信州SPECIAL宿泊割 延長と拡大☆ 4月22日更新 Prefecture's Discount Campaign UPDATED 4/22

April 21, 2022: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

長野県民及び近隣県の皆様、二つの割引キャンペーンが実施中: (English Follows)

長野県の「県民支えあい 信州割SPECIAL 宿泊割」


■ 長野県のSPECIAL割のは延長(R4年5月31日までご利用可能)そして長野県民に追加で近隣県の皆様に拡大(群馬、埼玉、新潟、富山、石川、福井、山梨の皆様)その条件: 新型コロナワクチンを3回接種済 又は 検査結果が陰性であること



新型コロナワクチンを3回接種済 又は 検査結果が陰性であることが条件です。






■ 千曲市のリフレッシュチケット








Nagano Prefecture and Chikuma City are offering 2 discount campaigns you can use to stay here at Kamesei Ryokan.

    1. Nagano Prefecture's "SPECIAL-WARI" for residents of Nagano Prefecture or select neighboring prefectures (Gunma, Saitama, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui and Yamanashi): 5000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 10,000 yen or more, 2500 yen discount for 5,000-9,999 yen.   In addition, each person receives 2000 yen in coupons that can be used at area businesses.  The discount applies to stays  through 31-May (Tues) 2022 (except 29-April to 08-May).  All guests must be triple-vaccinated for COVID or have tested negative  (present proof at check-in).
    2. Chikuma City's "Tsuki no Miyako Chikuma-Wari": 3000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 5,000 yen or more for  stays through 31-July 2022.

Restrictions apply so please inquire (Tel 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp) and we will gladly make your reservation.


セレンディピティなおもてなし Serendipitous Omotenashi

April 16, 2022: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi
(English to follow.)
先日は、暖かいおもてなし ありがとうございました。温泉も とても温まり、お料理も美味しく頂きました。天候が悪い中 『戸隠』を薦めてもらい 思っていた以上に神秘的な風景に感動しました。名刺をもらった山口屋のお蕎麦も美味かったです。観光した、善光寺も黒部ダムもとても感動しましたが、一番の思い出は?と、問いかけると『戸隠』に、亀清さんに宿泊してなかったら、行かなかった場所でした。
亀清旅館に宿泊して 本当に良かったです。一期一会のご縁に感謝

Photo of the path to Togakushi Oku-sha Shrine by T-san from Kanagawa Pref.

In Japan there is a concept called "omotenashi".  Usually translated as "hospitality" or "service", it is integral to the overall concept of a ryokan.  The secret behind omotenashi is to simply provide a guest with what they want.  However, the problem is in 'reading' a guest to ascertain what it is they want.  And for some, the guests themselves don't realize what they truly want.  Sometimes, it requires a bit of serendipity, as with this recent example.
A husband and wife arrived by car and didn't seem to be in a good mood.  After checking them in and showing them their room, as I poured their tea they told me that all the places they had driven to and planned on seeing that day were still closed for the winter.  There has been an unusually large snowfall this year so many places are late in opening for spring.  As it had been a disappointing trip for them so far, accordingly the staff and I decided to do a more hands-off approach to serving them.
At check-out, the wife mentioned wanting to eat soba (buckwheat noodles -- Nagano's specialty).  Our favorite place for soba is Togakushi, the area above central Nagano City that is famous for growing some of the best buckwheat in the country.  There is something special about eating soba noodles at Togaushi made from the clear mountain water and in the fresh mountain air.  Our most beloved restaurant is Yamaguchi-ya.  The dining area features a picture window with a stunning view of Togakushi Mountain.  We had run out of brochures for Yamaguchi-ya so I had recently requested them to mail us some more.  Just then a package arrived and, low-and-behold, it was the brochures from Yamaguchi-ya.  Our proprietress handed one to the guests, and off they went.
Yesterday we received a thank you e-mail and pictures from the guests.  Apparently they had enjoyed a relaxing stay at our inn with the onsen baths and our chef's cuisine, but the highlight of their trip was Togakushi, especially the soba at Yamaguchi-ya and the spiritual nature.  The picture shared here is the one they took of the cedar trees lining the path to Togakushi Oku-sha, the Inner Shrine.
If we had asked the guests at the start what they wanted, they probably wouldn't have said "Togakushi".  But through a bit of serendipitous omotenashi, the guests were able to overcome the disappointing start and make a memorable trip.

お勧め里山登り: 太郎山(上田市のシンボル) Recommended Hike: Ueda City’s Beloved Mt. Taro

April 6, 2022: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

(English follows) 上田市のシンボルとして上田城に負けないぐらい太郎山が愛されてます。年に400回に登っている市民もいるようです。人気のバーチカルレースも毎年5月に太郎山で開催されます。私たちが登った日に走って来たお兄さんがいまして、聞いたら26分で登ったそうです。(私たちは1時間20分かかりました!)表参道コースは109m毎に丁石があって、途中に山城跡があり、中腹に巨大な石鳥居をくぐり、頂上近辺の神社に超ミニな鳥居、飽きないコースです。それより、頂上からの眺めが素晴らしい!私たちが登ったのは雨が降った後の日だったので空気が綺麗でずっと眺めてました。上田市街と塩田平は勿論見下ろせたが、遠くの北アルプス、南アルプス、八ヶ岳連峰、そして富士山も見えた!太郎山の人気の理由は分かります!

Mt. Taro is along with Ueda Castle one of Ueda City’s two most endearing symbols. The trail to the peak is so popular some people climb it over 400 times a year. A prestigious Vertical Race takes place every May. In fact, we met one runner who said he made it to the top in 26 minutes. (For the record it took us an hour and 20 minutes!). The entertaining trail is dotted by stone markers every 109 meters, it passes near the the remains of an ancient samurai fort, halfway up the mountain it ducks under a massive stone Torii gate, and conversely at the shrine near the peak is an ankle-high Torii. But the biggest reward for climbing Mt. Taro is the spectacular view from the summit. We sat and absorbed the vista for over half an hour. Not only can you look down on central Ueda and the entirety of the Shioda Plain but you can gaze out and see the both the Northern and Southern Alps as well as the Yatsugatake Range and even Mt. Fuji.

上田市を見下ろして、奥は富士山 Looking down upon central Ueda with Fuji-san on the horizon

太郎山 Mt. Taro 1,164m. 距離 Length 2.1km. 標高差 Elevation Gain 584m. 登り Ascent 80 min. 下り Descent 60 min. 難度 Level of Difficulty: 中級 Medium. 苦労 Effort ●●○. 技術的 Technical ●○○. 登山道の状況 Trail Condition ●●●. 表記 Signage ●●○ (後何メータかの表記が欲しかった Needs distance markers). 2022.04.05

太郎山は上田市のどこからでも見えます Mt. Taro can be seen from anywhere in Ueda City
登山口 駐車スペースは道沿いに10数台分 トイレ無し Trailhead. Parking for 10+ cars along the road. No toilet.
丁石 Stone distance marker
途中の山城跡 Castle remains
山の中腹に石の階段、安堵と巨大な鳥居。誰がどうやって運んだ⁉️ Halfway up, stone steps, lanterns and Torii gate. Who carried these up, and how?!
頂上近辺の神社 At the shrine near the peak
絶景 Panoramic view
お疲れフローズンヨーグルト Post-climb Frozen yogurt https://and-more.shop