For Summer 2023, take advantage of some regional discounts for special pricing on staying here at Kamesei Ryokan. Shinshu-Wari for June, and Chikuma-Wari for July and August.

千曲市の独自の割引制度「ちくま割り」で平日はお1人3000円引き、週末は1500円引きでお泊りできます。どなたでも対象となります。期間は2023年7月1日から8月31日までです。我が亀清旅館は枠が限られていますので、最近できた露天風呂付きの客室に皆様に是非にともって頂きたいので、露天風呂付き部屋のご予約限定させて頂きます。ご予約は亀清旅館のHPから 離れ風和室「子宝」 又は 風呂前和室「陶」。備考欄に「ちくま割でお願い」と書いて頂けたらこちらで手続きいたします。
Chikuma City's "Chikuma-Wari" discount is good for 3000 yen off per person per weeknight, 1500 yen off for weekend/holiday. The discount takes effect from 01-July to 31-August, 2023. The offer is limited in number and we really want guests to try our new Deluxe Rooms with private shower and private outdoor onsen bath, so we will offer the Chikuma-Wari discount for guests reserving those Deluxe rooms via our website only (just write "Chikuma-Wari" in the comment section).

Nagano Prefecture's version of Zenkoku-wari runs through 30-June, 2023. You get up to 3000 yen off as well as coupons to use anywhere in Nagano. You must be a resident of Japan to qualify. As with the above-mentioned Chikuma-Wari, we have a limited number available so will accept Zenkoku-wari for reservations for our Deluxe Rooms only. Reservations can be made through our website -- mention "Zenkoku-wari" in the comment section.
この夏はご褒美で亀清旅館の露天風呂付き客室で是非にごゆっくりと過ごしてください。この得の割引でお財布にも優しいです。Give yourself a break this summer and indulge yourself with a stay at one of Kamesei Ryokan's Deluxe Rooms. And give your wallet a break at the same time!