日の出の温泉 Onsen Baths at Sunrise

November 2, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

sunrise bath


One of the cool things about taking an onsen bath in the morning is seeing the sunrays from the morning sun play with the steam coming off the baths. Here are some pictures from our larger indoor bath and our hand-made outdoor bath, with the steam lit up by the light of the sunrise.

台風前の日の入り Sunset Before the Typhoon

October 29, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Colorful Sunset behind Kamesei


Tomorrow a typhoon is supposed to hit, bringing rainy weather for the whole weekend. But tonight, as the sun set behind Kamuriki Mountain, it lit up the clouds in these brilliant colors. Today's 'grand finale' before the typhoon comes.

今年の新しい客室庭:松風 This Year's New Guestroom Garden: Matsukaze

October 23, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Matsukaze's new Garden





Every year, we make improvements on another section of garden here at Kamesei Ryokan. This year's new garden is the one for the "Matsukaze" guestroom.

Up until now, guests staying in Matsukaze have opened the shoji screens, seen a bare garden and concrete wall and have invariably closed the screens. Now thanks to our gardener, Okada-san, there is a beautiful garden for our guests to enjoy. Lately, the guests have been leaving the shoji screens open to be able to take in the new view.

The theme for this guestroom is based on the silk growing heritage of the area. In accordance with that theme, Okada-san planted a mulberry tree in the center. As the tree matures, it will produce white mulberries. I am looking forward to seeing that, as well as seeing how the other plants grow into their new location.

Okada-san, thank you for building another great garden!

The "Before" Picture

Okada-san's ingenious design

天才の森繫 昇さんのロビーコンサート Noboru Morishige-san's lobby concert: A Musical Genius

October 16, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Morishige-san jammin' the Word

夕べは亀清旅館のロビーが盛り上がっていました。クリスチャン音楽家の森繫 昇さんがコンサートを開催してくれました。ハワイに住んでいる森繫さんがぎーたーからビオラまで(途中でトランペットの音も聞こえた様な気がしたけど…)を弾いて、そして色んなジャンルの歌(沢山のオリジナルも)を歌いながら、他の宿泊者や近所の教会の方々に神様の事を歌ってくれました。お客様の感想を聞いたら、「森繫さんは天才だ!」と嬉しかったです。


Last night our lobby was full of music, as Christian musician Noboru Morishige held a concert for our guests. People from the local church came, too, and enjoyed Morishige-san's musical talent as he played everything from guitar to viola (I thought I heard some trumpet, too!), and sang a wide variety of songs including mostly all-original ones. Throwing in bits of humor here and there, Morishige-san spread the love, God's Love.

I asked some of the guests their reactions.
"Morishige-san is a musical genius" seemed to be the consensus. Judging by how much everyone enjoyed the concert, it got me thinking that we should plan on concerts like this on a more regular basis. We have been pleased to host many concerts in the past, including some Chicago jazz, Indo-style shamisen, Boston Philharmonic oboe, some locals doing a rock jam session, and even Masahiko Satoh. What's next?!

離れ風の客室の庭が段々と綺麗に、段々と馴染んできている Our Detached Rooms' Private Gardens are Getting Better and Better

October 1, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Anzu garden's fall flowers


Kamesei Ryokan's 'Hanare-fu' detached guest rooms all have private gardens. We have been making improvements to them one by one over the past few years. Two years ago, our gardener remade the tsubo-niwa pocket gardens in front of 'Chitose' and 'Suehiro'. Last year he remade those two rooms' private gardens. Next, this month, he will remake the garden for 'Matsukaze'.
The new plants he put in last fall in Chitose and Suehiro have really adjusted well to their new locations. The other morning when I went to flip futons in Chitose, I was greeted by this lovely view of the flowers.
Many of our regular guests say every time they to Kamesei a new garden has been made, giving them something to look forward to with each trip. I am looking forward to Matsukaze's new garden, too!

廊下の生け花 a la アンディー Hallway Ikebana a la Andy

September 26, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Andy's Ikebana Creation


Midori, our artistic cousin, took our son Andy for a drive down to the river. I wondered what was in store. When they came back, they brought a bunch of pampas grass and other plant and grass clippings. Midori proceeded to give Andy an Ikebana lesson. I wish I could have watched -- I would love to learn how. Anyways, this is their elegant creation. Doesn't it give a wonderful sense of seasonality?

Ikebana Andy

Chef武井の今のメニュー Chef Takei's current menu "magic"

September 23, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Our Chef's current line up






I have to reconsider Kamesei's chef's cuisine.

Chef Takei's dinners have been getting favorable guest reviews, and especially lately a couple of the dishes have been big hits. But last night, for a TV shoot, the announcer was praising each dish like there was no tomorrow. Rather than just the obligatory "Umm, Delicious!", she would exclaim after eating the 'nabe' hot pot, "Oh, the lettuce is so nice and crispy, and the pork so juicy, and the sourness of the plum sauce brings out the sweetness of the lettuce -- This is the first time I've eaten this colloboration of ingredients!" Even off-camera, you should have seen her delight in eating the chawanmushi steamed egg custard dish. So she wasn't just hamming for the camera. When someone this well-travelled (and well-eating) praises our chef's menu this much, I have to give Chef Takei more credit! His current menu line-up is as below.

9月の品書き September Menu

旬の物 焼き秋茄子 Grilled Autumn Eggplant
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Saku Carp Spicy Nanban Seasoned
サラダ 信州サーモン Shinshu Salmon Salad
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、タコ Kajiki tuna, shrimp, octopus
焼き物 鮎塩焼き Salt-rubbed Grilled Ayu
台の物 ポークと高原野菜(菅平レタス)と梅ソースPork and highland lettuce with plum sauce
別皿  味噌漬け豆腐、白醤油焼きと(気持ちで)松竹のホイル焼き Miso-seasoned tofu, eel grilled in white soy sauce and a touch of matsutake mushrooms baked in foil
揚げ物 まぁーずうまい唐揚げ Mahz Yummy Karaage Pork with Miso-based Sauce
お椀  蜆汁 Miso Soup with fresh water clams
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and other pickled vegetables
水皿  採れたてぶどう三色 3 Varieties of fresh grapes

クールジャパン: 箪笥 a la Udo Cool Japan: tansu

September 15, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Udo and one of his prized tansu



"Cool Japan" isn't limited to Akihabara. In fact, it can be found far from Akihabara. Far, far away, like in old homes in the countryside: classic furniture like the "tansu" chest. For us Westerners, the antique tansu are fascinating. The craftsmanship, types of wood used, the metal fittings, the aged colors are all things you simply can't find in the West.

My buddy Udo, who hails from Austria, goes to old homes before they are torn down and picks up pieces of antique furniture. He takes them back to his shop and refurbishes them, and polishes them using all natural waxes. This tansu is going to go in the tokonoma alcove in one of our guest rooms. This will give Kamesei Ryokan a new touch of Japanese 'cool'!

UdoさんのHPはこちら。Click here for Udo's website.

新しいエコの蛇口 New 'Eco' Faucets

September 12, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

New Faucets for the Onsen



森繫 昇さんのロビーコンサート@亀清旅館 Lobby Concert by Noboru Morishige here at Kamesei Ryokan

September 7, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Lobby Concert flier


森繫 昇
会費: 無料
問い合わせ: 亀清旅館へ

T-san, a very special guest of Kamesei's, will be coming in October with a musician friend of his. The friend sings and plays guitar for a variety of Christian music. That evening, we will offer a lobby concert open to everyone. Details as below:

Noboru Morishige
"I want to sing about God"
15-Oct (Friday)
8pm - 9pm
Kamesei Ryokan's lobby
Admission: Free
For info, call Kamesei Ryokan.

森繫昇のHPはこちらClick here for Noboru Morishige's website.