レンタサイクルはお子様用も Rental Bicycles -- Kids Sizes, Too!

July 23, 2020: サイクリング Cycling


Our Zukudashi Eco Tours bicycle rental offers kids size bicycles as well as bike trailers, too.  We welcome families with kids of all sizes to come and enjoy cycling along the Chikuma River Bike Path!

(From top 上から:  Pastur 17", Pastur 15*, Asson 12", Lula 11", Piccolo, Bell trailer)


Bike Trailers


Weight Max

Bell Bike Trailer1~5才*45kg
Burley Piccolo Trailer Bike4~10才38.5kg**
*2人まで**大人:小人 2:1
子供用の自転車 Kids Bicyclesサイズ身長HeightAges
Schwinn Lula11in.115-140cm5~9才
Khodaa Bloom Asson12in.125-145cm6~11才
Riteway Pastur15in.140-155cm7才~
Riteway Pastur17in.150-165cm7才~

Details 詳しく: Zukudashi Eco Tours ずくだしエコツアー

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