Matsukaze's new Garden
Every year, we make improvements on another section of garden here at Kamesei Ryokan. This year's new garden is the one for the "Matsukaze" guestroom.
Up until now, guests staying in Matsukaze have opened the shoji screens, seen a bare garden and concrete wall and have invariably closed the screens. Now thanks to our gardener, Okada-san, there is a beautiful garden for our guests to enjoy. Lately, the guests have been leaving the shoji screens open to be able to take in the new view.
The theme for this guestroom is based on the silk growing heritage of the area. In accordance with that theme, Okada-san planted a mulberry tree in the center. As the tree matures, it will produce white mulberries. I am looking forward to seeing that, as well as seeing how the other plants grow into their new location.
Okada-san, thank you for building another great garden!

The "Before" Picture

Okada-san's ingenious design