「信州に泊まろう!」キャンペーンのPR for the "Stay Nagano" Campaign

January 15, 2011: メディア Media

Mari showing off the Stay Nagano poster.





Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Association and Ryokan Associations are presenting a "Stay Nagano!" Campaign, scheduled to run from January 21st to April 30th. With parts exlusively for Nagano Prefecture residents as well as "Eco-Stay" and "2-Night Stay", anyone can participate and register to win a free night's stay or a cute Arakuma character doll.

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we fully support the "Stay Shinshu" Campaign.
For Nagano Prefecture Residents, we are offering a special "Meals Served to Your Guestroom for No Extra Charge" Plan.
For Eco-Stay, we feature a wood burning stove in our lobby, upgrading to LED light bulbs, timed sensors / switches on not only lights but shower facilities, etc., etc.

The other day, we got a call from the Prefecture's Tourism Association. A local TV Station, TSB, wants us to be in one of their programs promoting the "Stay Nagano!" Campaign. They will come next week to shoot some footage, then I've been asked to go to their studio for a live production, to be aired the evening of Thursday January 27th.

A TV studio? This will be my first time! I'm a bit nervous, but if it is to highlight the great efforts of my fellow Nagano ryokans, than I am more than willing to cooperate and help out!

「信州に泊まろう!」キャンペーンの詳しくは県のHPへDetails on the Stay Nagano campaign on the Prefecture's website.

テレビ信州のようがたGetのHPはこちらClick here for TSB's You Gotta Get website.

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