こういう旅もあり: B.バーディックさんと温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Togura Kamiyamada Through the Back Door with B. Burdick

February 7, 2014: 活動 Activities


・善光寺別院 四十数年前にできたお寺さん。そのころは当温泉地がピークでした。マスツーリズムから現代の個人旅行のシフトの話。日本のお寺の紹介。
・日本歴史館の外 マッカーサーなどの不思議な石像
・奥津神社 日本の縁結びの文化や温泉夏祭りのお神輿の説明
・荒戸城 山城や侍の文化の紹介。当地の戦国時代の歴史を説明。千曲川や周辺の山景色を見せる。
・波閉科神社 日本の神社の紹介。バーディックさんはウェルネスツーリズムに興味があるから、神社の町の皆様との役割を説明、秋祭り(お相撲、お神楽)を説明。

・中央公園 包丁塚を見せる。温泉旅館に調理師文化の重要性を説明。
・西澤貯金箱館 貯金箱を通じて日本の古来からのキャラクター文化を学び、二階の世界のお金の展示見学
・飲泉所 温泉のお湯の取り組み方を学んだ。
・笹鈴まんじゅ まんじゅ(こしあんと粒あんの違いなど)との出会い、工場の方も見学
・島屋の甘露煮 工場見学・甘露煮の文化との出会い
・中島味噌蔵 お味噌の文化・種類の違いを学んだ
・たからや陶芸 じもとの佐良志奈焼きとの出会い。女将さんの姉に抹茶を淹れてくれた。
・君島園 若旦那に美味しい緑茶の淹れ方を肩を学んだ。急須の買い物も。

小津射的 昭和時代からの伝統的な射的を楽しんだ。お土産をゲット。


As part of Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada's "Cool Japan" project, we had Brook Burdick, the IT director of leading travel company Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door come to give a seminar. On the 7th, I gave him a tour of our onsen town to give him a point of reference for his talk. For everyone's consideration, this is our course:

We took a car and drove up to Joyama, the hill behind our onsen town.
*Zenkoji Branch Temple: Basic intro to Japanese temples; discussion on how Japan's travel culture has evolved from 'mass-tourism' to today's more individualized pattern.
*Japan History Museum: Toured the outside to see the funky collection of statues including General MacArthur and Chiang Kai Shek.
*Okutsu Shrine: Fertility shrine, description of the role the fertility objects play in the onsen's summer festival.
*Arato-jo Fortress: Discussion on Japan's castle and fort construction and samurai lifestyle. Observing Togura-Kamiyamada, the Chikuma River and the surrounding mountains.
*Habeshina Shrine: Brook-san expressed an interest in "Wellness Tourism", so we stopped at the shrine that protects the Onsen. Basic intro to Japan's Shinto religion and the shrine's fall festival (sumo, 'kagura' lion dance).

We hopped on some rental bicycles and went for a cycling tour of the onsen town.
*Chuo Park: Knife Memorial and an explanation of the role the chefs play in the ryokans.
*Nishizawa Piggy Bank Museum: Intro to Japan's historical love affair with characters, through piggy banks. 2nd floor display of various currencies from throughout the world was also fascinating.
*Onsen Drinking Spot: Explanation about how the onsen water is brought to the surface and distributed to the various inns.
*Sasasuzu Manju Pastries: Intro to manju, the pastries stuffed with adzuki purple beans, including the difference between 'tsubu-an' (chunky) and 'koshi-an' (smooth). Toured the factory part to see how manju are made.
*Shimaya River Fish: Intro to 'kanroni' (river fish marinated in a sweet sauce). Toured the factory to see how it is made.
*Nakajima Miso: Intro to the various types of miso, and an explanation of the use of miso in Japanese cuisine.
*Takaraya Ceramics: Our local style of pottery called "Sarashina-yaki". Older sister of the proprietress made us traditional 'maccha' tea.
*Kimijimaen Tea: The proprietor showed us how to make Japanese tea. Shopped for a tea set.

We went for a stroll through Kamiyamada's bar district.
*Ozu Arcade: Enjoyed a game of "shateki" corkgun target shooting and picked up some souvenirs.

It was a long day, but looking back, that course makes for a perfect "Back-Door" tour!

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