初詣@善光寺 + 鬼島太鼓との出会い New Years @ Zenkoji + Meeting Kijima Taiko

January 3, 2012: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki at Zenkoji










Here in northern Nagano, the most popular temple / shrine to visit for New Years is the esteemed Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. On the 2nd, I took our kids to pay our respects. Despite the snowy conditions, there was a healthy throng of visitors to the temple, including a few brave ladies wearing kimonos.

We took the train to Nagano City and were treated to a taiko performance that was being held in front of the MIDORI department store next to Nagano Station.

To be honest, I've seen my fair share of taiko performances over the years. Everything from amateur groups for free in Seattle, to the world-class Kodo pro group from Sado Island (certainly not for free). But never before have I been so overwhelmingly amazed as with this group that performed, Kijima Taiko from the Kijimadaira Village, northeast of Nagano City.

Kijima Taiko is made up of only girls, and only of school age. Once the member graduate highschool, they automatically 'retire' from the group. Not only do they participate in nationwide contests, but they also perform overseas once a year.

5 girls of their elementary school division performed today.
With snow falling around, they banged away on the taiko drums while laying down, while jumping, while dancing, while shouting,
from one song to the next with absolutely no rest in between,
It wasn't a testosterone-filled show of strength, it was simply raw girl-energy.
All the while with snow falling around!

It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Our 4 year old Misaki was so impressed, when we got back to Kamesei she excitedly played the taiko drums in our lobby for what seemed like endlessly.

Girls growing up in the countryside likely don't have much opportunity to excel and put their energy to use in such a way that it puts them on the world stage. I applaud Kijima Taiko for giving these girls this opportunity. I am sure the members take this experience with them and put it to use succeeding in their adult lives.

Every year Kijima Taiko performs a spring concert, and this year it will take place in Sakaki, next to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. It will be on Saturday March 24th, and I am so looking forward to seeing it!

鬼島太鼓 Kijima Taiko

Feel the girl power -- Kijima Taiko

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