腰掛町興し Seat for Civic Improvement

February 27, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Misaki test-sitting the new bench







A little old lady passing by stopped to thank me for making a bench. "Old people like me need places to rest like that," she said.

That made me feel like all that effort that went into making the bench was worth it, thank goodness. You see, a few years ago I inherited a huge, 40-year old himalayan cedar log. Our town's onsen company had to cut down the tree 'cuz it had grown so big it had become a nuisance to the neighborhood. I happened to be there as it was getting cut down and, thinking of our wood burning stove, asked for the wood. After I managed to bring it to Kamesei, I found out that cedar and pine wood isn't good for stoves as their sap tends to plug up the chimneys.

So I've been stuck with this huge log. Finally, yesterday as I was cleaning up our wood pile, I decided it's now or never, and used the chain saw to carve it into a bench. Then I weeble-wobbled it over to the sidewalk next to the planter strip. It's probably the world's ugliest bench, but at least its making little old ladies happy.

One huge step for man, one little step for civic improvement. I like it.

「紬」テーマの部屋と鑑別師 'Tsumugi' Themed-Room and the Kanbetsu-shi

February 25, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

An old bamboo silk worm tray







As you may have seen in this blog, I have done a small remodel on Kamesei's guestroom 'Matsukaze', into a silk-based theme. The remodel includes using some silk worm bamboo trays in the garden and to make the coffee table, silk yarn spools displayed in the tokonoma alcove, a silk tapestry (woven by me!) on the wall, and a mulberry plant in the garden.

A recent guest who stayed in that room saw all the silk-related items and was overjoyed. When she was younger, she used to be a 'kanbetsu-shi' -- the person who separates the silkworms into male and female.

It was fascinating to listen to her stories. Apparently people with her skills were in high demand, and she rode the steam engine trains practically all over the country for her work.

Since moving to our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada, I have become aware of just how deep the silk raising roots are in this area. All of the apple orchards here in Kamiyamada started out growing mulberry leaves. You can still see the old farm houses with their unique raised roofs especially in the Chikaraishi and Inariyama neighborhoods. And even today, there are workshops in nearby Ueda City making the renowned Ueda Tsumugi silk weaving.

But, what you can't see is actual silk worm raising any more. According to one website, silk production peaked in Japan in 1969. The last silk factory closed down in 2003, and silk trading ended in Japan in 2004.

So to see silk making tools, you have to go a history museum. To hear about what it was like, there are still people like the Kanbetsu-shi with whom you can talk. But they are not going to be around forever. The next generation will be stuck just having the museums. I hope to hear as much about Japan's silk culture as possible while it is still 'living history'.

冷水改善: 戸隠の湧水 New and Improved Water for the cooler -- From Togakushi

February 20, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Proudly Serving Togakushi Natural Mineral





そして、お客様からの口コミ: せっかく長野に来たから長野の美味しい水を飲みたかったと。








Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we are now proudly providing Togakushi Natural Mineral Water. Togakushi has become famous of late as a 'power spot'. From long before the fad started, our family has been huge fans of Togakushi's natural power, so we are glad to be able to provide natural mineral water from the Togakushi highlands to our guests.

Please allow me a little background explanation.

Last summer, we started subscribing to a water bottle service. We placed it outside the entrance to the onsen baths so our guests could enjoy cold water to drink after soaking in the baths.

That should've earn us some good points for customer service, right?

On the contrary, one of the first reviews we got regarding the new water was that of a guest from the Tokyo area:

"I came to Nagano expecting to be able to enjoy clean Nagano water, not this generic bottled water stuff."

Ouch! I asked the water guy to source some local water, but no go. Meanwhile, I found this source from Togakushi. It costs a bit more, but if that's what it takes to make our guests happy....

戸隠の湧水HPはこちらClick here for the Togakushi Natural Mineral Water website.

露天風呂でお月様の反射 The moon reflecting in our outdoor bath

December 20, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Last night's moon was so pretty. There is something about the cold winter air that makes the moonlight seem to shimmer even more than normal. And bathing in that moonlight while soaking in our outdoor bath here at Kamesei Ryokan is simply sublime.

This picture is probably hard to figure out, but it is the moonlight reflecting in the surface of our "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath.

Moonlight Reflection Rippling in the Outdoor Bath

温泉成分の効果・分析 Analyzing Kamiyamada's onsen minerals effectiveness

December 3, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamiyamada Onsen: Naturally Effective


We had a guest from Australia that's been suffering from psoriasis (itchy scalp). However, after soaking in our bath several times over the 2 days he stayed with us, he said his psoriasis cleared up a lot. Apparently the minerals in Kamiyamada's onsen water are that effective! His wife is apparently a chemist, so he asked for the mineral breakdown for Kamiyamada's hot spring water. I made an attempt to translate it into English, and here it is:


1. 陽イオン Positive Ions
リチウムイオン  Lithium ion (Li+) 0.1mg
ナトリウムイオン  Natrium ion (Na+) 142.3mg
カリウムイオン   Potassium ion (K+) 3.0mg
マグネシウムイオン Magnesium ion (2Mg+)0.4mg
カルシウムイオン Calcium ion (2Ca+) 26.8mg
ストロンチウムイオン Strontium ion (2Sr+)0.3mg
アルミニウムイオン Aluminium ion (3Al+)0.01mg
計 Total 172.9mg

2. 陰イオン Negative Ions
フッ素イオン Flourine ion (F-) 1.0mg
塩素イオン Chlorine ion (Cl-) 186.3mg
臭素イオン Bromine ion (Br-) 0.7mg
ヨウ素イオン Iodine ion (I-) 0.2mg
硫化水素イオン Hydrogen Sulfide ion(Hs-)15.2mg
チオ硫酸イオン Thiosulfuric Acid (2S2O3-)2.0mg
硫酸イオン Sulfuric Acid ion (2SO4-)64.4mg
リン酸一水素 Monohydrogen Phosphate(2HPO4-) 0.05mg
炭酸水素イオン Hydrogen Carbonate(HCO3-)39.5mg
炭酸イオン Carbonic Acid ion (2CO3-) 4.0mg
計 Total 313.4mg

3. 非解離成分 Non-Dissociates
メタケイ酸 Meta Silicic Acid (H2SiO3) 45.1mg
メタホウ酸 Meta Boric Acid (HBO2) 5.7mg
計 Total 50.8mg

4. 溶存ガス Dissolved Gas
遊離硫化水素 Isolated Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0.4mg
計 Total 0.4mg

5. その他 Other
下記は不検出 The following were not detected:
総水銀 Hydrargentum (Hg)
鉛 Lead (Pb)
カドミウム Cadmium (Cd)
総クロム Chrome (Cr)
総ヒ素 Arsenic (As)

These are the naturally occurring minerals. I'm not sure how possible it would be to recreate what Mother Nature made, but here they are.

亀清のパンフの更新 Kamesei's Pamphlet Renewal

December 1, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei New Brochure 2.0




A year and a half ago, we made a brand new brochure for Kamesei Ryokan. The old one had been around for a decade or so, and finally got used up. So with the new one, we were able to incorporate pictures of the outdoor baths, wood stove, gardens, etc. that Mari and I have added to the inn since moving here 5 years ago.

That new brochure ran out faster than we anticipated, so we had to order a reprint. Rather than keeping every thing the same, we had the cover picture re-shot, showing the new sign I made for our inn. Plus, several guests had mentioned that Mari's picture wasn't as pretty as the real thing, so we had that picture re-taken, too.

So, voila! -- here is Version 2.0 of Kamesei Ryokan's new brochure. If anyone would like one, just drop us a line and we would gladly send it to you.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらです。Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

朝食の飛込み A Guest Dropped In for Breakfast

November 28, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Looking for Breakfast?


This white heron came to our naka-niwa inner garden here at Kamesei Ryokan. He probably flew in from the Chikuma River. Perched on our Zenkoji andon lantern, he stared at the koi in our pond. Doesn't he know that our chef's breakfasts taste better?

旅の思い出の本 Guests' Travelogues

November 17, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Travel scrapbooks


Once in a while, a guest of ours at Kamesei Ryokan will hand us a scrapbook when they check in. They ask all of the inns and hotels they stay at from the various destinations they travel to, to write a little note and stamp their book with the inn's stamp.

I think that's a great hobby to have, and the books make a nice momento and help keep track of all the places the guests have gone. As I sign the books, I wonder if the customers will look back at the page someday and have fond memories of their stay at our inn here in Nagano's Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

亀清のトイレ改造工事x2 Kamesei Bathroom Remodel x2

November 6, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Banquet room's toilet under construction


旅館の経営者の永遠の悩みは限られた予算の中で、どこから改造をするかと。今年の分は決めました: 2ヶ所のトイレの改造工事。



亀清旅館は直す所がまだまだ沢山ある。山ほどある。(沢「山」だから「山ほど」?すみません、アメリカ人ギャグでした。) でも、こうやって、少しずつ改造していきます。

Kamesei Ryokan has been making improvements to our inn every year. We put in a wood burning stove in the lobby, made 2 outdoor baths, replaced roof tiles, tore down concrete block walls and put up nice wooden fences, etc., etc.

As a ryokan proprietor, one of our constant headaches is how to decide what to fix next with our limited budget. This year's projects have been decided: 2 bathroom remodels.

The first is for one of our semi-detached guestrooms, 'Matsukaze'. It's old toilet was cramped and the floor was getting weaker. So we're remodelling it to make it brighter and more spacious, and adding a mini-powder room.

The second is for our main banquet room. Up until now, the banquet guests have had to walk down the stairs and back up again everytime they used the toilet. Now with this new toilet remodel, they'll be able to use one adjacent to the hall.

With an old inn like Kamesei, it's always a challenge to prioritize what needs fixing next. But every year we keep chipping away at the list, making improvements that will hopefully lead to a more enjoyable experience for our guests.

Matsukaze's toilet '-ing'

亀清の新しい看板設置 Putting up Kamesei's New Sign

November 4, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Our new sign


Kamesei's new wood sign is in place. I still have to do a few more things to finish it up, and haven't figured out what to do yet with lighting. But the sign is finally in position. Carving the sign took quite a bit longer than I thought, but I'd say it turned out pretty nice. It's a great addition to Kamesei's facade. What do you think?