら、岩松院の奥に浄光寺、別名「スラックラインでら」があります。まあ、とにかく、住職がお寺の歴史を守りながら、色んな発想で新しい取り組みも。隣の「茶房まめ家」のお豆腐レストランがお勧め。

6.日本の屋根: 上高地や美ヶ原、そしてロープウエーや夏リフト

長野は山の国である。北、中央、南の3つのアルプスに志賀高原や北信五岳、どこに行っても、山! 乗鞍エコラインのバス、駒ケ岳ロープウエー(千畳敷カール)、美ヶ原のビーナスラインや車山展望リフト、北志賀高原の竜王SORAテラス、斑尾・タングラムの野尻湖テラス、白馬のマウンテンハーバーなど、すべてが亀清旅館から簡単に日帰りできるし、私達が近年に自ら行ってますから様々のアドバイスが出来ます。割引券もございます。






最近、長野産のワインが話題になってきてます。素晴らしいワイナリー(景色、風情、ワイナリーレストランなど)沢山あります。私たちが特に好きなのは東御市の リュードヴァン、上田市のシャトー・メルシャン椀子ワイナリー、隣の坂城町のVino della Gatta、須坂の楠ワイナリー(このシャルドネは人生を変わる!)、飯縄のサンクゼール。






10.姨捨「田毎の月」棚田 *日本遺産*

