Happy New Years 2013! 2013年にてハッピーニューイヤー!

2013.01.01: 季節 Seasons


手作り客室庭 (客室「弥生」の庭に滝を作ってみた)
滝シャワーツアー (オプショナルツアーを増やしたくて、夏の暑さに対応して戸倉上山田温泉から車・ハイキングで約20分の滝シャワーツアーを計画中)
客室改造 (今年度はさらに2ヶ所のトイレ改造の予定)
長野トップ100温泉調査 (友人が長野県のトップ100温泉を紹介する英語の本を書いていて、私が一生懸命手伝っている)
長野アルプス登り (信州は自然で恵まれて、夏は子供達を連れて白馬でトレッキングしてきた)
地元の農園を深くに (農家さん達と良くなって、なるべく地元の食材を生かせるように)
亀清のおもてなしの2人 (若旦那と若女将の17回目結婚記念日)
上山田の果実 (杏、葡萄、リンゴ、果実狩り豊の上山田)
貸切風呂の庭に静かのオオバナエンレイソウ (しなの風呂の庭の植物が馴染んできた。)

Happy New Year from all of us at Kamesei Ryokan to all of you.
Here at Kamesei, it has become our New Years tradition to send out greeting cards in thanks to all of the guests who stayed at our inn in the previous year. This year's card features this picture collage. Explanation as follows:
Thanks for a Year’s Worth of Memories.

Hand-made guestroom garden (Guestroom 'Yayoi' with a new, hand-made waterfall in its garden)
More media (with NHK's Yohji Tanaka for their Chikuma River Travels program),
Waterfall tour (a tentative new optional tour we hope to provide for our guests in the summer)
Guestroom improvements (with 2 more guestrooms scheduled to be remodelled this fiscal year)
Researching Nagano’s Top 100 Onsens (helping a buddy write a book about Nagano Prefecture's many great onsens)
Climbing the Alps (last summer our family took advantage of Nagano's majestic mountains and climbed the Hakuba Range)
Deep into local farms (connecting with the local farmers to provide fresh produce for our guests)
Kamesei’s friendly duo (Mari and I celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary)
Kamiyamada’s fruits (apricots, grapes, apples -- fruit picking at its best)
Quiet trillium for our Shinano bath (our new private onsen bath's garden is starting to come into its full shape)


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