お勧め里山登り: 弘法山(塩田平) 信仰と歴史の探検 Recommended Hike: Mt. Kobo. A Mystical and Samurai Adventure

March 1, 2022: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains


Kobo-Yama is the smallish mountain behind national treasure Zenzan-ji Temple on Ueda City’s Shioda Plain. Despite its short stature the view from the summit is stunning but what makes Kobo-Yama distinct are the remains of the Warring State era Shioda Castle and the adventure of finding the 33 stone Buddhas tucked into crevices around the peak.

弘法山から見下ろす塩田平 Looking down on the Shioda Plain from Mt. Kobo
塩田城跡(虎口)Shioda Castle: remains of the Tiger Gate
33石仏(弘法の眼)Searching for the 33 stone Buddhas — the Eye of the Kobo (Priest)

弘法山 Mt. Kobo (842m)

距離 Length 1.3km. 標高差 Elevation Gain 280m. 登り Ascent 90 min. 下り Descent 90 min. (探検しながら、前山寺見学含め)難度 Level of Difficulty: 初心者 Easy (冬は雪でアイゼン必須・中級 In winter Moderate due to needing crampons when snow). 2022.03.01

前山手の駐車場(とトイレ)Zenzan-ji parking lot (with toilet)
登山口(後は弘法山) Trailhead (Mt. Kobo in the distance)
足跡がガイド Footprints were our guide
一つ目の石仏見付け♪ Found the first stone Buddha
岩に階段が掘られた Stairs carved in stone
岩場 stone cliff
高さ2mの穴も Some hollows were 2m tall
他は高さ1.5m Others only 1.5 meters tall
背景は菅平 Sugadaira in the distance
塩田平と背景は戸隠山 The Shioda Plain with Mt. Togakushi in the background
塩田城城・虎口 Shioda Castle Remaiy
前山寺の未完成の三重塔 Zenzan-Ji’s “Unfinished” Pagoda

アクセス: お車なら前山寺は国宝なので沢山の看板が出てます。公衆トイレに広い駐車場あり。交通機関なら上田駅から別所線で塩田町駅、⑧信州の鎌倉シャトル線で前山寺バス停(本数と運行期間に限りあり)。 亀清旅館から車で20km、40分。戸倉駅から上田経由で塩田町まで約45分、バス20分又はタクシー5分。https://www.city.ueda.nagano.jp/uploaded/attachment/3023.pdf

ACCESS: By car, Zenzan-ji Temple is a National Treasure so well-signed. Use the large parking lot by the public toilet. By train, from Ueda Station take the Bessho Line to Shiodamachi and transfer to Bus #8 to the Zenzan-ji stop (frequency and operation limited). From Kamesei Ryokan, 20km (40 min.) by car. From Togura Station via Ueda 45 min. to Shiodamachi +20 min. bus or 5 min. taxi.

コース: 正面の登山口と塩田城経由の二つのコースがあるからループ可能。33石仏探しも含めて中嶋豊さんの「信州山歩き地図・里山編III北信東信」がマスト。COURSE: Two trailheads (official one above Zenzan-ji Temple and via Shioda Castle) so can be done as a loop. For both the course and for finding the 33 stone Buddhas, get Yutaka Nakajima’s 3rd hiking book.