いざ山城! 岩崎城経由で村上義清の葛尾城へ Samurai Forts: Climbing to Katsurao-jo via Iwasaki-jo

February 7, 2021: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains


Local samurai lord Murakami Yoshikiyo's main castle was Katsurao-jo, visible across the Chikuma River from our inn Kamesei Ryokan here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada.  From the nearby Isobe neighborhood, there are 2 trails to Katsurao-jo, one called the Kome-Iriguchi course that follows the old rear-entrance supply route, and one that passes by in intermediate fortress called Iwasaki-jo.  We recently hiked the latter.  Although hardly anything remains of Iwasaki-jo itself besides 'do-bashi' (earthen bridges) and some rock wall sections, the trail passes the mysterious Bikuni boulder and offers several panoramic viewpoints of the Chikuma River valley, so is well worth the climb.  (More info on Iwasaki-jo and Katsurao-jo from our friends at Jcastle.)

上戸倉宿から見た葛尾(上左)と岩崎城の跡地 Katsurao (upper left) and the location of Iwasaki Fort as seen from Upper Togura-juku

Traihead marker










秋和神社 Akiwa Shrine

比丘尼石 Bikuni Rock

村上義清の奥さんが武田信玄の包囲攻撃から逃げた時に「ここで故郷の住民の永遠の幸せを祈願し化石となった」と書いてあります。When Takeda Shingen laid a siege to Murakami Yoshikiyo, he had his wife escape down this route.  According to legend, the princess stopped here and prayed for the local people so hard she turned into this rock.

二の曲輪の石垣 Stone rampart of the lower bailey

一の曲輪の跡 Site of the Upper Bailey

戸倉上山田を見下ろす絶景 Panoramic view of Togura-Kamiyamada

登った時期 2月上旬 Climbed early February

距離 Distance 岩崎城まで To Iwasaki-jo 200m (葛尾城まで to Katsurao-jo +500m)

標高 Elevation 登山口 Trailhead 400m, 岩崎城 Iwasaki-jo 610m, 葛尾城 Katsurao-jo 805m

時間 Course Time  岩崎城まで To Iwasaki-jo 20 min. (葛尾城まで to Katsurao-jo +30 min.)

難易度 Difficulty ★★☆☆☆  お勧め度 Recommendation  ★★☆☆☆

アクセス 車で戸倉上山田温泉から国道18号を登って、「磯部南」信号の70m先に左曲がって、岩崎踏切でしなの鉄道を渡って、Yで右曲がって、登山口は約50mで右手に。バスは温泉や戸倉駅から路線バス⑧五加戸倉線で磯部ミニ公園で降りる。

Access: By car from Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, take Route 18 south towards Sakaki / Ueda.  Pass the Isobe-Minami signal and in 70m turn left, cross the railroad tracks, at the Y turn turn right, and the trailhead will be on the right in about 50m.  By bus, from the onsen or Togura Station, take the #8 "Goka-Togura" bus and get off at Isobe Mini-Park stop.

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