天才の森繫 昇さんのロビーコンサート Noboru Morishige-san's lobby concert: A Musical Genius

October 16, 2010: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Morishige-san jammin' the Word

夕べは亀清旅館のロビーが盛り上がっていました。クリスチャン音楽家の森繫 昇さんがコンサートを開催してくれました。ハワイに住んでいる森繫さんがぎーたーからビオラまで(途中でトランペットの音も聞こえた様な気がしたけど…)を弾いて、そして色んなジャンルの歌(沢山のオリジナルも)を歌いながら、他の宿泊者や近所の教会の方々に神様の事を歌ってくれました。お客様の感想を聞いたら、「森繫さんは天才だ!」と嬉しかったです。


Last night our lobby was full of music, as Christian musician Noboru Morishige held a concert for our guests. People from the local church came, too, and enjoyed Morishige-san's musical talent as he played everything from guitar to viola (I thought I heard some trumpet, too!), and sang a wide variety of songs including mostly all-original ones. Throwing in bits of humor here and there, Morishige-san spread the love, God's Love.

I asked some of the guests their reactions.
"Morishige-san is a musical genius" seemed to be the consensus. Judging by how much everyone enjoyed the concert, it got me thinking that we should plan on concerts like this on a more regular basis. We have been pleased to host many concerts in the past, including some Chicago jazz, Indo-style shamisen, Boston Philharmonic oboe, some locals doing a rock jam session, and even Masahiko Satoh. What's next?!

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