飛田さんの美味しいリンゴジュースを亀清で販売 Tobita-san's Delicious Apple Juice Available at Kamesei

2011.02.28: 季節 Seasons

Tobita-san's Pride and Joy Apple Juice



This season's apple juice is now available. I went to Crown Farm to pick up some cases of Tobita-san's just-bottled apple juice.

I have to say, there is something different about the air in the apple orchards. You can just feel the freshness and cleanliness as you breathe it in. This must be one of the reasons apples taste so delicious. And hence, why the apple juice is so great, too.

We have Tobita-san's apple juice in 1 liter bottles on sale at our front desk here at Kamesei Ryokan for 600 yen each. How about taking home with you a bit of Nagano's natural goodness?

クラウン農園のHPはこちらClick here for Crown Farm's website.


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