雪景色の荒砥城: なお格好良い Arato-jo Fortress with Snow -- Even Cooler!

January 22, 2012: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Harsh mountain fortress in a harsh winter

戸倉上山田の温泉画街から裏の城山の天辺に木造の櫓が見える: 荒砥城の見晴らし台です。1995年に復元されたこの山城は戦国時代を表現する。






From down in our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, you can see a wooden lookout tower at the top of Jo-Yama, the hill behind our town. The tower belongs to Arato-jo, a mountain fortress. The compound was rebuilt to match its presumed original configuration in 1995.

Most people typically picture a lowland castle like Matsumoto's or Himeji's when they think of a 'Japanese castle'. Those are more projections of the local lord's power than actual defensive battlements. They date back to the end of the Warring States as well as Edo eras.

During the Warring States era, however, thousands of fortresses like Arato-Jo were constructed on hilltops throughout the country. They were designed strictly for military purposes, with the majority of their structures built low to the ground so as not to be visible from down below.

All of these mountain fortresses have since disappeared, destroyed by fires, battles or simple erosion. Arato-jo is hence the only such fortress existing in a resemblance of it's original shape, and is often used as the backdrop for historical TV shows.

I took a couple of guests up to Arato-jo for a tour. This was my first time to go in the middle of winter. With a touch of snow, the fortress has an even more foreboding feel to it. The view from the top, with the Chikuma River valley below and the surrounding mountains in their winter state, had a surreal feel to it.

The guests and I wondered how it must have been like for the samurai posted here in the winter. One whistfully fantasized about returning to that era and experiencing how it would've been like to live a samurai's life for a day.

Down here at Kamesei, our guests often follow our recommendation and drive or walk up to see Arato-jo. This time I was fortunate to see the fort with my own eyes, in its harsh winter guise.


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