亀清の100年(?)大広間の屋根瓦葺き替え Replacing the roof tiles of our 100-Year (?) Building

December 1, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

As previously mentioned, we decided to keep Kamesei's oldest building, making improvements on it and using it as it is rather than tearing the historical building down and rebuilding. The first improvement we have to make is to replace the aging roof tiles. Removing the old tiles alone will take 4 days. What a huge job! But the building is over a hundred years old (no one knows for sure exactly how old -- it was disassembled and moved here for reassembly during the Taisho era; its previous history is lost!). Hopefully this repair will help it last the next 100 years!

亀清のクリスマス・イルミネーションは今日から Kamesei's Christmas Lights Start Today

November 28, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


With the change from fall to winter, here at Kamesei it is our tradition to put away the Halloween pumpkins, and take out the Christmas decorations. Today, we put up the lights on the outside of our inn. Our oldest son, Andy, climbed up on the roof to help me this year. Santa's coming is less than a month away -- we can hardly wait!

目立って欲しい鶴・亀 Our garden's turtle / "tsuru" motif is too hidden?

November 25, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

One of our guests must have been a gardener -- he noticed a lot of the fine touches Okada-san did to our garden here at Kamesei. Then he mentioned that at his pesonal garden, he has a Kame (turtle) made out of stones. One big stone for the head, smaller stones for the fore-feet and legs. Hey! I made one like that in the garden for our 100 Year Bath outdoor bath! Plus, it has some vertical rocks with a momiji Japanese maple with branches spread out like wings, like a Tsuru crane. (Tsuru and Kame are considered to be animals that bring good fortune and longevity.) Plus plus, the momiji's leaves are in full autumn color right now. So I brought the guest to the outdoor bath's garden and showed him. He said, "Ah, I hadn't noticed it." When I said I should have made it more noticeable, he replied, "No, I just don't have a sense for such things." But I think I need to work harder at making people aware of the garden's Tsuru-Kame, starting with this blog entry!

シャワー改善: 失礼から喜びに Shower "Kaizen": from Rude to Enjoyable

November 14, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

New Wood Accent in the Women's Bath





As I mentioned the other day, our ladies bath's showers weren't functioning properly. I worked on the new pipes as well as a wood box to contain them, and had a plumber come in to connect it with the existing pipes as well as do the tilework. The plumber commented that there was no way he way going to help with the woodwork "'cuz I ain't no carpenter". I told him the woodwork was a piece of cake, and that the pipe connection and tilework was way beyond my abilities. We ended up making a pretty good team, and the showers now work properly!

One of my mentors in the ryokan industry had this piece of advice: We ryokans must strive to avoid providing rude service to our guests. You'd think that would be automatic, but there are plenty of inns out there that fail to do even that most bare minimum.

I had always thought of ryokans as trying to provide guests an enjoyable stay, as opposed to just trying to avoid being rude. But I see his point, and non-working showers was definitely being rude to our guests.

However, I couldn't bring myself to just do the bare minimum. While fixing the showers, I took advantage of the change to add a soft, people-friendly wood touch to the harsh tile interior of the bath. In order to match the yellow cedar outdoor bath, I took some yellow cedar planks and made a wood box to hide the new pipes.

I hope our guests enjoy the improvements.

女湯の工事のスタート Starting to Work on the Women's Bath

November 10, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



Pictured are the three shower fixtures in our women's bath. The middle one works fine, the one on the left has no hot water, and the one on the right no cold water. The problem is compounded by the fact that the pipes are buried in the wall. I always thought the bath needed a little wood accent to soften the tile floors and walls, so I started running new pipes on the surface of the walls and will cover them with a wood counter. Wish me luck with this new job!

かりんの香りの効果 Karin Aromatherapy Power

November 8, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Lately, guests have been entering the guestrooms and exclaiming, "Wow, what a pleasant smell!" It's thanks to the "karin" quince fruit that we have put out. One of our staff members brought enough karin for all of the guest rooms. Their fragrance fills up the rooms. And unlike febreeze and such sprays or man-made fragrances, the quince smell is natural and is fine for the body.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

亀清のロビーに日印音楽・幻楽夢奏 Indo-Japanese Classical Crossover concert in Kamesei's Lobby

November 7, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

お聞きになった皆様、亀清旅館にお越しになって頂いて、有難うございました。Tim Hoffmanさんとのメンバーにも感謝しております。そして、全部を繋いだFritzさんも、有難う!

Last night was magical. Here in Kamesei's lobby, we had an American playing melodies and rythms from India on traditional Japanese instruments such as the shakuhachi flute and the koto harp, accompanied by his wife, a Japanese lady, on a sitar (a kind of traditional Indian guitar?), and a musician from India on the tabla drums. This took place in the very traditional lobby of this Japanese ryokan where we were all gathered around the wood burning stove, something very familiar to Westerners. And the audience was made up of Japanese, Scots, and Americans, from 2 years to 82 years old.

Call it World Music, call it a melting pot, just don't call it "fusion". The main musician, Tim Hoffman, pointed out the musical similarities of Japanese and Indian traditions. The match each other too well to be called fusion; he likes to call it Classical Crossover instead.

I suppose the same could be said of, for example, the fireplace in the ryokan lobby. While a wood burning stove may be a Western concept, ours was made by a local shop and the wood we burn is from the trimmings of local apple orchards.

All in all, it was a sublimely magical evening. Thank you all who attended, as well as Tim-san and your fellow musicians, and Fritz for making the connection.

突然ですが、日印ライブ@亀清のお知らせ Last Minute Announcement: Indo-Japanese Concert at Kamesei

November 5, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Out of the blue, a fellow local foreigner named Fritz stopped by and asked us about hosting a Japanese-Indian fusion music concert in our lobby here at Kamesei. Sounds like fun, and we tend to support such musical initiatives, so we agreed. Hence the following very short notice notice:


India meets Japan and More


veteran artist of USA * young star of India * steady hand of Japan

present Asian classical crossover * a revolution rocking India & the West

北インド声楽の演目 (カヤール、バジャン、季節の歌などの民俗歌謡) * タブラー・ソロ(世界の最も表現豊かな太鼓による独奏) * 天竺尺八と天竺箏によるインド音楽 (インド古典音楽の多様なラーガを音色豊かな和楽器とインドの太鼓タブラーによる演奏) * 日印声楽演目インド音楽に筝の弾き歌い (日本の「うた」である短歌・俳句とインド音楽の豊かな旋律・リズムとの出逢い) * 新作

Indian classical vocal and instrumental music
Indo-Japanese music on Indian & Japanese instruments
+ whatever our audience wishes to join in on +

Where: 亀清温泉 Kamesei Ryokan

When: Friday 06-Nov(金) 開演19:45

Cost: ¥1000 per person, with snacks and onsen provided, drinks extra 御つまみと温泉付き、飲み物別

T M Hoffman * vocal, shakuhachi, koto
Amit Mishra * tabla, voice
Sakiko Aruga * tambura +

問合せinfo: Kamesei Ryokan 026-275-1032

大広間の修理がスタート Repairs on our oldest building starting

October 28, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan






Kamesei Ryokan's oldest building is the 2-story wood building that houses our 2nd floor banquet room. As previously mentioned, one corner has been sinking due to a hidden pipe that I have since fixed.

We have been trying to figure out what to do with this particular building. Having the main banquet room on the 2nd floor means guests have to climb stairs (A), and it's hard on us for carrying the food up (B). So we initially were thinking of tearing it down and building a 1-story replacement.

However, after consulting with an architect, we determined the banquet room is fine as-is, and a electric chair attached to the handrail would solve (A), while a dumbwaiter would take care of (B). Plus, it would be a shame to tear down such a classic, historical building.

So we decided to make repairs on the existing building. It will probably have to be done in stages over the next 5 years. We had our local carpenter, Murakoshi-san, start with the most urgent part -- replacing the water-damaged posts and foundation.

Kamesei Ryokan's next era has started!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

基礎が既に丈夫な花崗岩 Existing foundation of hewn granite

Close-up of some of the massive beams showing the fine workmanship (note the kotatsu hole)

cross-section of the earthen wall

ハーレー姫との出会い Meeting a Harley Queen

October 26, 2009: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Chizuko-san and her riding mate




One of the perks of this job of running a ryokan is getting to meet so many outstanding people.

Last weekend, we had a group of Harley Davidson riders come and stay with us. A local Harley dealership in Aichi Prefecture organized the ride. (The owner of the dealership is a lady by the way -- how rare is that!)

One of the riders in the group was a lady named Chizuko Watanabe. She has been featured on NHK (the national TV broadcaster) for being a lady motorcyclist who learned to ride starting after she turned 40. Chizuko-san is an amazing lady. I doubt I could lift up one of the huge Harleys, but she is apparently a specialist at it. I am glad to have met such an enthusiastic person!

渡辺さんのHPはこちらClick here for Chizuko-san's website.

Kamesei's Lobby a Harley Showroom?