亀清旅館の新「地酒飲み比べセット」登場 Kamesei's Sake Tasting Set Debut

December 30, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's popular new sake tasting set






Just in time for New Years, I am proud to announce that Kamesei Ryokan's Sake Tasting Set is now available.

The set features the following 3 labels:
"Tanada" by Obasute Masamune, our local brewery,
"Bokusui" by one of eastern Nagano's most historical breweries, Takeshige,
and "Yoake Mae" from southern Nagano, arguably the most delicious sake in the world (well, with me doing the arguing anyways).

All in unique sake 'tokkuri' vessels by local ceramic artist Agnes Husz.

We are offering the set of 1 'go' (approx. 180ml) each for 2,100 yen.

Both of the first 2 days we offered the new set, guests ordered it -- and were delighted.

Many moons ago, one of our guests commented that they wished we offered a wider variety of local sake. After much deliberating and discussing with sake aficianados, we finally put together this set. I am thrilled that our guests are enjoying it.

酒飲み比べに「オンリーワン」の器 Unique Tokkuri for Kamesei's sake sampling set

December 16, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Agnes-san's top-like sake 'tokkuri'




For Kamesei Ryokan's planned Sake Sampler Set, since we are planning on providing offerings from some of our area's most notable breweries, inexpensive sake 'tokkuri' vessels from a 100 yen shop wouldn't suffice. Instead, we had one of our local pottery artists, Hungarian-born Agnes-san, make special top-shaped tokkuri.

Agnes-san's ceramic creations feature curved and rolling ribbons made of clay. She has formed them into sake tokkuri shaped like tops before, but usually in a 2-go size (12oz.) which is a bit too large for just sampling sake. So she made this 1.5-go size set specifically for Kamesei.

Agnes-san's workshop is right here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. If our guests use her artwork for our sake tasting and want to see more of her creations, we highly recommend making a reservation and taking the 10 minute walk to see her.

Website for AgnesさんのHP

酒飲み比べ: どの酒にしょうかな? Sake Test Tasting Set -- Which Sake?

December 15, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Obasute Masamune's special 'Tanada'





1.姨捨正宗 千曲市・戸倉上山田温泉の代表の酒蔵。その一番自慢の「棚田」特別純米。「田毎の月」で有名な姨捨の棚田で作ったお米利用だそうです。私がお客様に夜景を見せにその棚田に連れて行きます。馴染みの深いお酒です。
2.夜明け前 南信(辰野市)からの日本酒。この地元の生坂屋酒店によると、「空は澄み、水清く、緑豊かな山紫水明の地。冬期の厳しい寒さは寒造りに最適な「信州辰野」で元治元年(1864年)創業。ずっと、長野県の酒をリードしています。」 ちなみに、美味しいです。個人的に一番美味しいです。
3.武重本家酒造 中仙道の茂田井間の宿にある酒蔵。良いですか?酒「蔵」。江戸時代からの蔵元で建造物30棟は国の登録有形文化財となっています。その茂田井間の宿は江戸時代の宿場町のそのままの街並で非常に風情がある。実は、この酒が美味しいかどうか分かりませんが、その宿場及び倉の雰囲気が大好きで選びました。なおかつ、東京方面へ帰るお客様に案内・紹介が出来ると思っています。



As per the request of a recent guest, I started putting together a sampler set of Nagano sake. Ordinarily we serve our local Obasute Masamune, but apparently sake aficianados prefer a wider selection of breweries.

Not being knowledgeable about sake myself, I asked around and sought advice from local specialists. Besides the sake vessels (more on that later), I wanted to make the selection particularly noteworthy. Here is our tentative list:

1. Obasute Masamune's 'Tanada' label, using sake rice grown in the 'tagoto no tsuki' moon-reflecting terraced fields in nearby Obasute.
2. Yoakemae, made in Tatsuno, southern Nagano. My personal favorite.
3. Takeshige, made in a small post town in eastern Nagano called Motai Aida-no-Juku. I'm not sure if the sake is good or not, but the brewery is amazing -- 30 of its buildings are the national historical registry. It makes a great place for guests from Tokyo to stop at on their way back.

What do you think of this list? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Admittedly, I know more about microbrews than sake!

姨捨正宗Obasute Masamune

夜明け前 Yoakemae

武重本家酒造Takeshige Honke Sake Brewery

長野県の宝物: 上山田温泉の芸者さん Treasure of Nagano: Kamiyamada's Geisha.

December 4, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Can't beat the geisha!

地獄谷 (スノーモンキー)


最後は金毘羅さんと言う座敷ゲーム。「芸者さんに勝てないよ!」と言ったら、皆が一生懸命! やはり、芸者さんは強い!



A group of researchers from overseas were in Japan on JAXA-related biz, and for the weekend they came up and spent the night here at Kamesei Ryokan.

What appealed to them the most about Nagano Prefecture?
Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City.
The snow monkeys in Jigokudani.
Togakushi and its ninjas.

For the group's dinner banquet, we invited Harugoma-san, the veteran shamisen player, and Tamako-san, one of the best dancers, to provide real geisha entertainment to the guests.

First Tamako-san performed dances to a couple of songs with Harugoma-san accompanying on shamisen. (A song about leaves falling from a 'momiji' Japanese maple tree and the other song dedicated to that most important element of banquets: sake.)
Then Tamako showed the guests how to dance the common bon-odori dance 'tankobushi', and we all joined in, making fools of ourselves dancing around the banquet room.
And finally, the geisha challenged the guests to a game of 'konpira-san', a geisha parlor (read, "drinking") game. I told the visitors that it's impossible to beat the geisha at this game. That encouraged everyone to try even harder. The game starts out simply enough timed to the strumming of the shamisen, but when Harugoma-san picks up the pace, watch out!

The guests were naturally very curious about the geisha world, and appreciated being able to ask questions (with me there to help interpret). But more than that, seeing their faces as they enjoyed watching and then actually participating in the dances as well as the excitement of the parlor game, it reinforced for me that these geisha ladies are pros at entertaining guests.

Kamiyamada's geisha are truly one of Nagano Prefecture's treasures.

The Kamiyamada-Togura Geisha Guild's normal rates are normally 4,500 yen per half hour, minimum 2 hours. However, in this case we had the banquet start early, and the geisha came early prior to another banquet engagement and entertained for 45 minutes for a special price of 10,000 yen. Reservations can be made in advance through your Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen ryokan.

Kamiyamada Togura Geisha website.

亀清旅館の二つ目の客室改造工事 Remodelling Kamesei Ryokan's 2nd Guestroom

November 28, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Yayoi's bathroom getting torn apart -- prep for the remodel




Here at Kamesei Ryokan, there are so many things we need to fix. For now, we are remodelling one guestroom's bathroom a year. Last year, it was 'Matsukaze'. This year it is 'Yayoi' 's turn.

At this pace, it will take us 12 years to remodel all of the guestrooms -- and that's just their bathrooms. When the architect came to discuss about Yayoi, he said "Sooner or later, you should think about redecorating the guestrooms." But then he looked at Yayoi and how sad its bathroom was, and said, "You're right -- gotta start with the bathrooms." Ouch!

Anyways, my only instructions to the architect regarding the remodel design was to get creative. And he certainly did. As the remodel takes shape, I will post pictures of the new bathroom here -- stay tuned!

亀清の記念日プラン: お誕生日のお花

October 28, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Nitsuen Flowers





上山田温泉: 五色? Kamiyamada's Onsen Water: Multi-colored?

October 18, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Onsen Water Turned Green!



The other day, when I looked at Kamesei's outdoor bath I was surprised to see it had clouded up and became a milky white color. Today I when I looked it was a deep green color.

Our normally clear, colorless hot spring mineral water occasionally changes with fluctuations in the outside temperatures. These naturally occurring changes are so fascinating!

上山田温泉のお湯も五色? Kamiyamada Onsen's Color Changing

October 5, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Shirahone? No, Kamiyamada!

我が亀清旅館の大浴場を見たら、吃驚しました: 濁り湯になっていました。通常は透明なお湯が白骨温泉みたいにミルキーになっていました。


Our main onsen bath here at Kamesei Ryokan had a surprise for us today -- the onsen water had turned milky. Normally, Kamiyamada Onsen's hot sring water is clear, but today it was cloudy, like Shirahone Onsen and the other 'milky-white' onsens.

If the outside temperature changes drastically, our onsen bath sometimes becomes cloudy like this. It's a natural reaction to the atmospheric change. My body was certainly reacting to the drop in temperatures lately -- apparently the onsen does, too!

鑑別師pt.2: 39年前の写真 Kanbetsu-shi pt. 2: 39 y.o. Photo

August 24, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

This is what Kanbetsu-ing looks like.








As I previously mentioned, we had the honor of hosting a lady who used to be a kanbetsu-shi. That's the profession where you separate boy silk worm grubs from the girl grubs. Before I met that lady, I'd never known such a profession existed.

The same guest came again, and when I paid a visit to their evening banquet, she pulled me to the side to show me a photograph. "You seemed interested in 'kanbetsu' -- here's an old photo from my kanbetsu days."

The photo was from 1972. I was only 2 years old then.

When I was in college (my major was International Studies), I researched about Japan's transition from Edo to Meiji eras. Silk production often came up. Then when I moved to Nagano, I was introduced to the Ueda Tsumugi silk weaving tradition and became familiar with seeing the old houses with the unique rooflines where silk worms used to be grown.

This further deepened my appreciation for Japan's silk culture.

In honor of that culture, I did a slight remake of one of our guestrooms based around a 'tsumugi' (silk weaving) theme. That brought me into contact with this veteran kanbetsu-shi. I feel honored to have been able to meet what I regard a person of 'living history'.

若若女将の目線での亀清旅館 Kamesei Through the Eyes of 4 y.o. Misaki

August 23, 2011: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Our 4 year old daughter Misaki often gets her hands on my smart phone. Before I know it, there are a whole bunch of funky pictures in the camera roll. Some of them are real keepers. Here are a few of the pictures, providing a glimpse of what Kamesei Ryokan looks like to a 4 year old.

Daddy at work

Chef heading for the toilet

Obachan funky pose

Brother Kenny


funky-pose Daddy

The front desk

Mommy Changing the Baths

The giant water cooler