尚且つ、英語表記も!Turn Here for Kamesei!
例えば、我がシアトルの家住所が3434 15th Ave. Sでした。つまり、南15通り3434.そして、最初の34がストリートの意味。(アベニューは南北、ストリートは東西。)という事で、15番アベニューと34番ストリートの交差点から17件目(34件目じゃない:奇数と偶数によって道の右・左が決まる。)
住所で距離も分かります。10ブロックが大体1kmです。ですから、家から例えば2356 5th Ave. Sへ行くのに、だいたい1kmを上って、左横また1kmぐらいって分かる。
Addresses and street numbering systems are entirely different between Japan and the US. America's system is much better. Allow me to explain.
Back in Seattle, our house's address was 3434 15th Ave. S. That meant 17 lots in (not 34 -- odd numbers on the west side, even on the east) from the intersection of 15th Avenue and 34th Street. Avenues run north-south, streets east-west. Simple and logical. And the system gave you an idea of distances, too. 16 city blocks make up a mile. So if we wanted to go to 1st Ave. S and 17th, we know it's a mile ot the north and a mile west.
Here in Japan, addresses are made up of cities, neighborhood, "chome" sub-areas, and it goes into finer detail from there. So Kamesei is Chikuma City, Kamiyamada Onsen (=neighborhood), 2-chome, 15-1. However, our local governing district is Kamiyamada Onsen #11, so if we were on the first block in area #11, and the first lot on the block, then I could understand Chikuma City, Kamiyamada Onsen 11-1-1. But no, it's 2-15-1. And our pharmicist neighbor is 2-11-2, the clothing shop across the street is 2-10-8, and the Sento Bathouse behind us is 2-18-8. At least we all have the same 2-chome, but none of the other numbers have any order to them. Aargh!
And street names here are another issue. There hardly aren't any. For our house in Seattle, we used to tell people to go up Columbia Way from the freeway, turn left on 15th, and we're the 3rd house in on the right. Here for Kamesei, we tell our guests, "Cross the Manyo Bridge, turn right at the Culture Hall, pass the gas station and turn left at Shinkin Bank -- Kamesei will be directly ahead."
Actually, the street Kamesei is on does in fact have a name. So in theory, I could give directions as "Take Manyo Street, turn right at Central Avenue, then the 2nd right, Park Way, and we'll be straight in front of you." But nobody here looks at street signs, so we're stuck using landmarks.