長野県民のSPECIAL割は延長・拡大 "Special-Wari" Discount for Nagano Residents Extended

February 21, 2022: その他 Miscellaneous

長野県民の皆様、割引キャンペーンが実施中: (English Follows)

長野県の「県民支えあい 信州割SPECIAL 宿泊割」


■ 長野県のSPECIAL割のは延長(R4年3月10日から4月28日までご利用可能)そして対象者は同居家族(1名~)以外にワクチン3回目接種(~2名)に拡大されました。その条件: 「ワクチン・検査パッケージ」の適用が必須)







For residents of Nagano Prefecture, there is a valuable discount campaign you can use to stay here at Kamesei Ryokan.

Nagano Prefecture's "SPECIAL-WARI" for residents of Nagano Prefecture: 5000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 10,000 yen or more, 2500 yen discount for 5,000-9,999 yen.   In addition, each person receives 2000 yen in coupons that can be used at area businesses.  The discount applies to stays through 28-April 2022.  All guests must be vaccinated for COVID or have tested negative  (present proof at check-in).

Restrictions apply so please inquire (Tel 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp) and we will gladly make your reservation.

冬の最強組み合わせ: 温かい温泉と甘〜い苺 (いちご狩りご案内) Strawberry Picking and Onsen Soaking: Nagano’s Winter Pastime

February 11, 2022: 季節 Seasons, 活動 Activities, グルメFoodie

信州の冬の人気な楽しみ方は温泉にのんびり入ってハウスでいちご狩りをする事です。外は寒いからこそ温泉は気持ち良いし、いちご狩りのハウスの中がぽかぽかです。何しろ、苺が甘くて美味しいです!  Here in Nagano one way that’s popular for enjoying winter is to soak in a hot spring bath and to go all-you-can-eat strawberry picking in a toasty warm greenhouse.


この亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉の同じ千曲市にアグリパークと言う有名ないちご狩り場所があります。約19kmで車で18分です。いちご狩りは時間制限無しで楽しめて、複数な種類があります。二段に分けてあるので小さいお子さん達は下の段がちょうど採りやすい高さです。隣接にパン屋さん、食堂、サボテンガーデン、みかん狩りハウス、植木や花の販売もあり、長く遊べます。 In the same Chikuma City that our Kamesei Ryokan and Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada are located is Agri-Park, a famous strawberry picking spot. Located only 19km away, it is 18 minutes by car (or around 45 minutes by bicycle). There is no time limit For picking and eating the strawberries and several different varieties to try. Agri-Park also has a cactus garden, mikan orange picking, a bakery and cafeteria, and a flower and plant nursery so it is easy to spend half a day there.



アグリパークの入り口 Entrance to Agri-Park

アグリパークの甘〜い苺 Agri-Park’s sweet strawberries

時間制限無しの食べ放題 All-you-can-eat with no time limit
サボテンのハウスも Cactus Greenhouse
パン屋さんと食堂 Bakery and Cafeteria
彩りの花屋 colorful flower shop

アグリパークの詳しくAgri-Park details  

こもろ布引いちご園 Komoro Nunobiki Strawberry Park

東京方面からのお客様にいちご狩りのお勧め: 小諸市「布引いちご園」。ここの苺はまた甘〜い!ハウスも広くて中に食べれるテーブルと椅子もあります。隣接に立ち寄り湯もあります。For guests coming from the Tokyo area, another recommended strawberry picking place is Nunobiki Ichigo-en in Komoro City. The berries there are the sweetest, and the greenhouses are spacious and even have a designated eating area with tables and chairs.

布引いちご園の詳しく Nunobiki Ichigo-en details


お勧めのスノーシュー: 戸隠 Recommended Snowshoeing: Togakushi

February 3, 2022: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains



The giant cedar trees of Togakushi’s Okusha (Inner Shrine) in the mountains above central Nagano City are popular as a sort of Power Vortex. The cedars are especially impressive during the winter and the area is our favorite place for snowshoeing.

戸隠奥社の杉並木。雪と素敵なコントラスト。The towering cedars lining the path to Togakushi’s Inner Shrine


Winter in Nagano is synonymous with skiing and snowboarding and rightly so. But steadily snowshoeing is gaining in popularity. We’ve gone snowshoeing throughout the prefecture but keep returning to our favorite: Togakushi. It has areas that are only accessible when covered in snow and would be impossible with just regular shoes.

亀清の女将: スノーシューの笑顔 Kamesei’s proprietress in her happy place snowshoeing at Togakushi


When we went in early February there was about 5 feet of snow. We parked at the Okusha entrance, put on the snowshoes, passed the Torii gate and headed towards the Zuijinmon Gate which marks the beginning of the cedars.

入り口の鳥居。随神門まではよく通られて普通な靴で行けるがその道から一歩離ればスノーシューが必要。The entrance Torii. The path to Zuijinmon is well-enough traveled so that regular shoes could suffice but take one step off the path and you’ll need snowshoes.
ミズナラ大王 “King of the Forest” Oak




クマさんの目印 Follow the golden bear


天命稲荷神社を通って Pass by the Tenmei Inari Shrine and its rows of vermilion Torii gates
長〜い影 Long shadows
鏡池の上から見る戸隠山 Togakushi Mtn. as seen from on top of Mirror Pond

冬で鏡池に雪が積もるから上に歩ける。戸隠連峰が迫力ある背景になります。ピクニックには最適な場所。 In winter Kagami Ike (“Mirror Pond”) is covered by a layer of snow so thick that you can walk out on to the middle of the pond, meaning you can literally walk on water. With the towering Togakushi Range as a dramatic backdrop the pond makes a perfect place for a picnic.