我が家族で白樺ファミリーリゾート Our Family at the Shirakaba Family Resort

May 29, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Andy and Misaki enjoying Shirakaba Resort's Go-Karts



アクセス 大門街道を通ったけど、のんびりした1時間45分ドライブで田舎の景色を楽しみながら、良かった。

場所 湖と蓼科や周辺の山々は気持ちいい景色。空気は高台らしい気持ちいい。湖辺の散歩がお勧め!

遊園地 所々にペンキを塗ってあげたいけど、子供達はアドベンチャーカートやコースター、トランポリンなど、大喜び。

コーストパフォーマンス 家族5人で一万円でした。まあ、映画2本分ぐらいので、比較したらそれ以上な楽しみだったでしょう。

お客様にお勧め? これは悩みます。私達が行ったのは平日だった。週末や連休なら割高くなるし、きっと混むでしょう。その代り、夏休みとかでもっと湖の遊びも出来るそうです。

オプション 近辺の「世界の影絵・きり絵・ガラス・オルゴール美術館」がお勧めです。藤城清治さんの作品が素晴らしい!

On the north bank of 1400m altitude Shirakaba Lake is a small amusement park called Shirakaba Family Resort. I don't know how well-known it is in Tokyo, but here in Nagano we see their commercials all the time.

One recent weekday, our kids had a day off from school so we went for a drive to check out the park for ourselves. Here is my attempt at a review:

Access Leisurely 1 hour 45 minute drive through the Nagano countryside following the old Daimon Kaido trail from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada.

Amusement I kept wanting to get out a brush and help paint over some of the peeling spots, but the kids enjoyed the go-karts, coaster, trampoline and more.

Setting Picturesque Shirakaba Lake surrounded by Tateshina Mountain and other tall peaks, in fresh mountain air. Fantastic. I highly suggest taking a stroll on the boardwalk on the lake's west bank.

Cost Performance For our family of five, it cost 10,000 yen. Considering that's about what 2 movies would have cost, I'd say we got more enjoyment from the park.

Recommendable? That's a tricky question. There are plenty of amusement parks around with more attention to detail (i.e., less rust). But you can't beat the lake and mountain setting.

Optional side tour Don't miss the art museum featuring the work of light and shadow artist Seiji Fujishiro.

白樺リゾートファミリーランド Shirakaba Resort Family Land

The coaster

Precure (?) land for girls

Splash ride

Dad and Misaki on the go-kart

Spin ride (peeling paint and all)

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