青い目の若旦那に悩ませるアドバイス Points to Ponder as an American Innkeeper in Japan

January 22, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi







Lately we've received some critical advice here at Kamesei Ryokan that's made me reconsider the direction we are taking with our inn.

First of all, as previously mentioned we submitted an application for Kamesei Ryokan to the Ryokan Koshien. That's a national competition based on the vision of the junior proprietor and how well that is conveyed to the staff. Unfortunately Kamesei was not selected as one of the final 5, for the following reasons:

1. (Our strength as a bridge between traditional Japanese culture and foreign visitors)
If not just myself but the entire staff were trained and competent in being cultural liasons, our inn would have much more potential.
2. (Our vision of doing something extra for each and every guest and providing a memorable experience for everyone)
Not enough is being done to instill that vision in all of the staff. More should be done to bring out the abilities and efforts of the staff.
3. Having an American proprietor can be a real strength. However, not enough is being done to capitalize on the synergies between a traditional Japanese inn and an American innkeeper.

Hmm, up until now I've focused on what I personally can do in my arguably unique position of being an American innkeeper in Japan. I spend time taking guests to Obasute to see the night view after dinner, I make ice cream desserts for children, I add lots of hand-made touches such as the outdoor baths, I had a wood burning stove installed in the lobby. These are things that I personally, perhaps due to being American, have added to Kamesei. But in extending this vision to the overall operation, should I expect non-Americans to include American-hospitality in their work? And I've always been fuzzy on just how much say I have in matters, as the mother-in-law is still technically the owner.

One other recent piece of critical advice was a reply to a questionnaire by one of our guests. They wrote:

"Japanese manners and customs (and mannerisms) must be hard to master for foreigners. But you already present enough of a Japanese-style hospitality towards the guests that you don't need to rely on the crutch of being an 'American innkeeper'. It would be difficult, but you should strive to be able to market Kamesei as providing the best of Japanese hospitality (regardless of not being Japanese yourself). It would make young Japanese people today ashamed."

Well, first of all, my goal in running Kamesei Ryokan is not to make young Japanese ashamed, it's to make young Japanese as well as all guests feel relaxed and give them a place to recharge their batteries. And while using my foreign-ness as a crutch or sales gimmick is something that should be avoided, I'll never be able to avoid being a foreigner. It is my hope to use the best of my American-style hospitality with the best of Kamesei's traditional Japanese-hospitality.

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