
この日本原風景が文化庁に認めれらて、 月の都 千曲 -姨捨の棚田が作る摩訶不思議な月景色「田毎の月」ー として伝統的な月見スポットと言う事で、日本遺産に選ばれました。

(長野県でもう1か所も日本遺産に認定された: 上田市の塩田平。国分寺と生島足島神社が夏と冬に1回ずつ太陽の光で結ばれていて、 レイラインがづなく「太陽と太一の聖地」 ~龍と生きるまち 信州上田・塩田平~ で認められました。 姨捨と塩田平の日本遺産の詳しくは ここ と ここ)
The legendary moon-reflecting Obasute Rice Terraces have been designated as a Japan Heritage site. Haiku masters such as Matsuo Basho and Kobayashi Issa traveled to Obasute just to see moon over the rice fields. Famed Ukiyoe artist Hiroshige made one of his wood block prints depicting the moon rising over the terraces. Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs recognized the important moon-viewing heritage of Obasute, and added it to it's highly selective list of Japan Heritage sites.
The Obasute Rice Terraces are 10 minutes by car from Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada and our inn, Kamesei Ryokan. Our owner is one of the guides for the Obasute Night View Tour, so please come and see one of Japan's newest Heritage Sites yourself!