長野温泉調査: ぽかぽかランド美麻 Nagano's Onsens: Poka-Poka Land Miasa

February 14, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Snowy, snowy Poka-Poka




On the way to Hakuba, I stopped at one of Omachi City's 'michi no eki' road-side station and onsen bath facility, 'Shiroito no Yu' Onsen "Poka-Poka Land Miasa". I was accompanied by my buddy Peter who is writing a book in English on Nagano's onsens.

Peter-san was impressed by the variety of baths (jacuzzi, waterfall, lukewarm bath, etc.) as well as how the outdoor bath's rock garden 'borrowed' the scenery of the nearby hill. Apparently Poka-Poka will make the cut for his Top-100 Nagano Onsens list.

I may be getting grumpy in my old age, but for me the first impression was the smell of chlorine. And the indoor baths were all lined with tile -- I prefer more natural materials. And the plastic bamboo fence separating the mens and womens baths was ugly. But the outdoor bath's garden was certainly thoughtfully laid out.

ぽかぽかランド美麻 Poka-Poka Land Miasa

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