上山田の新しい観光パンフ by上山田小学校6年生ら Kamiyamada's New Tourism Brochure -- By Kamiyamada Elementary 6th Graders

June 10, 2012: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Andy and his hand-made Kamiyamada pamphlet




Our first son, Andy, is working on a Kamiyamada brochure for tourists. It's part of a project for his Kamiyamada Elementary School 6th grade class. Apparently each of his classmates is making their own brochure. I wonder what facets of Kamiyamada the 6th graders will choose to feature in their brochures.

The Tourism Center in Kamiyamada has a display space on the 2nd floor. I'm asking the city's Tourism Association to see if the 6th graders' hand-made brochures can be displayed there. Visitors would certainly be entertained by the brochures, and I'm sure the students would be elated to have their brochures displayed for everyone to see.

Elementary schools in other onsen towns often involve their students in the town's tourism. For example, student volunteer guides, or trips to Tokyo to promote their towns. Getting the students involved in their town's promotion early would certainly help to get them thinking proactively about the town. And it would help to instill a sense of pride, too.

Hopefully this hand-made brochures project is just a start for Kamiyamada Elementary School.

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