なでしこジャパン 亀清の庭からエール Kamesei's Garden Cheering For Japan's Women's Soccer Team

July 28, 2011: 季節 Seasons

Matsukaze's garden



今、オレンジ(朱色)の花を咲かせている植物は 「フシグロセンノウ(Lychnis miqueliana)」。
ナデシコ科センノウ属の宿根草。亀清の庭でも、今 “ ナデシコ ” の仲間が花盛りです。」



Kamesei Ryokan's gardener, Okada-san, came by for regular maintenance on our gardens. He sent these pictures of guest room Matsukaze's garden. Right now this orange flower is blooming. It is called nadeshiko (Lychnis miqueliana).

Nadeshiko is also the nickname for Japan's womens national soccer team, the same team that just won the women's World Cup soccer tournament. It seems our garden is showing its support for the team. I have to admit mixed feelings about Japan's victory as it came at the expense of America's ladies team. The goalkeeper, Hope Solo, went to the University of Washington, my alma mater. But after seeing the joyous faces of the nadeshiko ladies, I couldn't help but be happy for them. And now seeing the beautiful nadeshiko flower in our garden, I am even happier.

Okada-san the gardener was recently featured in a Home and Garden magazine. The article mentioned Kamesei Ryokan, too!

住まいnet信州の本及びおかださんのHPはこちらInfo on the magazine and Okada-san's website is here.

Close-up of the Nadeshiko flower

Okada-san in the Magazine

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