The Sushihei Picture
As I wrote earlier, I am working on an English Walking Map / Restaurant Guide for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Part of the process is to go to each and every one of the shops, talk with the owners and explain about the project, discuss their listing, figure out their menus in English, then take the pictures. It's a very time consuming process, but I'm actually finding it to be a rewarding chance to get to know more about the local businesses. Here are a couple of episodes:
Last night we had two guests from Germany that wanted to go eat sushi. I told them, "There is a fun sushi restaurant nearby, but you realize, Nagano doesn't have an ocean..." They replied, "Uhh, mountain sushi? Sounds great!" So I took them over to Sushihei, and used the chance to talk to the chef, Hirabayashi-san, about the English Map project. He gladly agreed to cooperate, so we went about discussing the details and his menu in English. When it came time for the picture, we decided that Hirabayashi-san's personality and the ambience of the shop should be the focus. I tried taking a picture accordingly, and the German lady asked to see it. She said, "This is no good. I am a designer, and cannot approve of this picture. Change your angle and re-take it." We were all glad to have her professional critique! Since so much effort is going into this map, it's good we're making it so professional!
Another valuable incident happened at Kohaku, a shop known for its oshibori udon. She also gladly agreed to cooperate. When discussing the menu, we came across "Tatami Iwashi". Rather than trying to explain it using words, she cooked one up for me. It turns out that tatami iwashi means dried sardines fry pressed into sheets, which she lightly fried and served over grated daikon radish. Except, it wasn't regular daikon -- it was her specialty spicy nezumi daikon. So it was delicious, and packed a punch!
So my map-making project is turning into a culinary adventure!

Kohaku's "Fish-Chips"