悔しかったのは、高遠のお客さんの約半分が中国人だった。他言語パンフやアナウンスがあったし。森の杏の海外からのお客さんが0に近い。何、この違い⁈ 高遠は中央高速道路に近いから?中国人は杏の花を喜ぶと思いますが。
Takato Castle cherry blossoms. Currently at 80% of full bloom. So many visitors from overseas. Why not at Mori "Apricot Village", too?
親孝行で杏の里へ Taking the Parents to see the Apricot Blossoms at Mori "Apricot Village"
2015.04.06: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, グルメFoodie上田城の千本桜が1週間早くで満開! Ueda Castle's Sakura in Full Bloom 1 Week Early
2015.04.05: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Naganoもう、春だ!森「あんずの里」が満開! Spring is Here! Mori's Famous Apricot Blossoms in Full Bloom!
2015.04.04: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano森「日本一杏の里」、上の方のスケッチパーク辺りも満開
The famous apricot blossoms of nearby Mori are in full bloom. Spring is finally here!
I stopped by today on the way to drop off some guests, and was surprised to see the blossoms in full bloom. Just 2 days ago, they were just starting. It's as if someone turned on a switch.
Weather this afternoon was nice and warm. From the evening, though, a strong wind picked up and rain is expected overnight. Our poor apricot blossoms! Everyone, please come to see them as soon as you can!