亀清旅館でジュディ・リンチ キルト展が2023年5月16日~6月12日開催 Kamesei Ryokan to hold a Judi Lynch Quilt Exhibit May 16 - June 12

2023.05.15: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have proudly decorated our inn with patchwork and quilt wall hangings made by Judi Lynch, the mother of our proprietor Tyler Lynch.  For 4 weeks starting May 16th we will hold an exhibition of works by Judi Lynch in our large banquet room.  The 30 pieces range from small wall hangings to queen-size quilts, many featuring designs inspired by Japan an incorporating vintage kimono material.

期間 Dates:  5/16 ~ 6/12

時間 Time: AM 9:00-11:00  PM 15:00-17:30

場所 Place:  亀清旅館の2階の大広間 Kamesei Ryokan's 2nd Floor Banquet Hall

料金 Price:  無料 Free  *希望者にお茶とシアトルクッキーセット300円 Tea and Seattle Cookie Set available for 300 yen

お問い合わせ Contact Tel 026-275-1032 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan