2022年度 戸倉上山田温泉の夏まり・千曲川花火大会 開催予定 Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada 2022 Summer Festival Schedule

2022.06.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸倉上山田温泉の夏祭りと千曲川花火大会は3年ぶりに開催決定なのでカレンダーに入れましょう♪ Togura Kamiyamada’s Onsen Summer Festival and Chikuma River Fireworks will both be held for the first time in 3 years, so mark your calendar!

千曲川に反射する花火 Fireworks reflecting on the Chikuma River

2022年千曲川花火大会8月7日 2022 Chikuma River Fireworks 07-August

第91回信州千曲市千曲川納涼煙火大会が2022年8月7日(日)午後7時半〜9時まで開催。我が亀清旅館から川辺(土手)まで徒歩5分。かなり迫力のある花火です。打上げ数がなんと10,000発!近くから見えますから真上で光る様な感覚。そして音は周辺の山から響くし。グランフィナーレの万葉橋の「ナイヤガラ」が格別。 The 91st edition of Togura's Chikuma River Fireworks will be held on Sunday 07-August 7:30-9pm.  The riverside viewing area is a short 5 minute walk from our inn Kamesei Ryokan.  This is a stunning pyrotechnical display with over 10,000 fireworks launched.  From the river bank the explosions seem to happen practically overhead, with the flashes reflecting on the surface of the Chikuma River and the sound reverberating off the surrounding hills.  The grand finale includes an awe-inspiring "Niagara" of fireworks extending the length of Manyo Bridge.

詳しく Details

土手に並ぶ屋台 Festival food stalls
万葉橋の「ナイヤガラ」 Manyo Bridge “Niagara”

ギャル神輿が輝く Popular "Gal" omikoshi

2022年上山田温泉夏祭り9月18日に延期 2022 Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival postponed to 18-September

コロナの影響で2022年度の上山田温泉夏祭りは海の日の連休から9月18日日(日)に延期。若連のお神輿と勇獅子と冠着太鼓がいつもの様に燃えます♪ Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival normally takes place on the Marine Day holiday weekend in July, but this year it will be held on Sunday 18-September instead.  The energetic Omikoshi (portable shrines), massive Shishi Lion and Kamuriki Taiko Drummers will be as explosive as always. 

戸倉セツブンソウ群生地: 可愛らしいお花で春の合図 Setsubun-so Wildflowers: Cute Sign of Spring

2022.03.09: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸倉駅の裏山(戸倉宿キティーパーク、別名「天狗公園」)にセツブンソウの群生地がある。「春の妖精」と呼ばれているセツブンソウは雪が融けると咲いて来ます。可愛らしい2〜3cm 白雪の花びらに鮮やかな黄色と紫色の中心部と言うエレガントな彩りさ。暖地で2月上旬に咲いて「節分草」お言われているが、この辺の標高が高くて雪が3月まで残る事が多くて一か月遅れです。(注: 2022年は雪が特に多かったために3月12日の週末から見ごろになりそうです。) 戸倉の群生地が長野県下最大級の広さだそうです。

Setsubun-so (Eranthis pinnatifida “winter aconite”) is a cute harbinger of winter. The wildflower’s tiny (2-3cm) snowy white petals contrast with the purple and yellow stamens to form an elegant color combination. In warmer climates it blooms around Setsubun, the change in seasons around February 3rd, hence the flower’s name. Here at our elevation the snow doesn’t melt until early March so Setsubun-so blooms a month later. (Note: for 2022 there’s been an unusually large snowfall so prime viewing won’t start until around the weekend of March 12th.)

戸倉キティパークの駐車場から徒歩750m、約20分 From the Togura Kitty Park parking lot, 750 meters, approximately 20 minutes on foot
途中の自在山神社と樹齢400年の天狗の松 Jizaisan Shrine and its 400-year old Tengu pine tree

戸倉上山田温泉の桜名所、中央公園も満開; 花見の知らせ Main Sakura Spot for Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, Chuo Park, in Full Bloom

2015.04.07: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons



As you probably know, cherry trees are called 'Sakura' in Japanese. But have you heard of 'Yozakura'? Sakura lit up at night ('yoru').  The park behind Kamesei Ryokan, Chuo Park, is the main Sakura spot for our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.  The Ladies Guild has lanterns put up, creating the perfect Yozakura ambience.  This weekend, April 10-12, the guild members will set up a tent and serve warm food and cold beer for the hanami (flower viewing) revelers.  Won't you come join the fun?

戸倉上山田温泉・中央公園の夜桜 Yozakura (Cherry Blossoms Lit Up at Night), Togura-Kamiyamada.

戸倉上山田温泉・中央公園の夜桜 Yozakura (Cherry Blossoms Lit Up at Night), Togura-Kamiyamada.