Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have proudly decorated our inn with patchwork and quilt wall hangings made by Judi Lynch, the mother of our proprietor Tyler Lynch. For 4 weeks starting May 16th we will hold an exhibition of works by Judi Lynch in our large banquet room. The 30 pieces range from small wall hangings to queen-size quilts, many featuring designs inspired by Japan an incorporating vintage kimono material.

期間 Dates: 5/16 ~ 6/12
時間 Time: AM 9:00-11:00 PM 15:00-17:30
場所 Place: 亀清旅館の2階の大広間 Kamesei Ryokan's 2nd Floor Banquet Hall
料金 Price: 無料 Free *希望者にお茶とシアトルクッキーセット300円 Tea and Seattle Cookie Set available for 300 yen
お問い合わせ Contact Tel 026-275-1032 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan