菖蒲風呂: 子供達が真っ直ぐ育つ様に Shobu Bath for children to grow up straight and strong

June 7, 2022: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons


Children’s Day is officially May 5th but here in the countryside many such holidays are celebrated 1 month later.
Part of the tradition is to put a type of iris called ‘Shobu’ (Acorus calamus, “sweet flag”) in the bath.

ロビーの子供の日の人形の隣にも菖蒲。Shobu in our lobby next to the Children’s Day doll

Shobu grows straight and strong so it is placed in the bath in the hopes that children also grow up that way. The phrase for ‘fight to the finish’ is also called ‘Shobu’ so another reason for the tradition is hoping children grow up stronger.